Someone is cheating at Coin Toss, and you have been sent to investigate! You are given a set of coins, and your job is to figure out which way each one is biased before your rival detective can do the same.
- Each coin is biased with a higher probability toward heads or towards tails. The aim is to correctly guess the direction of the bias for all coins.
- On each turn, a player can choose to either flip one coin, or enter a guess for all coins. If the player's guess is entirely correct, the player wins.
- Each player gets a fixed number of guesses. When a player runs out of guesses, the other player wins by default.
- Parameters such as number of coins, number of guesses per player and biases of the coins may be configured at the game start.
- Selecting "Show coin statistics" will display the flip history of each coin, making it easier to keep track of the flips.
- You can use the Heads and Tails buttons to enter a guess, or use the H and T keys. You can also use the Backspace/Delete key to delete an entry.