CSC412/2506S -- Spring 2006
Probabilistic Learning and Reasoning

Students should check these pages at least once a week for important information.


  • Unofficial grades are available here.
    Final test was marked out of 95 points.

Instructor: Sam Roweis; email csc412 at
Tutor: Ruslan Salakhutidnov; email csc412 at

Please do NOT send Roweis or tutor email about the class directly to their personal accounts.
They are not able to answer class email except to cs412 at

Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays 2:10pm -- 3:00 pm, location GB244
Tutorial: Fridays, 2:10pm-3:00pm, location GB244
Office Hours: Wednesdays 11-12 or by appointment

Course info sheets (ps)(pdf)

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