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(play with strategies in public directory)
instructions on using the system
parses a list of deposition questions and visually presents them
toaide lawyers follow their deposition strategies.
Input file specifications:
Questions must start with a unique question name, which consists of
onealphanumeric character followed by one or more integers, terminated
bya colon.
Example: Q1:
Subquestions are questions that are asked only if their parent
questionwas asked. Their name consists of the parent question's name,
followedby a period and an alphanumeric character, terminated by a
Example: Q1.a.2.d
Each question may be preceded by one or more if statements that listthe
conditions under which this question can be asked. The ifstatements
must be of the format: [if "keyword" to "question name"]
Example: [if no to Q1.a]
Each question may be followed by one or more go-to statements of
theformat: [if "keyword" to "question name", go to "question name"]
Example: [if no toQ1.a, go to Q10]
Eachquestion block must be followed by a
blank line.