OOP Homework 1 --- Due 9/26 before class Please email your solutions to Anupam Nandan at anupam.nandan@nyu.edu. Be sure to use "OOP HW1 Solution" as the subject line. Assignment 1 (10 Points): Identify all language constructs in our translator's source language, i.e., the restricted version of Java specified on the course home page, which introduce a new programming language scope. Your list should start with classes: The body of class declarations ... Assignment 2 (20 Points): Write an xtc tool named after yourself, which is contained in a single source file and in the default package. E.g., I would submit a file "ThomasWies.java", which contains NO package declaration and a single public class "ThomasWies" that extends xtc.util.Tool. Write a small tool that reads in code written in our translator's source language and, for each static scope, prints Enter scope at :: upon entering the scope and prints Exit scope at :: upon exiting the scope. Your tool should liberally reuse existing xtc facilities, i.e., you will lose points for reimplementing existing functionality. You need to hand in your source code, an example input file, and your tool's output on that file, which should demonstrate that your tool works and is complete.