

Game structure

The game has two duellists starting 100 paces apart. Before starting the game, you must select the number of bullets and bulletproof jackets that each player will have. You will also select a probability function that decides the hit chance with resepct to the distance between the duellists.


In each round, a duellist will decide whether or not to shoot. The chance of hitting the opponent (and thereby winning the game) is displayed on the panel above the player. After the round, the player will move forward by 5 paces.

Bulletproof Jackets

In each round, you can decide whether to wear a bulletproof jacket. If you do, it stays on for the opponent's next turn, making you immune to their shot. You have a limited number of jackets, so use them wisely!


First to hit opponent wins the game. If no one hits, the first to lose all bullets loses the game.


score = (distance at the time of winning) / (number of initial bullets)