CSCI-GA.3033-121 (Special Topic)
Programming Parallel Algorithms
Spring 2025

60 Fifth Ave, Room C15
Mondays 10:15am–12:15pm
Instructor: Sam Westrick
Office Hours: TBD


This course considers the challenge of converting high-level algorithmic ideas into efficient parallel code. We will see how this challenge is greatly simplified by modern programming languages and programming techniques, especially functional programming techniques which make it possible to quickly develop efficient, scalable, and correct implementations. Students will learn how to design, analyze, implement, and evaluate the performance of parallel algorithms across a variety of problem domains (e.g., graph analysis, computational geometry, numerical algorithms, image processing, etc.). In the second half of the course, students will complete a parallel programming project of their own design.

Prerequisites: CSCI-GA.2110 Programming Languages. Familiarity with functional programming and recursive programming techniques is helpful.

Topics include:


(Note: tentative—subject to change)

Week Date Lecture Notes Homework
0 Mon Jan 20 no lecture—MLK day (university holiday)
1 Mon Jan 27 introduction, parallel hardware, parallelism vs concurrency, parallel functional programming, MaPLe programming language, par, scheduling, (self-)speedup notes (pdf, md)

Recommended Reading:
Ch 2 Sec 1,2
Ch 7
Ch 8
hw1 released
2 Mon Feb 3 work and span, language-based cost model, recurrences, divide-and-conquer, reduce notes (pdf)

Recommended Reading:
Ch 2 Sec 3
Ch 26 Sec 1
Ch 28 Sec 4
hw1 due
hw2 released
3 Mon Feb 10 work efficiency, recurrences (cont.), contraction, parallel prefix sums, scan, sequences hw2 due
hw3 released
4 Tue Feb 18 (Note: lecture Tue instead of Mon)
parallel sorting and searching, order statistics
hw3 due
hw4 released
5 Mon Feb 24 trees, parallel ordered sets and tables/dictionaries, parallel augmented maps hw4 due
hw5 released
6 Mon Mar 3 graphs: undirected and directed, sparse representations, parallel traversals hw5 due
hw6 released
7 Mon Mar 10 graphs (cont.): parallel traversals, contraction hw6 due
8 Mon Mar 17 the parallel zoo: parallelism in Rust, Java, Go, ISPC, CUDA, Futhark, etc. project proposals due
Fri Mar 21 proposal revisions due (if applicable)
9 Mon Mar 24 no lecture—spring break
10 Mon Mar 31 advanced topics: fusion, eliminating intermediate allocation
11 Mon Apr 7 advanced topics: dynamic programming, bottom-up scheduling
12 Mon Apr 14 advanced topics: randomized parallel algorithms project checkpoint due
13 Mon Apr 21 advanced topics: on-the-fly concurrency and non-determinism, parallel hashing and hash tables
14 Mon Apr 28 advanced topics: scheduling by work-stealing
15 Mon May 5 project presentations projects due
Thu May 8 (Note: 10:00am–11:50am)
project presentations


Grading: homework assignments (50%), final project (50%)

Deadlines: All deadlines are at 5:00pm (eastern time) on the date listed in the schedule.

Late Submissions: 10% score penalty for each day late. Submissions will be not be accepted if they are submitted more than one week late.

Academic Integrity: Please review the department academic integrity policy. In this course, you are permitted to discuss assignments with other students as long as all discussion adheres to the following "whiteboard policy". Discussion may take place at a whiteboard (or on a scrap of paper, etc.), but no record of the discussion may be kept (all notes must be erased or discarded, no audio or video recording, etc.) and you must allow at least two hours to pass after the discussion before working on the assignment. Being able to recreate any solution from memory is considered proof that you actually understand the solution. If you collaborate with someone in this way on an assignment, you must list their name(s) in your submission. Copying solutions or any other work is a serious offense.

Accommodations: If you are in need of accommodations due to a disability or otherwise, please contact the instructor: s (dogoodt) we!stricluckk (a!t) nyrobotsu (do!t) ed!u


In the second half of the course, students will complete a self-directed programming project, responsible for half of their overall grade. The project can be completed individually, or in groups of two. The goal of the project is to develop a parallel application which achieves real parallel speedups.

Project proposals will be due halfway through the semester (please see the schedule). The specifics of the project are up to the students; the only requirements are (1) the project must be the students' original work, and (2) the project must have a significant parallel programming component, ideally demonstrating speedups on a real-world problem.

For the programming component of the project, we recommend using MPL (see below). However, if desired, another programming language can be used, with approval of the instructor. In the project proposal, students should clearly state what tools and programming language(s) they intend to use.


Homework assignments will use the MaPLe programming language, a high-level parallel programming language which offers a number of features making it simpler and safer to write efficient parallel code. The MaPLe language is based on Standard ML. Students do not need to already be familiar with MPL or Standard ML; we will introduce these as part of the course.


Slack. We'll use Slack for questions and discussions outside of lecture. An invite link will be sent at the beginning of the class.

Textbook. There is no required textbook. The content of this course is roughly based on the free textbook Algorithms: Parallel and Sequential, by Umut A. Acar and Guy Blelloch.

Learning MaPLe. We will introduce this language as part of the course. If you would like to get a head start, we recommend taking a look at mpl-tutorial, especially the first few sections (Hello World, Parallelism and Granularity Control, and Trees). A number of programming examples are available here and here. MaPLe is based on Standard ML. To familiarize yourself with the syntax we recommend this guide.

Compute Servers. Courant has a number of compute servers available for students to use for assignments, research, etc. For this course we recommend students use the following machines, each of which has 32 cores (64 threads) and 256GB of memory.

Information about accessing these servers is available here. You will need a CIMS account. If you do not already have a CIMS account, please follow the instructions here. We recommend adding the following to your local SSH configuration, replacing YOUR_CIMS_USERNAME with your CIMS account name. This is usually the same as your NYU NetID.

Host cims-access
Host cims-crunchy1
  ProxyCommand ssh cims-access nc 22

You can similarly add configurations for the other machines,, etc. You should then be able to log into a crunchy server like so:

$ ssh cims-crunchy1