Copyright c 2004.07.23 Kx Systems

Q through examples: a primer

Dennis Shasha


Arthur Whitney has designed and personally built several languages. In every case, his avowed purpose has been to make the language as concise and expressive as possible. Except for the fact that q has English words for some primitives, q is perhaps the most concise and the most powerful yet. Whereas I don't share Arthur's love for brevity, I am a power addict. The fact that this language allows programmers to mix very powerful database primitives with a powerful programming language (including interprocess communication) and to execute at high speed makes it a wonderful achievement. Arthur, however, may be most proud of the fact that the executable is only 100 kilobytes. The guy is pretty awesome.

This primer is aimed at two audiences: K programmers who want to benefit from the large-scale data manipulation facilities of q; and new developers who seek high performance, expressability, and a powerful SQL dialect.

This primer was written by Dennis Shasha but freely plagiarizes the notes that Arthur Whitney has prepared and the KSQLP manual written by Don Orth in 2004.02.11. In addition, Tom Ferguson and Ed Bierly have provided some very helpful example scripts.

I attempt to present the essential features of q through simple examples, so please read the examples and surrounding commentary carefully. Try to execute the queries in your head as you read. I relegate interprocess communication, file input/output, interaction with other languages, performance issues, and a few other topics to the appendix. You can do lots of cool things with this language.

Getting Started

Once you download k4 (or q), you should be able to start the environment by typing the single letter q on a line by itself and hitting return.

Data Types

Atoms are single entities, e.g. a single number, a single character, a symbol. (The full set is bool, byte, short, int, long, real, float, char, sym, month, date, datetime, minute, second, and time as we will see those in examples.) A list is a sequence of atoms or other types including lists.
Examples A: Atom and List Formation
/ Note that comments begin with a slash "/" and cause the parser / to ignore everything up to the end of the line. / (The / operator is overloaded / however and has a different meaning if it follows a two argument operator. / We will see how.) x: `abc / x is the symbol `abc (a symbol is represented internally / as a number). y: (`aaa; `bbbdef; `c) / a list of three symbols y1: `aaa`bbbdef`c / another way to represent this list (no blanks / between symbols) y2: (`$"symbols may have interior blanks";`really;`$"truly!") y[0] / returns `aaa y 0 / juxtaposition eliminates the need for brackets / This also returns `aaa y 0 2 / returns `aaa `c as does y[0 2] z: (`abc; 10 20 30; (`a; `b); 50 60 61) / lists can be complex z 2 0 / returns (`a`b;`abc) / because z[2] is `a`b / and z[0] is `abc z[2;1] / returns `b / The second element of z[2] z[2 0] / returns `a / The first element of z[2] x: "palo alto" / a list of characters x 2 3 / gives "lo"
End of Examples A


Now that you have an idea of atoms and lists, let's advance to dictionaries. Recall from elementary algebra that a mathematical function has a domain and a range, where each element in the domain has a single corresponding element in the range. So, f(x) = x*x is a function because for every domain element (i.e., x value) there is a single f(x) value. Lists can be viewed as functions where the domain is a set of locations 0, 1, 2, ... and the range of a location is the list element at that location.

In q, the notion of function brings unity to many situations. As we just mentioned, list indexing is function application; user-defined functions (e.g. f:{[x] x*x} can be applied in the same way; dictionaries are a kind of function; and so are keyed tables. Here are the details.

Dictionaries are very much like lists except that the domain may be any set of unique elements rather than indexes. Create the dictionary by writing the domain then an exclamation point and then the range.

Examples B: Dictionary Formation and Access
fruitcolor: ((`cherry; `plum; `tomato) ! (`brightred; `violet; `brightred)) fruitcolor `plum / gives `violet stringfruit: (("cherry"; "plum"; "tomato") ! (`brightred; `violet; `brightred)) / so the domain can be a list of lists stringfruit "tomato" / returns `brightred / types can be mixed in the domain and the range. mixedfruit: ((13; `plum; "tomato") ! (`brightred; "violet"; "brightred")) mixedfruit `plum / returns "violet" mixedfruit "tomato" / returns "brightred" mixedfruit 13 / returns `brightred / Notice that if you put duplicate elements in the domain, the / indexing operator will find the entry of only the first of the duplicates. bad: ((13; `plum; "tomato"; `plum) ! (`brightred; `violet; "brightred"; `v)) bad `plum / returns `violet / Dictionaries are combined using "upsert" semantics. / An upsert will do an update if the keys match and otherwise / will do an insert. fruitcolor2: ((`grannysmith; `plum; `prune) ! (`green; `reddish; `black)) fruitcolor / returns `cherry`plum`tomato!`brightred`violet`brightred fruitcolor2 / returns `grannysmith`plum`prune!`green`reddish`black fruitcolor,fruitcolor2 / returns / `cherry`plum`tomato`grannysmith`prune!`brightred`reddish`brightred`green`black / You notice that plum has simply had its color updated, but / the other entries from fruitcolor2 are new.
End of Examples B

Tables from Dictionaries

A dictionary can be viewed as having a domain column and a range column. Pictorially, the domain is to the left of the range. For example, 13 `brightred `plum "violet" "tomato" "brightred" Because the range need not be a singleton, we could imagine a dictionary having list elements in the range, e.g., `name `tom`dick`harry `salary 30 30 35 The domain is `name and `salary The list `tom`dick`harry is the range element corresponding to `name. The list 30 30 35 is the range element corresponding to `salary

A table also has a domain and range, but in the case of a table, the domain is the set of column names and the range is the list of values of that column. Pictorially, the domain is above the range.

`name `salary `tom 30 `dick 30 `harry 35 To convert from a dictionary to a table, use the monadic (single argument) verb "flip". For this to work the range of each dictionary value must be a list as will be the case here.

Note: Understand the word flip as suggesting the swapping of columns for rows in the geometrical sense described here. If you like linear algebra, think matrix transposition. The reason this "flipped" representation is convenient is that we can index the table as if were an array. There are other advantages as well.

In addition, tables may have some columns (also known as fields) which are "key fields". These again form a domain for the non-key fields. So, these keyed tables are again dictionaries. In this case there are functional relationships from left to right (key fields to non-key fields) and from top to bottom (column names to column values). Given this pictorial understanding, we can now explore the syntax through examples.

