CSC2515 -- Fall 2004
Machine Learning
Students should check these pages at least once a week
for important information.
- UNOFFICIAL GRADES are posted here,
indexed by the last four digits of your student number.
- If you didn't get a course evaluation form,
you can still fill one out and return it to the CS grad
office yourself.
Instructor: Sam Roweis; email csc2515 at cs dot toronto dot edu
Tutors: Kannan Achan and Ben Marlin ;
email csc2515 at cs dot toronto dot edu
Please do NOT send Roweis or tutors email about the class
directly to their personal accounts.
They are not able to answer class email
except to csc2515 at cs dot toronto dot edu.
Lectures: Tuesdays 2-4pm, GB244
Tutorial: some Tuesdays 4-5pm, GB244 (except 12Oct,7Dec BA1190)
Office Hours: Tuesdays without tutorials 4-5pm or by
appointment, Pratt290
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