SpyTime --- data generation

SpyTime homepage

Downloading the generation program

    The program to generate the data is in KSQL used by KDB, a database system developed by Kx, Systems. You can download it from their website.

    The KSQL script to generate the data can be download here.

    After you download the KDB for your platform, run the script as follow:

K db gen.t

    This will generate a CSV file spytime.csv in the same directory, you can convert it into your favorite database system.

    Type // to exit from KDB.

 Description of Programs

    You can change the default parameters by editing the generation script, and run the script again. The default parameters used are:

    Range of valid time interval and average length, in days, of the intervals.

    Range of transaction time interval and average length, in days, of the intervals.

If you have problems, please contact yunyue@cs.nyu.edu

Last updated April,2001