Examples C: Table Formation and Access
/ I have a dictionary where the left column is the key / and the right column is a list of two vectors (each having three elements) d: (`name; `salary) ! ((`tom`dick`harry); (30 30 35)) / This returns (if we look through the http browser, see appendix) / name .. / salary .. e: flip d / names are domains and values are column / Again looking through the http browser: / name salary / ------------- / tom 30 / dick 30 / harry 35 e[1] / returns `name`salary!(`dick;30) the second row of the table. / Now try: select name from e select sum salary from e / Now let's look at the implications of having a key field. e2: e `name xkey `e2 / creates a key. / (Note that salary cannot be a key because 30 appears twice.) keys e2 / returns ,`name cols e2 / returns `name`salary!11 6h / The numbers to the right are the types of the columns cols e / returns `name`salary!11 6h edouble: e2+e2 / returns edouble / (+(,`name)!,`tom`dick`harry)!+(,`salary)!,60 60 70 / Note that all fields are updated. d3: (`name; `salary) ! ((`bob`alice`dick`ted); (130 15 235 11)) e3: flip d3 `name xkey `e3 ecombine: e3-e2 ecombine / returns / (+(,`name)!,`bob`alice`dick`ted`tom`harry)!+(,`salary)!,130 15 205 11 -30 -35 / Now let us say that we append information to e and to e2. `e insert(`dick;50) e / +`name`salary!(`tom`dick`harry`dick;30 30 35 50) / Tables can be formed directly as well. / We will start with non-keyed tables (thus the []). mytab:([]x: 1 2 3; y: 10 20 30) mytab / returns +`x`y!(1 2 3;10 20 30) where the + here means flip mytab.x / returns 1 2 3 mytab.y / returns 10 20 30 select x from mytab where y = 20 / returns +(,`x)!,,2 select x,y from mytab where y < 21 / returns +`x`y!(1 2;10 20) / These last two return tables, single and double column. / Sometimes we don't want to return a table, but some other type. / In that case, we use the verb exec exec x from mytab where y < 21 / returns 1 2 directly / Here are two create table statements. / Both have columns a and b as keys, as indicated by the brackets. / The closing right bracket omits the need for a / semi-colon. t:([a:2 3 4 5; b:30 40 30 40] c:10 20 30 40) u:([a:2 3 2 3; b:30 30 40 40] c:4 2 8 9) / t returns (+`a`b!(2 3 4 5;30 40 30 40))!+(,`c)!,10 20 30 40 / Thus it's like two tables with the left one being the domain. t-u / returns / (+`a`b!(2 3 4 5 3 2;30 40 30 40 30 40))!+(,`c)!,6 11 30 40 -2 -8 / The first entry in the result of substracting 10-4. / The second is 20-9. In both cases the keys match. / The next two entries (4;30) and (5;40) are present only in t. / The last two are present only in u. z: 0!t / eliminates the keys from t / This is rarely but is sometimes useful.
End of Examples C


Now that we know about how to form and access the basic data types, it's time to do things with them. Part of the beauty of q is that you can use the appropriate tool for the appropriate problem. If data and complex querying is your problem then you use tables, but when you need to do complex calculations, you take the data out and manipulate it using very powerful primitives on atoms, lists, and dictionaries. You might think there is nothing new in this. After all, Java + SQL is also a Turing complete system so can do the same. In principle.

In practice though, q has three advantages:

1. All these data types coexist in the same process, so there is no overhead in going from one to the other.

2. The non-table primitives in q (as well as K) apply to atoms (scalars) as well as entire lists and dictionaries, so the code is much shorter. In contrast, Java primitives apply to scalars.

3. Arthur is a speed freak so the code is very fast, often by orders of magnitude.

Let's start with the operations on atoms and lists. The first set of examples shows that many operations apply to two atoms, an atom and a list, or two lists of the same length.

Examples D: Operations on Atoms and Lists
x: 5 x / returns 5 y: 6 x+y / returns 11 x,: 9 2 -4 / returns a type error because x is not a list so concatentation / is not well defined. x: enlist x x / returns ,5 which means the list having the single element 5 x,: 9 2 -4 / now it works x / returns 5 9 2 -4 (we don't need the initial comma because / any entity having several elements must be a list. x+y / returns 11 15 8 2 (result of adding 6 to each element here) z: x*y / form the product z / returns 30 54 12 -24 z + 3 2 4 1 / gives 33 56 16 -23 by element by element addition / Operations are processed in right to left order. / Others think of operations as being evaluated in left OF right / order (by analogy to sum of f(x)). / Whichever way you think of it, there is no operator precedence, / only position precedence. Thus, 5 * 4 - 4 / returns 0, first do 4 - 4 and then multiply that result by 5.
End of Examples D

Here are some other "dyadic" (two argument) operations that can apply to atoms or lists in the same set (atom op atom; atom op list; list op atom; list op list if the same length).

a+b Plus a-b Minus a*b Times a%b Divide a=b Equal a>b More a<b Less a|b Or (Max) a&b And (Min)

Note that division is a percent sign. (The reason is that / is reserved for other purposes.) Here are some "monadic" (single argument) operators:

