PvP Tower of Hanoi


Tower Puzzle Game

Created by Kevin Ahmad Faisal and Toby Nguyen

Game Description

The Tower Puzzle Game is a two-player strategy game where each player aims to move all their blocks from their starting tower to their target tower, using intermediate towers labeled 'A', 'B', 'C', etc.

How to Play

  • Objective: Be the first to move all your blocks to your target tower.
  • Setup:
    • Choose the number of middle towers (minimum of 3).
    • Choose the number of blocks for each player (minimum of 3).
    • Start the game to generate the towers and blocks.
  • Gameplay:
    • Players take turns moving one block at a time.
    • Blocks can be moved to any tower but cannot be placed on top of a smaller block.
    • Use the drag-and-drop interface to move blocks.
    • No Repeating Positions: Players cannot make a move that results in a game state that has occurred previously. If a move would repeat a previous position, it is not allowed, and the player must choose a different move.
  • Winning the Game: The first player to successfully move all their blocks to their target tower wins.

Enjoy the game!