Laser Chess


You are given a n by n chessboard. You and your opponent have b bishops and k knights at your disposal.

The game is played in turns. On your turn, you can move one of your pieces or place a remaining piece on the board.

A state is considered winning if there are no legal moves left for the opponent.

Note that this definition causes stalemates to be impossible.

A move is legal if none of your opponent's pieces can directly capture your king after the move. If you have no legal moves, you lose.

Your goal is to leave your opponent with no legal moves.


- Bishops can move diagonally in any direction.

- Knights can move in an L-shape (two squares in one horizontal or vertical direction, then one square in the other direction).

- The King can move in any direction, but only one square at a time.

- A new piece can be placed on any empty square that does not directly threaten the opposing king.

- After the end of your turn, there must not be any pieces that can directly capture your king.

- If a player has no legal moves left, then the opposing player wins.

- After m turns, the game is a win for black in recognition of the first-move advantage that white enjoys.

Note that when setting the time, you can enter any non-numerical input to disable the time limit (for example, "X").

Some suggested game-sizes:

- n = 5, b = 4, k = 4 for a small game, making maneuvering pieces an added challenge.

- n = 8, b = 5, k = 5 for a more standard game.

- n = 10, b = 10, k = 10 for a large game with many pieces.