neg b Negate (render negative) not b (equal zero) abs b Absolute Value floor b (integer part)
Examples E: Mostly Boolean Operators
floor 3.2 / returns 3 floor -3.2 / returns -4 x: 3 2 6 3 y: 7 1 4 6 x < y / returns 1001b because 3 < 7 (first positions of / x compared to first of y) / 2 < 1 is false, 6 < 4 is false and 3 < 6 is true / So true is 1b and false is 0b. x: "algebras" y: "calculus" x > y / returns 01010100b because "a" > "c" is false, "l" > "a" is true etc. / You may notice that there is no notion of >= or <=. / The expression x <= y can be simulated by not x > y. not x > y / returns 10101011b / The | gives the maximum no matter what the domain, so x | y / returns "clleurus" x & y / returns "aagcblas" / The max and min also apply to boolean results, e.g. (x > y) | (x < y) / returns 11111110b (x > y) & (x < y) / returns 00000000b
End of Examples E
Other operators deserve special mention. The function "in" determines whether each item of the left argument list is among the items of the right argument list. It returns a boolean array. The function "where" finds the positions in a boolean array where the boolean value is 1. ("where" has other purposes, but this is the main one.)
Examples F: in, where, indexing
x: 3 5 6 7 8 y: 6 8 7 2 4 13 6 y in x / returns 1110001b, because 6, 8, 7 and then 6 are in x. where y in x / returns 0 1 2 6, the indexes of the y elements that are in x. / Now we can explicitly find the elements of y that are in x: y[where y in x] / 6 8 7 6 / This is a form of set intersection. In fact we may not want any duplicates. distinct y[where y in x] / returns 6 8 7
End of Examples F
As we are starting to develop some expressions of non-trivial length, it is time to show how to define procedures that embody those expressions. Forming a procedure is like assigning an expression (in programming language terminology, a "lambda expression") to a variable. Because set manipulation occurs all over most application, we define set primitives first.
Examples G: Procedures
/ the [x;y] indicates the name of the arguments (the formal parameters) / The monadic operator distinct removes duplicates from a list. intersect:{[x;y] distinct y[where y in x]} a: 4 2 6 4 3 5 1 b: 3 5 4 6 7 2 8 9 intersect[a;b] / returns 3 5 4 6 2 / Next we define a function that determines whether one list / is a subset of the next. / The function min returns the minimum element of a vector. / If a boolean vector, then min will return 1 only if all boolean / elements are 1. subset:{[x;y] min x in y} subset[a;b] / returns 0b subset[a;a] / returns 1b c: `a`b`a`b`d`e / remember no spaces in symbol lists d: `b`d`a`e`f subset[c;d] / returns 1b subset[d;c] / returns 0b / Set difference is the discovery of all elements in a first list / that are not in a second. / This function produces a boolean vector of the elements in x / that are in y (x in y). / Flips the bits so 1 goes to 0 and 0 goes to 1 (not x in y). / Then it finds the locations of those bits (where not x in y). / Finally, it indexes x with those locations. difference:{[x;y] x[where not x in y]} difference[c;d] /returns 0#` because there is no such element difference[d;c] / returns ,`f because f alone is in d but not in c.
End of Examples G
Now we resume our exploration of other functionality. Suppose we want to create a basic set of statistical procedures: average, variance, standard deviation, and correlation.
Examples H: Statistical functions
var:{[x] (avg[x*x]) - (avg[x])*(avg[x])} std:{[x] sqrt[var[x]]} a: 4 3 6 13 1 32 8 std[a] / returns 9.839529
End of Examples H
The built in primitives avg and sqrt are joined by other familiar ones: log exp count sum prd min max. There are also two nice string operators: like and ss. The operator like determines whether a string matches a pattern. The operator ss finds the positions of a pattern.
Examples I: String Identification
a: "We the people of the United States" a like "people" / returns 0b because people doesn't match the whole string a like "*people*" / returns 1b because the * is a wildcard. a ss "the" / returns 3 17 which are the positions where the word "the" starts a ss "e " / returns position where e is the final letter before a blank / Note however that to find "e" alone (or any other single character), you / have to do: where a = "e"
End of Examples I

There are a number of other important monadic functions: null, string, first, reverse, key, and group. The null procedure determines which elements of a list are nulls. The string function converts a symbol to a string (do this only if you have to as symbols are far more efficient). The first function returns the first element of a list (or the domain of a dictionary or the first row of a table). The reverse function reverses a list. The key function is a way to generate a sequence of numbers. The group function on a vector returns a dictionary whose domain is the list of unique elements in the vector and whose range is a list of their positions.

Examples J: Important Monadic functions
zz: (0%0; 4 % 0; 4; 0; -3 % 0) zz / returns (0n;0w;4;0;-0w) where 0n is for 0 divided by 0, / 0w is positive infinity and -0w is negative infinityo null zz / returns 10000b because positive and negative infinity are fine values string `ILoveNY / returns "ILoveNY" reverse string `ILoveNY / returns "YNevoLI" key 15 / returns 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 reverse key 15 / returns 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 z: 50+ key 5 z / returns 50 51 52 53 54 zdup: z, reverse z / Note that the comma is concatenation. zdup / returns 50 51 52 53 54 54 53 52 51 50 group zdup / returns a directory with the unique elements / of zdup in the domain and their positions in the range / 50 51 52 53 54!(0 9;1 8;2 7;3 6;4 5) d: (`name; `salary) ! ((`tom`dick`harry); (30 30 35)) first d / returns `tom`dick`harry key d / returns `name`salary e: flip d / names are domains and values are column first e / returns `name`salary!(`tom;30) `name xkey `e key e / returns +(,`name)!,`tom`dick`harry
End of Examples J
There are also a few other very common binary operators (you may have noticed that only the monadic operators are English words; the binary ones are normally just keyboard characters).
The ~ operator asks whether two entities have the same contents.
The , operator concatenates two lists.
The where operator (usually) finds the indices where a boolean list has the value 1b.
The _ operator drops elements of a list.
The # operator selects elements of a list.
The ? operator finds the positions of elements of a list.
The ? operator is overloaded to generate random numbers.
The bin operator supports binary search.
Examples K: Binary (dyadic) operators
x: 2 4 3 5 y: 2 5 3 4 x = y / returns a boolean vector 1010b x ~ y / returns 0b because these are not identical z: 2 4 3 5 x ~ z / returns 1b because contents are identical z,z,y,z / returns 2 4 3 5 2 4 3 5 2 5 3 4 2 4 3 5 the concatenation w: z, (2*z), (3*y) w / returns 2 4 3 5 4 8 6 10 6 15 9 12 5 _ w / returns 8 6 10 6 15 9 12 dropping the first 5 numbers -5 _ w / returns 2 4 3 5 4 8 6 having dropped the last 5 numbers a: "We the people of the United States" a = " " / returns 0010001000000100100010000001000000b ii: where a = " " / finds the positions of the blanks / Note that the where operator finds the positions where there is 1b. ii _ a / returns (" the";" people";" of";" the";" United";" States") / That is a list where each element is the part of the list between / one blank and the next. 5 # a / returns "We th" (-5) # a / returns "tates" (the last 5) 7 # "abc" / returns "abcabca" a ? "p" / returns 7 which is the first position with a "p" a ? "ptb" / returns 7 3 34 because 7 is the first position of "p" / 3 is the first position of "t" / and "b" is never present so its position is the length of the string / which is 34. / When the left object is a scalar and the right number is a scalar / we can generate random numbers that can be float: 7 ? 5.2 / generates 7 numbers between 0 and 5.2 / returns 0.9677783 4.321816 3.661838 2.394824 2.102985 0.9226833 2.556388 / or whole numbers 9 ? 18 / returns 15 1 1 8 6 11 10 8 9 / We can also take elements from a list 7 ? `cain`abel`job`isaac / returns `job`job`abel`abel`job`cain`isaac evens: 2 * key 20 evens / returns 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 evens bin 4 / returns 2 because 4 is at position 2 evens bin 5 / also returns 2 because 5 < 6 which is at the next position
End of Examples K

