This is a small part of an output file (mquery.dat.out ) generated with the query mquery.dat.
g1|0 1 7 8 7 6 5
4 2 1
The semantics of this output file are In a sequence (g1|0 1 7 8 7 6 5) two consecutive nodes are connected by an edge unless specified otherwise in the list given at the end of the file. This list constitutes positions at which there is discontinuity (absence of an edge) in the sequence.In this case the list (4 2 1) says that
1) no edge after the 4th node, the edge (7, 8) has been already listed. |
2) no edge after the next two nodes, no edge between the nodes 6 and 5, |
3) no edge after the next node, in this case 5 is an isolated node. |