Script started on Wed Jul 12 08:47:06 2006 Publications/2006-Dagstuhl-06281/Cousot-Dagstuhl-06281_demonstration % ./README ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *** *** *** Demonstration of the Astree static analyzer *** *** *** *** *** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** *********************************************** * Astree is SOUND hence reports ALL potential * * runtime errors * *********************************************** *** example [CC76]: cat -n dichotomy-error.c 1 /* dichotomy-error.c */ 2 int main () { 3 int lwb, upb, m, R[100], X; 4 lwb = 1; upb = 100; 5 while (lwb <= upb) { 6 m = (upb + lwb) / 2; 7 if (X == R[m]) { 8 upb = m; lwb = m+1; } 9 else if (X < R[m]) { 10 upb = m - 1; } 11 else { 12 lwb = m + 1; } 13 } 14 __ASTREE_log_vars((m)); 15 } *** static analysis by Astree: /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:19 dichotomy-error.c:7.15-19::[call#main@2:loop@5>=4:]: WARN: invalid dereference: dereferencing 4 byte(s) at offset(s) [4;400] may overflow the variable R of byte-size 400 dichotomy-error.c:7.15-19::[call#main@2:loop@5>=4:]: WARN: invalid dereference: dereferencing 4 byte(s) at offset(s) [4;400] may overflow the variable R of byte-size 400 dichotomy-error.c:9.19-23::[call#main@2:loop@5>=4:]: WARN: invalid dereference: dereferencing 4 byte(s) at offset(s) [4;400] may overflow the variable R of byte-size 400 dichotomy-error.c:9.19-23::[call#main@2:loop@5>=4:]: WARN: invalid dereference: dereferencing 4 byte(s) at offset(s) [4;400] may overflow the variable R of byte-size 400 % *** (the two errors are reported two times each because of partitioning.) ****************************************************** * Astree is INCOMPLETE hence may report false alarms * ****************************************************** *** example: cat -n fausse-alarme.c 1 /* fausse-alarme.c */ 2 void main() 3 { 4 int x, y; 5 if ((-4681 < y) && (y < 4681) && (x < 32767) && (-32767 < x) && ((7*y*y - 1) == x*x)) { 6 y = 1 / x; 7 }; 8 } *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --no-relational fausse-alarme.c |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:23 fausse-alarme.c:6.9-14::[call#main@2:]: WARN: integer division by zero ([-32766, 32766] and {1} / Z) % *************************************************** * Astree is based upon classical abstract domains * * such as intervals... * *************************************************** *** example: cat -n dichotomy.c 1 /* dichotomy.c */ 2 int main () { 3 int lwb, upb, m, R[100], X; 4 lwb = 0; upb = 99; 5 while (lwb <= upb) { 6 m = (upb + lwb) / 2; 7 if (X == R[m]) { 8 upb = m; lwb = m+1; } 9 else if (X < R[m]) { 10 upb = m - 1; } 11 else { 12 lwb = m + 1; } 13 } 14 __ASTREE_log_vars((m)); 15 } *** correction (difference with the erroneous version): 1c1 < /* dichotomy-error.c */ --- > /* dichotomy.c */ 4c4 < lwb = 1; upb = 100; --- > lwb = 0; upb = 99; *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --no-relational dichotomy.c |& egrep "(launched)|(m in )" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:28 <> > % *** (pay attention to the case of many global variables!) ****************************************** * Astree uses weakly relational abstract * * domains such as octagons... * ****************************************** *** example: cat -n octagon.c 1 /* octagon.c */ 2 void main() 3 { 4 int X, Y, Z; 5 X = 10; 6 Y = 100; 7 while (X >= 0) { 8 X--; 9 Y--; 10 }; 11 __ASTREE_assert((X <= Y)); 12 } *** static analysis by Astree (1 -- WITHOUT octagons): astree octagon.c --no-octagon --exec-fn main |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:31 octagon.c:9.4-7::[call#main@2:loop@7>=4:]: WARN: signed int arithmetic range [-2147483649, 2147483646] not included in [-2147483648, 2147483647] octagon.c:11.19-25::[call#main@2:]: WARN: assert failure % *** static analysis by Astree (2 -- WITH