Operations on Dictionaries

When discussing the binary operations so far, we've concentrated on what could be done with atoms and lists. Now let's see what can be done with dictionaries and tables. The basic idea is that for every domain element the dictionaries have in common, "atomic" binary operators apply to the corresponding range lists. (An atomic binary operator applies to two atoms, to an atom and a list, and element-by-element on two lists of equal length. Arithmetic operations are atomic in q.) Other domain elements are present in the result but are otherwise unchanged.
Examples L: Some Binary Operations on Dictionaries
schoolfriends: ((`bob`ted`carol`alice) ! (23 28 30 24)) rockfriends: ((`sue`steve`alice`bob`allan)!(19 19 24 23 34)) / multiplication applies to each element of the domain 2*rockfriends / returns sue`steve`alice`bob`allan!38 38 48 46 68 / for each common element in the domain, the range parts are added. schoolfriends+schoolfriends / returns `bob`ted`carol`alice!46 56 60 48 / Same as above and in addition there is a union of the domains. / So bob and alice are doubled, but everyone else goes in as they were / in the base dictionaries. schoolfriends+rockfriends / returns `bob`ted`carol`alice`sue`steve`allan!46 28 30 48 19 19 34 schoolfriends = rockfriends / returns `bob`ted`carol`alice`sue`steve`allan!(1b;();();1b;();();()) / There is an empty list here when no comparison is possible. / Note that in spite of the fact that bob and alice / are in different positions in the two dictionaries, the fact that / they have the same value is recognized. / for keys in common, append the lists. / for others, just have singleton lists. / We discuss the notation ,' in the Adverbs section. schoolfriends ,' rockfriends / returns `bob`ted`carol`alice`sue`steve`allan!(23 23;,28;,30;24 24;,19;,19;,34)
End of Examples L


Just as English has a notion of verb (e.g. "run") and a modifier to a verb ("quickly") known as an adverb, so does q. Every vector language needs adverbs because one doesn't always want list op list to mean element-by-element application of op (for atomic functions) or whole list op whole list (for non-atomic ones). There are three adverbs: each, eachleft and eachright.
Examples M: Adverbs
x: 10 30 20 40 y: 13 34 25 46 x,y / returns 10 30 20 40 13 34 25 46 x,'y / (each) returns (10 13;30 34;20 25;40 46) that is, a list of pairs x,\: y / (each left) returns a list of each element from x with all of y. / (10 13 34 25 46;30 13 34 25 46;20 13 34 25 46;40 13 34 25 46) x,/: y / (each right) returns a list of all the x with each element of y / (10 30 20 40 13;10 30 20 40 34;10 30 20 40 25;10 30 20 40 46) xdrop: 1 _ x / drops the first element xdrop / returns 30 20 40 ydrop: -2 _ y / drops the last two elements ydrop / returns 13 34 / Combine each left and each right to be a cross-product (cartesian product) xdrop,/:\: ydrop / returns ((30 13;30 34);(20 13;20 34);(40 13;40 34)) / So a cross-product combines each element from xdrop with each / each one from ydrop. / Because the above format may not be convenient there is a special / monadic operator that undoes a level of nesting: "raze" raze xdrop,/:\: ydrop / returns (30 13;30 34;20 13;20 34;40 13;40 34) / Sometimes a function is meant to be applied to each element of a list. / That is, it is monadic with respect to each element of the list. reverse (1 2 3 4;"abc") / reverses the two elements of this list: / returns ("abc";1 2 3 4) each[reverse](1 2 3 4;"abc") / reverses each list within this pair / returns (4 3 2 1;"cba") reverse each (1 2 3 4;"abc") / returns the same (4 3 2 1;"cba") / Here is an example that shows how you can use your function with this. / Suppose we want to compute a random selection of the elements rockroll: `i`love`rockandroll / for each element of a numerical list, e.g. numlist: 4 7 3 2 / We define a function myrand:{[n] n ? rockroll} / Then we can apply myrand to each element of numlist. myrand each numlist / one output: (`rockandroll`rockandroll`love`rockandroll;`i`i`love`love`i ... / The point is that it creates a list for each element in numlist. / The fact that this function performs on each element is why this is / called each.
End of Examples M

Table Operations: the SQL dialect

Whereas q is an improvement over K in several ways (e.g. the monadic operators are no longer overloaded thus reducing ambiguity), its major benefit is that it gives tight integration with table functionality. This section assumes you have some some familiarity with SQL. Q provides a powerful dialect of SQL that is currently missing some features but has other unique and powerful ones. Note that the first line of SQL statements must be outdented and the rest must be indented.

The basic syntax is:

select .. by .. from .. where ..

As of this writing (July 2004), the from clause contains only one table, but this does not prevent joins from happening, provided they are foreign key joins. To understand foreign keys, please consider the following example. A publisher has many authors. It holds author information in one table: author(authorid, name, address) where authorid is the key. Each author may have several books in print. book(bookid, authorid, ...) where bookid and authorid together are a key (so that we can handle the case that a book has several authors and that an author has written several books). Now, the publisher wants to send notices, checks, reviews and other good news about a book to its authors. For this to be possible, every authorid in the book table must have an entry in the author table. We say that "author.authorid is a foreign key for book.authorid". It's foreign because it's in another table and it's a key because authorid is a key of the author table (i.e. no two rows can have the same authorid).

With that understanding, we can present the following script:

Examples N: Key tables
/ Unfortunately, this example must be loaded as a file. / So copy it to a file, say foo.q. / Be careful to keep the indentations. / First line must not be indented; others must be.; others must be. / Then type / q foo.q / Reason: indents don't work within the interactive window as of July 2004. / Remember that keys are surrounded by brackets author:([author:`king`hemingway`flaubert`lazere`shasha] address: `maine`expat`france`mamaroneck`newyork; area: `horror`suffering`psychology`journalism`puzzles) book:([book:`forwhomthebelltolls`oldmanandthesea`shining`secretwindow`clouds`madambovary`salambo`outoftheirminds] language: `english`english`english`english`english`french`french`english; numprintings: 3 5 4 2 2 8 9 2) / Here we indicate that the author firld is a foreign key from the table / author and book from the table book. (You should use the name of those / tables for the joins to work). / If we wished, we could also surround the two fields author and book / by brackets to indicate that they are keys. bookauthor:([] author:`author$`hemingway`hemingway`king`king`king`flaubert`flaubert`shasha`lazere; book:`book$`forwhomthebelltolls`oldmanandthesea`shining`secretwindow`clouds`madambovary`salambo`outoftheirminds`outoftheirminds; numfansinmillions: 20 20 50 50 30 60 30 0.02 0.02) / SQL 92: select * from bookauthor select from bookauthor / SQL 92: identical to this except that we use the symbol notation select numfansinmillions from bookauthor where book=`forwhomthebelltolls select author,numfansinmillions from bookauthor where book=`forwhomthebelltolls / Implicit join via the foreign key. / SQL92: / select, book.language / from bookauthor, book / where = / and numfansinmillions< 30 select author,book.language from bookauthor where numfansinmillions< 30 / Same idea, but note the outdented first line followed / by the indented later lines. / SQL92: / select, book.language, author.address / from bookauthor, book author / where = / and = / and author.area = "psychology" select author,book.language,author.address from bookauthor where author.area = `psychology / Notice that the distinct is to the left of the select. / SQL92: / select distinct, book.language, author.address / from bookauthor, book author / where = / and = / and author.area = "psychology" distinct select author,book.language,author.address from bookauthor where author.area = `psychology / Here we are doing implicit joins and also and implicit groupby / SQL92: / select book.language, sum(numfansinmillions) / from bookauthor, book / where = select sum numfansinmillions by book.language from bookauthor
End of Examples N

Q's Semantic Extensions to SQL

Q views tables as a set of named columns having order. (Because their data representation resembles arrays and their use of named columns suggests tables, I like to describe them using the neologism arrables, but I'll use table in the rest of this primer.) The order allows a class of very useful aggregates that are unavailable to the relational database programmer without the cumbersome and poorly performing temporal extensions.

Note: In these examples, we make use of uniform functions, both built-in (delta and mins) and user-created (myavgs). A uniform function applies to one or more lists of the same length L. The output list has length L. The arithmetic plus operator is uniform. Atomic operators like plus are special because the element at each position p of the output depends on the elements of the inputs at position p and on them alone. Uniform functions don't make that restriction. For example, consider the running minimum function the value of the running minimum function (mins) at position p depends on all elements of the input up to position p. Here is a table of the built-in uniform (and non-atomic operators in q) slightly simplified from Don Orth's manual:

Function Example Result --------------------------------------------------------------- sums sums 1 2 3 -4 5 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 7.00 deltas deltas 1 2 3 -4 5 1 1 1 -7 9 prds prds 1 2 3 -4 5 1.00 2.00 6.00 -24.00 -120.00 ratios ratios 1 2 3 -4 5 1.00 2.00 1.50 -1.33 -1.25 mins mins 1 2 3 -4 5 1 1 1 -4 -4 maxs maxs 1 2 3 -4 5 1 2 3 3 5

Copy the following to a file (e.g. frenchtrade.q) keeping indentations as is. Then invoke q on that file (e.g. q frenchtrade.q).

Examples O
/ Create a list of French stocks where name is the key. stock:([name:`Alcatel`Alstom`AirFrance`FranceTelecom`Snecma`Supra] industry:`telecom`engineering`aviation`telecom`aviation`consulting) / get a list of distinct stocks are there? stocks: distinct exec name from stock ns: count stocks n:10000 / stock is a foreign key foreign key. / We are taking n stocks at random. / Then n prices up to 100.0 at random, then n random amounts / then n random dates. trade:([]stock:`stock$n?stocks; price:n?100.0;amount:100*10+n?20;exchange:5+n?2.0;date:2004.01.01+n?449) / Sort these in ascending order by date. / We will need this to make the following queries meaningful. xasc[`date]`trade / Now find the dates when the price of Snecma went up / regardless of time of day. / The deltas function subtracts the previous value in a column with / the current one. select date from trade where stock=`Snecma, 0 < deltas price / Find the average price by day. aa: select aprice: avg price by date from trade where stock=`Snecma / An aside: Find the weighted average price by day where prices associated with / bigger trades have more weight. / wavg is a binary function that takes two columns as arguments: select wavg[amount; price] by date from trade where stock=`Snecma / Here is an infix form giving the same result. select amount wavg price by date from trade where stock=`Snecma / Find the dates when the average price went up / compared with the previous day. select date, aprice from aa where 0 < deltas aprice / Suppose we wanted to do the above but for every stock. / Basically we replace the where stock= part by putting stock / into the by clause. / First we get the average price for each stock and date. aaall: select aprice: avg price by stock, date from trade / Now find dates having rising prices for each stock / Note that stock is the key of each row and there is a vector / of dates and aprice associated with each stock. xx: select date, aprice by stock from aaall where 0 < deltas aprice / See which are those dates for Snecma (same as before) select date from xx where stock = `Snecma / See which are those dates for Alcatel select date from xx where stock = `Alcatel / Suppose that we do this on a monthly basis. / Note that the date arithmetic is very flexible and / that a field is created called month by default from the by clause. aaallmon: select aprice: avg price by stock, date.month from trade xxmon: select month, aprice by stock from aaallmon where 0 < deltas aprice select month from xxmon where stock = `Snecma / Here we do a compound statement. / The idea is to find the profit of the ideal transactions for each stock. / An ideal transaction is a buy on a day x followed by a sell on day y (x < y) / such that the sell - buy price is maximal. / To do this, we want to find the time when the difference between / the actual price and the minimum of all previous prices is greatest. / Read this as follows: compute the running minimum of prices. / This gives a vector v1 of non-increasing numbers. / Then consider the vector of prices v2. / Find the value where v2-v1 is maximum. bestprofit: select best: max price - mins price by stock from trade / ???? / In order for this to be actionable (assuming we / could relive the past), we would like to know the dates / when these trades took place. xmin: select date, mprice: mins price by stock from trade xprice: select date, price by stock from trade / I don't know how to put these together without joins. / The following may help: xminfirst: select fdate: first date by stock, mprice from xmin / xfound: select buydate:, selldate: date from xprice / where = price - xmin.mprice / ???? area ends here. / One of the very powerful features of q (shared with KSQL) is that / a programmer can add his own procedures to the SQL and things just work. / Let's start with something simple: mydouble:{[x] 2*x} select mydouble price from trade where stock = `Alcatel / Some functions can take several arguments. Suppose that we were / interested in the moving average of double the prices. myavg:{[x] (sum x) % (count x)} / Therefore, I invent a binary operator myavg and then take / the running averages ending at each point in the vector. / The vector is prefilled with n 0s. / Reasonable people may disagree about this initialization strategy. myavgs:{[n;vec] x: (n # 0), vec; each[myavg]x[n+(key (count vec)) -\: key n]} select myavgs[3; mydouble price] from trade where stock = `Alcatel / Or we could do this for every stock. select myavgs[3; mydouble price] by stock from trade / Even better, these procedures can go into any clause. select date by stock from trade where 70 < myavgs[3; mydouble price] select date by stock, myavgs[3; mydouble price] from trade / Functions can contain sql. The only limitation is that you / may not include field names in an argument. f:{[mytable] count select from mytable} f[stock] / returns 6 f[trade] / returns 10000 / The last featre we want to introduce is the fact that q / can store a vector in a field of a row. / This non-first normal form capability can contribute to performance. t: select date, price, amount by stock from trade / In the browser window this gives: / stock date price amount / ---------------------------------- / Alcatel .. .. .. / Alstom .. .. .. / AirFrance .. .. .. / FranceTelecom .. .. .. / Snecma .. .. .. / Supra .. .. .. / This means that we get a vector of dates for Alcatel as well / as a vector of prices and amounts. / Now monadic functions work using each meaning for each row. select stock, each[first] price from t select stock, first each price from t / these two are equivalent / Now suppose that for each stock, we want the volume weighted price. / That is a dyadic operator so the each becomes a ' select stock, amount wavg' price from t select stock, wavg'[amount;price] from t / these two are equivalent / We can go to higher level of valences by using the second syntax. f:{[x;y;z] (avg x)*y-z} select stock, f'[price; amount; price] from t
End of Examples O

