


Q+ is a variant of the game Quoridor, but now players go in perpendicular directions and you can choose your starting location. Each player's objective is to advance your piece to the opposite edge of the board.

On your turn you may either move your piece or place a two segment straight line wall. You may hinder your opponent with wall placement, but not completely block them off.


During Setup, each player places their piece on the first row and column respectively. In each turn, a player can either advance their pawn one square or place down a wall. The first player to reach their opposite edge first wins.

Pawn Moves

To advance a piece, click on your piece to select it, then click on one of the indicated legal positions to move it. Click the piece again to deselect it. A piece can move to squares adjacent to it in the cardinal directions, provided there is no wall, with one exception. If two pieces face each other on neighbouring squares which are not separated by a wall, the player whose turn it is can jump over the opponent’s piece even if there is a wall behind the opposing player's pawn.


Walls are 1 x 2 and must be placed in the spaces between the square. Total number of walls available to each player is the side length of the board + 1. To place a wall, click on one of the gaps between the squares to place the first half of a wall, click on an adjacent gap (in the same line) to finish placing the wall or click the wall again to cancel placement. If placing a wall would result in either player becoming unable to reach their opposite edge (thus unable to win the game) then the wall will disappear upon placement and the player can choose to make another move instead.