octagons): astree octagon.c --exec-fn main |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:33 % *** (does not scale up for too many variables!) ********************************************* * Astree uses weakly relational abstract * * domains such as boolean decision trees... * ********************************************* *** example: cat -n boolean.c 1 /* boolean.c */ 2 typedef enum {F=0,T=1} BOOL; 3 BOOL B; 4 void main () { 5 unsigned int X, Y; 6 while (1) { 7 /* ... */ 8 B = (X == 0); 9 /* ... */ 10 if (!B) { 11 Y = 1 / X; 12 } 13 /* ... */ 14 } 15 } *** static analysis by Astree (1 -- WITHOUT decision trees): astree boolean.c --no-relational --exec-fn main |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:36 boolean.c:11.13-18::[call#main@4:loop@6=1:]: WARN: integer division by zero ([0, 4294967295] and {1} / Z) boolean.c:11.13-18::[call#main@4:loop@6=2:]: WARN: integer division by zero ([0, 4294967295] and {1} / Z) boolean.c:11.13-18::[call#main@4:loop@6=3:]: WARN: integer division by zero ([0, 4294967295] and {1} / Z) boolean.c:11.13-18::[call#main@4:loop@6>=4:]: WARN: integer division by zero ([0, 4294967295] and {1} / Z) % *** static analysis by Astree (2 -- WITH decision trees): astree boolean.c --exec-fn main |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:38 % ********************************************** * Astree uses computation trace abstractions * * (describing sequences of states) not only * * invariants (describing sets of states) * ********************************************** *** example: cat -n trace-partitioning.c 1 /* trace-partitioning.c */ 2 void main() { 3 float t[5] = {-10.0, -10.0, 0.0, 10.0, 10.0}; 4 float c[4] = {0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0}; 5 float d[4] = {-20.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0}; 6 float x, r; 7 int i = 0; 8 __ASTREE_known_fact(((-100.0 <= x) && (x <= 100.0))); 9 while ((i < 3) && (x >= t[i+1])) { 10 i = i + 1; 11 } 12 r = (x - t[i]) * c[i] + d[i]; 13 __ASTREE_log_vars((r)); 14 } *** static analysis by Astree (1 -- WITH partitioning): astree --exec-fn main --no-trace --no-relational trace-partitioning.c |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)|(r in)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:41 > % *** static analysis by Astree (2 -- WITHOUT partitioning): astree --exec-fn main --no-partition --no-trace --no-relational trace-partitioning.c |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)|(r in)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:42 > % *************************************** * Astree handles floats, not reals or * * fixed point arithmetics * *************************************** *** example of computation error in floats: *** (x+a)-(x-a) <> 2a! with float cat -n float-float.c 1 /* float-float.c */ 2 int main () { 3 float x; float a, y, z, r1, r2; 4 a = 1.0; 5 x = 1125899973951488.0; 6 y = (x + a); 7 z = (x - a); 8 r1 = y - z; 9 r2 = 2 * a; 10 printf("(x + a) - (x - a) = %f\n", r1); 11 printf("2a = %f\n", r2); 12 } *** compilation: float-float.c: In function 'main': float-float.c:10: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' *** execution: (x + a) - (x - a) = 0.000000 2a = 2.000000 *** more precision can be better... *** (x+a)-(x-a) <> 2a! with double cat -n double-double.c 1 /* double-double.c */ 2 int main () { 3 double x; double a, y, z, r1, r2; 4 a = 1.0; 5 x = 1125899973951488.0; 6 y = (x + a); 7 z = (x - a); 8 r1 = y - z; 9 r2 = 2 * a; 10 printf("(x + a) - (x - a) = %f\n", r1); 11 printf("2a = %f\n", r2); 12 } *** compilation: double-double.c: In function 'main': double-double.c:10: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' *** execution: (x + a) - (x - a) = 2.000000 2a = 2.000000 *** computations with different precisions... *** can be really catastrophic! *** (x+a)-(x-a) <> 2a! with double+float cat -n double-float.c 1 /* double-float.c */ 2 int main () { 3 double x; float a, y, z, r1, r2; 4 a = 1.0; 5 x = 1125899973951488.0; 6 y = (x + a); 7 z = (x - a); 8 r1 = y - z; 9 r2 = 2 * a; 10 printf("(x + a) - (x - a) = %f\n", r1); 11 printf("2a = %f\n", r2); 12 } *** compilation: double-float.c: In function 'main': double-float.c:10: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' *** execution: (x + a) - (x - a) = 134217728.000000 2a = 2.000000 *** testing is unlikely to make it! *** (x+a)-(x-a) <> 2a! with double+float cat -n double-float2.c 1 /* double-float2.c */ 2 int main () { 3 double x; float a, y, z, r1, r2; 4 a = 1.0; 5 x = 1125899973951487.0; 6 y = (x + a); 7 z = (x - a); 8 r1 = y - z; 9 r2 = 2 * a; 10 printf("(x + a) - (x - a) = %f\n", r1); 11 printf("2a = %f\n", r2); 12 } *** only one digit difference: 1c1 < /* double-float2.c */ --- > /* double-float.c */ 5c5 < x = 1125899973951487.0; --- > x = 1125899973951488.0; *** compilation: double-float2.c: In function 'main': double-float2.c:10: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function 'printf' *** execution: (x + a) - (x - a) = 0.000000 2a = 2.000000 ************************************************ * Astree takes rounding errors into account... * ************************************************ *** example ((x+a)-(x-a) <> 2a! in double+float): cat -n double-float-analyze.c 1 /* double-float-analyze.c */ 2 int main () { 3 double x; float a, y, z, r1, r2; 4 a = 1.0; 5 x = 1125899973951488.0; 6 y = (x + a); 7 z = (x - a); 8 r1 = y - z; 9 r2 = 2 * a; 10 __ASTREE_log_vars((r1, r2)); 11 } *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main double-float-analyze.c |& egrep "(launched)|(r2 in )|(r1 in)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:47:58 > % ******************************************************** * Astree takes into account the potential accumulation * * of rounding errors over very long periods of time... * ******************************************************** *** example: cat -n bary.c 1 /* bary.c */ 2 typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1} BOOLEAN; 3 float INIT,C1,I; 4 float RANDOM_INPUT; 5 __ASTREE_volatile_input((RANDOM_INPUT [-1.,1.])); 6 7 void bary () { 8 static float X,Y,Z; 9 if (C1>0.) 10 {Z = Y;Y = X;} 11 if (INIT>0.) 12 { 13 X=I; 14 Y=I; 15 Z=I; 16 } 17 else 18 {X = 0.50000001 * X + 0.30000001*Y + 0.20000001*Z ;}; 19 __ASTREE_log_vars((X,Y,Z)); 20 21 } 22 23 void main () { 24 INIT = 1.; 25 C1 = RANDOM_INPUT; 26 I = RANDOM_INPUT; 27 while (1) { 28 bary(); 29 INIT = RANDOM_INPUT; 30 C1 = RANDOM_INPUT; 31 I = RANDOM_INPUT; 32 __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); 33 } 34 } *** configuration file (10 hours at 1/100th s): cat -n bary10.config 1 __ASTREE_max_clock((3600000)); *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --config-sem bary10.config bary.c |& tail -n 75 | egrep --after-context 1 "(launched)|( > % *** configuration file (100 hours at 1/100th s): cat -n bary100.config 1 __ASTREE_max_clock((36000000)); *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --config-sem bary100.config bary.c |& tail -n 75 | egrep --after-context 1 "(launched)|( > % *** configuration file (1000 hours at 1/100th s): cat -n bary1000.config 1 __ASTREE_max_clock((360000000)); *** static analysis by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --config-sem bary1000.config bary.c |& tail -n 50 | egrep --after-context 1 "(launched)|( > % *** (note that the analysis time is independent of the execution time.) ****************************************************** * Astree knows about basic numerical computations... * ****************************************************** *** example (rounding computations): cat -n moda_dur_3.c 1 /* entree */ 2 double X; 3 __ASTREE_volatile_input((X [-186.,186.])); 4 5 /* sortie */ 6 double RESULTAT; 7 8 void N() 9 { 10 int tronc_entier; 11 double