Modifying Tables

We've already seen how to build tables from dictionaries or from direct statements. SQL 92-style inserts, updates and deletes are also possible. Q adds the notion of upserts as mentioned above.
Examples P
book:([book: ()] language: (); numprintings: ()) insert[`book](`forwhomthebelltolls; `english; 3) insert[`book](`salambo; `french; 9) book: update language:`French from book where book=`salambo book2:([book: ()] language: (); numprintings: ()) / An alternate insert notation `book2 insert (`secretwindow; `english; 4) `book2 insert (`salambo; `Fch; 9) / go back to the classic insert, just for fun insert[`book2](`shining; `english; 2) book3: book, book2 / book2 adds all rows where the key field is / new and replaces values where the keyfield is not present. / These upsert semantics (insert rows having new keys and replace / range values of exsiting keys) are due to the fact that book / and book2 are both keyed tables. select language from book3 where book=`salambo / Returns +(,`language)!,,`Fch count select from book3 / returns 4 because book has two rows, book2 has 3 / rows but one of those rows has the key `salambo. book3: delete from book3 where book=`secretwindow count select from book3 / return 3
End of Examples P


These appendices are mostly plagiarized (and abridged) from Don Orth's manual.


Put q into the directory $HOME/k4. Put the license there too. All scripts should end in .q.

Temporal Primitives

Q has very rich temporal primitives and keeps track of all those pesky leap years and the base 60 operations on seconds and minutes that we have inherited from the Babylonians.
Examples: Temporal Arithmetic
x: .z.z / greenwich mean time e.g. 2004.07.03T16:35:24.980 / Try these (your dates will be different from mine of course) x.month / e.g. 2004.07m x.year / e.g. 2004 x.minute / e.g. 16:35 x.second / e.g. 16:35:24 x.time / e.g. 16:35:24.980 ( - 12 / e.g. 2004.06.21 (x.second) + 84 / e.g. 16:36:48
End of Examples

Execution Control

Every programming language since Algol has offered if-then, if-then-else, and while. Q is no exception, though good q programmers tend not to need these functions (especially looping functions) as much as programmers in scalar languages.

/ $[condexp1;truexp1;...;condexpn;truexpn;falsexp] / if then-else. The true expression can be surrounded by [] / to connote a block. val: 35 $[val > 60; val; val < 30; 0; [x: neg val; 2*x]] / returns -70 / This can be rendered by several if statements. / Personally, I like these because they make the assumptions clear. if[val > 60; out: val] if[val < 30; out: 0] if[not (val > 60) | (val < 30); out: 2 * neg val] out / returns -70 / compute the square of each number up to n then subtract 1 squareminusone:{[n] out: (); i: 0; while[i < n; out,: (i*i)-1; i:i+1]; out} squareminusone[5] / -1 0 3 8 15 / The same can be done without a loop / This will normally be faster. squareminusonealt:{[n] ((key n) * (key n)) - 1} squareminusonealt[5] / returns -1 0 3 8 15

Input/Output to Files

Files are identified as symbols beginning with a colon:

`:[path]name The path need not be specified if the file is in the current directory. Let us start by reading and writing to text files: myfile: `:foofile / can write directly to the file myfile 0: ("i love";"rock and roll") / Can append to files, by opening the file and then talking to the file. h: hopen myfile h "But rock concerts are too loud." / The function read0 reads the file newlist: read0 myfile newlist / returns ("i love";"rock and roll";"But rock concerts are too loud.") Very often we want to parse data that we get from external text files. Sometimes that data comes in fixed format. Suppose for example we have the file fooin with implicit schema employeeid, name, salary, age. 312 smith 3563.45 24 23 john 5821.19 32 9 curtiss 9821.19 51 (Note: no blank line at the end.) We notice that we have a 4 character integer (including the trailing blank), a 9 character name, a 8 character float and a 2 digit integer. So we use the following table to get the types (from Don Orth's manual): 0 1 Type Data(1) Text(0) -------------------------------------------------------------- blank skip B b bool 1 [1tTyY] X x byte 1 H h short 2 [0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] I i int 4 J j long 8 E e real 4 F f float 8 C c char 1 S s sym n M m month 4 [yy]yy[?]mm D d date 4 [yy]yy[?]mm[?]dd or [m]m/[d]d/[yy]yy Z z datetime 8 date?time U u minute 4 hh[:]mm V v second 4 hh[:]mm[:]ss T t time 4 hh[:]mm[:]ss[[.]ddd] * as is chars We can then bring this data in as myfooin: `:fooin x: ("ISFI"; 4 9 8 2) 0: myfooin x / returns (312 23 9;`smith`john`curtiss;3563.45 5821.19 9821.19;24 32 51) / Now can create a dictionary d: (`id`name`salary`age!x) / And then a table myemp: flip d select name from myemp where salary > 5000 / returns +(,`name)!,`john`curtiss We can write entire tables and databases to disk. / We write the stock table as follows .[`:stock/;();:;stock] Binary files are for non-string data. For such data we use 1: instead of 0:. mybinfile: `:foofilebin mybinfile 1: (`$"i love rock and roll"; `really) / To append, we open as before. / We can append a different type. h2: hopen mybinfile h2 172 newbinlist: read1 mybinfile / ??? i don't know what to do with this.

