Dennis Shasha
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Department of Computer Science
New York University
Jason Wang
Department of Computer Science
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Kaizhong Zhang
Department of Computer Science
University of Western Ontario
A schedule is a special case of a partial order. This software applies to all partial orders, but we continue to use the word schedule for the sake of concreteness. Other possible applications include ontology matching and in general hierarchy comparison.
The problem is to reconcile the two schedules. Our definition of reconcilation is to find as few edges as possible to remove from either S1 or S2 to render the two schedules consistent. Informally, consistency means that if one schedule insists on ordering task A before B then the other schedule does not insist on ordering B before A. Formally, consistency means that there is some total order of the tasks that both can agree on. An equivalent formal definition is that two schedules are consistent if combining them introduces no cycles.
This problem was inspired by listening to the presentation of "Behavioral matchmaking for service retrieval: application to conversation protocols," by Juan Carlos Corrales, Daniela Grigori, Mokrane Bouzeghoub and published in BDA 2006. The authors use a different matching criterion.
Whereas this software is a form of graph matching, it makes strong use of transitivity. If you are interested in graph comparison without that assumption, please see our package for graph comparison.
You can also find a software package (GraphGrep)
to search for a query graph in a database of graphs here.
The approximate schedule matcher runs in a high performance interpreted environment called K.
Often, having the option to remove dependencies from either schedule will reduce the total number of dependencies it is necessary to remove. For example suppose S1 has edges from A to B, B to C, A to D, and D to C, whereas S2 has an edge from C to A. If one restricts removals to come from S1 as in the call k schedmatch S1, then one will have to remove two edges from S1 to get compatibility (e.g. A to B and A to D). By contrast, if one calls k schedmatch then one needs to remove only the C to A edge from S2.
The dependency distance is defined as the minimum number of dependency edges to remove from one or two schedules to make them consistent. For example, consider the following two schedules denoted bob and alice. (Recall that schedule names should consist of alphabetic characters and numbers only.)
bob|A|B bob|B|C bob|C|D bob|B|E bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|A|B alice|B|C alice|D|C alice|B|E alice|D|E alice|G|DSchedule bob requires event A to precede B, B to precede C, and so on up to F precedes D. Schedule alice requires A to precede B, B to precede C, and so on up to G precedes D. These are in the file schedin. We will illustrate the result from four different calls
Non-verbose mode gives just one solution. Add -v to commandline for verbose. Combined graph can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: ABFGEDC Deleted edges: C D bob|D E alice
This means that by removing the C to D dependency from Bob and the D to E dependency from Alice, we get at least one consistent ordering of tasks. An example is given: ABFGEDC.
The file schedout has the combined graph with these edges removed:
Consistent ordering: ABFGEDC Deleted edges: C D bob|D E alice bob_alice|A|B bob_alice|B|C bob_alice|B|E bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|D|C alice|G|DThe label on each edge in the combined graph says where the edge came from.
Verbose output Combined graphs can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: FGABECD Deleted edges: D C alice|D E alice Consistent ordering: AGBFCDE Deleted edges: D C alice|E D bob Consistent ordering: FGABDCE Deleted edges: C D bob|E D bob Consistent ordering: AGFBEDC Deleted edges: C D bob|D E alice
This gives different alternative edge removals that all consist of the smallest number of edges that need to be removed, as far as we have found. This is a heuristic so may not be exhaustive and may not yield the smallest number of edges, though it normally does. The file schedout has a new set of edges for each possibility.
Consistent ordering: ABFGEDC Deleted edges: C D bob|D E alice bob_alice|A|B bob_alice|B|C bob_alice|B|E bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|D|C alice|G|D Consistent ordering: ABFGECD Deleted edges: D C alice|D E alice bob_alice|A|B bob_alice|B|C bob_alice|B|E bob|C|D bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|G|D Consistent ordering: ABFGCDE Deleted edges: D C alice|E D bob bob_alice|A|B bob_alice|B|C bob_alice|B|E bob|C|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|D|E alice|G|D ...
Non-verbose mode gives just one solution. Add -v to commandline for verbose. Combined graph can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: FGABDEC Deleted edges: C D bob|E D bob
Verbose output Combined graphs can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: FGABECD Deleted edges: D C alice|D E aliceThese are the smallest number of edges that can be removed from the alice schedule alone to make the two graphs consistent. Even though a verbose output was requested, the program found only one minimal output.
Suppose one has three or more schedules and one wants to find the smallest number of edges to remove in order to find a consistent schedule. For example, let the input be this:
bob|A|B bob|B|C bob|C|D bob|B|E bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice|A|B alice|B|C alice|D|C alice|B|E alice|D|E alice|G|D carol|B|D carol|D|C carol|G|C carol|A|B ted|A|B ted|C|B ted|D|B ted|H|I
For the more-than-two schedule case, the only two possible calls are:
Non-verbose mode gives just one solution. Add -v to commandline for verbose. Combined graph can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: AFGHIBEDC Deleted edges: C B ted|C D bob|D B ted|D E aliceHere is schedout:
Consistent ordering: AFGHIBEDC Deleted edges: C B ted|C D bob|D B ted|D E alice bob_alice_carol_ted|A|B bob_alice|B|C bob_alice|B|E bob|E|D bob|A|D bob|F|D alice_carol|D|C alice|G|D carol|B|D carol|G|C ted|H|I
Verbose output Combined graphs can be found in schedout Consistent ordering: AFGHIBEDC Deleted edges: C B ted|C D bob|D B ted|D E alice Consistent ordering: HFGAIBDCE Deleted edges: C B ted|C D bob|D B ted|E D bob Consistent ordering: GFHAIDBCE Deleted edges: B D carol|C B ted|C D bob|E D bob
This work has been partly supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants IIS-0414763, DBI-0445666, N2010 IOB-0519985, N2010 DBI-0519984, DBI-0421604, and MCB-0209754. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. This support is greatly appreciated.