CSC412S -- Spring 2003
Uncertainty and Learning in Artificial Intelligence

Students should check these pages at least once a week for important information.


  • Sample final questions handed out Friday.
  • Reading this week: chapter 4.2
  • Final Test Friday 10:00-11:00 or 10:10-11:10.

Instructor: Sam Roweis; email
Tutor: Ruslan Salakhutdinov; email

Please do NOT send Roweis or tutor email about the class directly to their personal accounts.
They are not able to answer class email except to

Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays 10:10am -- 11:00 am, Pratt 266
Tutorial: Fridays, 10:10am-11:00am, Pratt 266
Office Hours: Wednesdays 11-12 or by appointment

Course info sheets (ps)(pdf)

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