Interprocess Communication

When running a q script, you can specify a port and then clients can talk to that port. Let's start with the script trade.q:

/ Create a list of French stocks where name is the key. stock:([name:`Alcatel`Alstom`AirFrance`FranceTelecom`Snecma`Supra] industry:`telecom`engineering`aviation`telecom`aviation`consulting) / get a list of distinct stocks are there? stocks: distinct exec name from stock ns: count stocks n:10000 / stock is a foreign key foreign key. / We are taking n stocks at random. / Then n prices up to 100.0 at random, then amounts then dates. trade:([]stock:`stock$n?stocks; price:n?100.0;amount:100*10+n?20;exchange:5+n?2.0;date:1998.01.01+n?449) xasc[`date]`trade / An example function. f:{[mytable] count select from mytable} f[stock] f[trade] / A somewhat less trivial function does volume-weighted / rollups by week (an abridged example from Tom Ferguson) / over a certain time period. weekrollup:{[daterange] select first date, last date, amount wavg price by stock, date.week from trade where date within daterange } weekrollup[2004.02.31 2004.03.31] / In the browser, the first few rows are (with my random generation) stock week date date price ----------------------------------------------------------- Alcatel 2004.03.01 2004.03.02 2004.03.07 47.35833 Alcatel 2004.03.08 2004.03.08 2004.03.14 52.90358 Alcatel 2004.03.15 2004.03.15 2004.03.21 45.02117 Alcatel 2004.03.22 2004.03.22 2004.03.28 48.47076 Alcatel 2004.03.29 2004.03.29 2004.03.31 55.88028 Alstom 2004.03.01 2004.03.02 2004.03.07 54.75892 Alstom 2004.03.08 2004.03.08 2004.03.14 46.97044 Alstom 2004.03.15 2004.03.15 2004.03.21 46.22599 Alstom 2004.03.22 2004.03.22 2004.03.28 45.22842 Alstom 2004.03.29 2004.03.29 2004.03.31 44.11812 AirFrance 2004.03.01 2004.03.02 2004.03.07 49.62135 AirFrance 2004.03.08 2004.03.08 2004.03.14 61.13775 AirFrance 2004.03.15 2004.03.15 2004.03.21 50.15903 AirFrance 2004.03.22 2004.03.22 2004.03.28 48.55051 AirFrance 2004.03.29 2004.03.29 2004.03.31 67.37883 FranceTelecom 2004.03.01 2004.03.02 2004.03.07 44.48418 FranceTelecom 2004.03.08 2004.03.08 2004.03.14 62.79708 Let's run trade.q at some port, here 5001. q trade.q -p 5001 The process now running is the server. It is waiting for commands as we will see.

Now open up a new window on the same machine (or a different one) and type simply q. Tihs is the client.

The client then connects to this server by opening the connection, communicating, and then closing the connection.

/ If client on same machine, then please type in the console window for client: h: hopen`::5001 / open a connection to a process on the local machine. / If client on different machine and server on machine foobar / then please type in the client console window: h: hopen`:foobar:5001 / Please type in the client console: h"select avg price by stock from trade" / send a message as a string / and gets a result. / Define in the server. / Please type in the server console: myfunc:{[x] 3*x} / Then the client can send a message to this function. / Please type this in the client console: h"myfunc[4]" / and get the result 12 / Alternatively, please type this in the client console: h"n: 4; myfunc[n]" / returns 12 / Also n is now defined as 4 in the server. / Alternatively, please type this in the client console: h"z: 4" h"myfunc[z]" / Sometimes the server chooses not to allow any operation to be / executed on its site, so uses a message filter. / There are two: for synchronous and for asynchronous messages / We are dealing with synchronous only for now. / Suppose we define the function to count the number of characters. / Please type this in the server console:{[x] count x} / Please type in the client console: h"myfunc[z]" / returns 9 (because there are 9 characters) Note that you can talk to this process from other places as well. For example, from a browser you can type. (Note however: it is very very important that you refresh from time to time if you think you have changed your data.) http://localhost:5001/?select avg price by stock from trade / if server is local http://hogwarts:5001/?select avg price by stock from trade /if server is on machine hogwarts There are also hooks from excell2000, perl, java, and C but please check the documentation elsewhere on the kx site for those.

Protected Evaluation

In a critical application, especially an internet-accessible one, a bad argument may cause a function to fail badly. Instead of allowing this to halt execution, we can trap the error.

/ In the above example, we could define less trivially by / allowing it to execute whatever the client asks for provided / there is no error. / So, redefine in the server. / Please type in the server console:{[x] value x} / In this case, please type in the client console: h"myfunc[4]" / returns 12 again / What about an erroneous input? / Please type in the client console: h"myfunc[silly]" / returns an error to the client. / As an alterntive, we could redefine as follows:{[x] @[value;x;`$"The only legal argument is a number"]} / Now h"myfunc[silly]" / returns `The only legal argument is a number / Arguably this is more informative.

Type and Cast

The operator type determines the type of a q object.

type 100 / returns -6h type 100 99 88 / returns 6h (in general lists of type T are positive / whereas a scalar of type T is the same negative value). type 1.2 3.1 / returns 9h The cast operator (a$b) converts the atom b to the type specified by the atom a. The left argument a is one of the values in the following table taken from Don Orth. Name Example Char Type Size Null -------------------------------------------------- bool 1b b 1 1 0b byte 0xff x 4 1 0x00 short 23h h 5 2 0Nh int 23 i 6 4 0N long 23j j 7 8 0Nj real 2.3e e 8 4 0Ne float 2.3 f 9 8 0n char "a" c 10 1 " " sym `ab s 11 * ` month 2003.03m m 13 4 0Nm date 2003.03.23 d 14 4 0Nd datetime 2003.03.23T08:31:53 z 15 8 0Nz minute 08:31 u 17 4 0Nu second 08:31:53 v 18 4 0Nv time 09:10:35.000 t 19 4 0Nt enum `s$`b, where s:`a`b * 20.. 4 `s$.. Here are some examples: "x"$97 / cast the int 97 using the datatype name x for a byte / returns 0x61 / representation of 97 in hex "x"$"a" / cast a char to a byte / return 0x61 / "a" also happens to be encoded in hex 97 "c"$0x41 / cast a byte to a char / returns "A" "d"$2003.03.23T08:31:53 / extract the date from a datetime value / returns 2003.03.23 / the value "t"$2003.03.23T08:31:53 / / returns 08:31:53.000 Casting to and from strings is special. There one should use the upper case character corresponding to the type. Here are some examples. "I"$"67" / returns 67 "I"$"6" / returns an error because not a string "I"$"06" / returns 6 "S"$"abc 012" / returns `abc 012 "D"$"2003.03.23" / returns 2003.03.23 "D"$"2003-03-23" "D"$"03/23/2003" / We have a means to create text from data too: string "D"$"03/23/2003" / returns "2003.03.23"


