The McGraw Hill 6th grade book series of games.
Find three coins of different sizes (e.g. quarter, nickle, penny). Flip each and record the head/tail value. Look up the dice total from A . Flip the three coins and do a look up in the dice total from B . Determine the probability that some number between the two and including the two would be rolled . Your opponent may challenge you. Look up the answer in the table on the next page. If you are right and your opponent didn't challenge you, you get a point. If you are right and your opponent did challenge you, you get two points. If you are wrong and your opponent challenged you, your opponent gets a point. If you are wrong and your opponent didn't challenge you, nobody gets a point. Your opponent plays next.
Coin tosses (largest to smallest): TTT TTH THT THH HTT HTH HHT HHH
Dice Total A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dice Total B 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

On a different page so the players have to turn to it...