The IEEE arithmetic NaN (not-a-number) for floats is a float denoted by 0n. Plus-infinity and Minus-infinity for floats are denoted by 0w and -0w . For example:

0%0 0n 1%0 0w -1%0 -0w 0w> 99999999 / returns 1b


One of the joys of writing in any interpreted language is that debugging is far easier than in a compiled language. The reason is simple: an error stops execution and allows you to discover the values of variables and to go up the procedure calling stack.

/ Here is a recursive factorial program. myfact:{[n] $[n < 1; 1; n*myfact[n-1]]} / This takes a string argument and converts it to a number and then calls. / In our first writing, we convert but we forget to take into / account the fact that type casting doesn't work for characters. mycaller:{[s] myfact["I"$s]} mycaller["10"] / returns 3628800 mycaller["6"] / gives us an error. We see: / {[s] myfact["I"$s]} / 'type / $ / "I" / "6" / This indicates that there is a type problem with the conversion. / We can query the value of s and get the response "6". / We can execute myfact with that value just to be sure that is / not the problem. myfact[6] / returns 720 / Now we can try myfact["I"$"06"] / and see that this also works. / We can even go up the execution stack by hitting ' / Then we can call: mycaller["06"] / This suggests a new definition of mycaller: mycallerbetter:{[s] s: ("0"),s; myfact["I"$s]}

Null Values

Null values often represent missing values. Two functions manipulate nulls: null determines which elements of a list are null and fill (represented by the circumflex character) replaces nulls by other values.

null 1 2 -5 0N 10 0N / returns 000101b / Suppose we have a sales vector and some days have an unknown number of sales. / We could fill in those unknown days with 0s: sales: 45 21 0N 13 0N 11 34 adjsales: 0^sales adjsales / returns 45 21 0 13 0 11 34 / Or we could choose to fill in with the non-null values: x: avg sales[where not null sales] adjsales2: x ^ sales adjsales2 / returns 45 21 24.8 13 24.8 11 34

Workspaces and Directories

As in Unix or Windows, the q namespace is divided into directories (also known as contexts). One indicates the path in such directories by use of dots. For example,

b:3 / default directory c:4 / default directory .cx.b:5 / directory .cx .cx.c:6 / directory .cx .cx.d:17 / directory .cx key`.cx / returns `b`c`d key`. / returns `b`c / contents of default directory / If you're in a directory, you can see the function names by typing \f / You can see the variable names by tping \v \d .cx / enter directory .cx \d . / return to default context \d / tell me which directory I'm in / Two interesting directories are .q and .Q / .q has the basic functions and these are available without qualification. / .Q has built in library functions that can be used.

Performance Notes

K, Q, and K4 make such good use of the CPU that one CPU can keep several disks busy if the data dwarfs the memory size (as will often be the case for large time series applications for example). In that case, Arthur Whitney suggests a CPU with two gigabytes of RAM at least and two SCSI RAiD 5 disk arrays. The worst configuration is many CPUs sharing the same set of remote disks unless the database fits comfortably in RAM.

For big databases (in the 1 terabyte range), you should consider using partitioned tables. That is, the tables are partitioned over several machines. Sometimes you will want to partition over several different attributes.

For any recoverable application, you may want to log data. To do this, you simply invoke your script with a -L (or, if you know what you're doing, a -l option). ??? Recovery

In programming q, you should be aware that the compiler does just what you say. The operators are implemented very efficiently but if you choose a poor sequence of operators, your application will be slower than it needs to be. As of now, there is no super-optimizer that will rearrange programs to make them more efficient.

Put the following in a .q file and load it.

stock:([name:`Alcatel`Alstom`AirFrance`FranceTelecom`Snecma`Supra] industry:`telecom`engineering`aviation`telecom`aviation`consulting) / get a list of distinct stocks are there? stocks: distinct exec name from stock n:100000 trade:([]stock:n?stocks; price:n?100.0;amount:100*10+n?20;exchange:5+n?2.0;date:1998.01.01+n?449) xasc[`date]`trade / The order of selections matters. \t select date from trade where stock=`Snecma, 0 < deltas price / returns 10 milliseconds \t select date from trade where 0 < deltas price, stock=`Snecma / returns 30 milliseconds Another performance improvement is one I'm proud of because I discovered the need for it (and Steve Apter provided the first decent implementation of it) a few years ago. Suppose we have to apply an expensive function f to every element of a vector and the vector has repeats. It's better to apply f to every unique element of the vector and then to copy those results to the whole vector. This has been raised to the status of an operator. n: 100000 vec: n ? 30 / long vectors with few different values f:{[x] exp (x*x)} / e raised to x*x \t y: f each vec / returns 270 (milliseconds) \t y2: .Q.fu[f] vec / returns 10 (milliseconds) y ~ y2 / returns 1b, the outputs are equal

A good place to look for interesting functions is q.k which you can find in the same directory as the k4 executable. In fact when you load this, those functions are executed, booted from K. This gives a gallery of other functions.

x: 7 reciprocal x / returns 0.1428571 xexp[2;5] / returns 32f (2 to the power 5) xexp[5;2] / returns 25f (5 to the power 2) mod[26;5] / returns 1 (26 mod 5) x: 3 4 5 y: `a`b`c`d cross[x;y] / returns (in the browser) the cartesian product: / 3 a / 3 b / 3 c / 3 d / 4 a / 4 b / 4 c / 4 d / 5 a / 5 b / 5 c / 5 d z:`a`b`c`d`e`f`g`h`i rotate[4;z] / returns the rotaion `e`f`g`h`i`a`b`c`d sublist[3 5;z] / returns elements starting at 3 and 5 long from z: / `d`e`f`g`h


Don Orth's excellent manual can be found here.

Arthur Whitney's characteristically terse but to the point description can be found here.

A complex but suggestive financial example can be found here

A nice data warehousing benchmark example can be found here