entree,diametre,min,rapport,troncature,plancher,multiple_inf,reste,reste_abs,multiple_sup,plus_proche; 12 int BPO; 13 min = 0; 14 diametre = 1.; 15 16 /* au choix: nouvelle entree ou retroaction */ 17 if (BPO) entree = X; 18 else entree = RESULTAT; 19 20 /* calcul du rapport de entree - min / diametre, puis de sa troncature */ 21 min = 0; 22 diametre = 1.; 23 rapport = (entree - min) / diametre; 24 tronc_entier = (int) rapport; 25 troncature = (double) tronc_entier; 26 27 /* calcul de la valeur plancher de ce rapport */ 28 if (rapport<0) plancher = troncature - 1; 29 else plancher = troncature; 30 31 /* calcul du reste de l'entree */ 32 reste = entree - (diametre * plancher); 33 34 /* calcul du multiple inferieur a l'entree*/ 35 multiple_inf = entree - reste; 36 37 /* calcul du multiple superieur a l'entree*/ 38 multiple_sup = multiple_inf + diametre; 39 40 41 /* calcul du multiple le plus proche */ 42 if (reste < 0) reste_abs = -reste; 43 else reste_abs = reste; 44 if (reste_abs <= 0.5*diametre) plus_proche = multiple_inf; 45 else plus_proche = multiple_sup; 46 47 48 /* resultat */ 49 RESULTAT = plus_proche; 50 __ASTREE_log_vars((entree,RESULTAT;mod,inter)); 51 } 52 53 54 void main() 55 { 56 while (1) { 57 N(); 58 __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); 59 } 60 } *** static analysis by Astree (1 - WITHOUT abstract domain for troncations): astree moda_dur_3.c --exec-fn main --no-nod |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:07 moda_dur_3.c:24.17-30::[call#main@54:loop@56>=4:call#N@57:]: WARN: double->signed int conversion range [-2147483649, 2147483648] not included in [-2147483648, 2147483647] % *** static analysis by Astree (2 - WITH abstract domain for troncations): astree moda_dur_3.c --exec-fn main --mod |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:09 % *** troncation information derived by Astree: astree moda_dur_3.c --exec-fn main --mod |& egrep --after-context 18 "(launched)|(WARN)|(direct =)" | tail -n 18 > % ************************************************* * Astree knows about synchronous programming... * ************************************************* *** incorrect example: cat -n clock-error.c 1 /* clock-error.c */ 2 int R, T, n = 10; 3 void main() 4 { volatile int I; 5 R = 0; 6 while (1) { 7 if (I) 8 { R = R+1; } 9 else 10 { R = 0; } 11 T = (R>=n); 12 /* __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); */ 13 }} *** configuration file: cat -n clock-error.config 1 /* clock-error.config */ 2 __ASTREE_volatile_input((I [0,1])); *** analysis of the incorrect example by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --config-sem clock-error.config clock-error.c |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:14 clock-error.c:8.12-15::[call#main@3:loop@6>=4:]: WARN: signed int arithmetic range [-2147483647, 2147483648] not included in [-2147483648, 2147483647] % *** correct example: cat -n clock.c 1 /* clock.c */ 2 int R, T, n = 10; 3 void main() 4 { volatile int I; 5 R = 0; 6 while (1) { 7 if (I) 8 { R = R+1; } 9 else 10 { R = 0; } 11 T = (R>=n); 12 __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); 13 }} *** correction (difference with the incorrect program): 1c1 < /* clock-error.c */ --- > /* clock.c */ 12c12 < /* __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); */ --- > __ASTREE_wait_for_clock(()); *** configuration file: cat -n clock.config 1 /* clock.config */ 2 __ASTREE_volatile_input((I [0,1])); 3 __ASTREE_max_clock((3600000)); *** analysis of the correct example by Astree: astree --exec-fn main --config-sem clock.config clock.c |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:17 % ************************************************ * Astree knows about control/command theory... * ************************************************ *** filter example: cat -n filtre.c 1 typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1} BOOLEAN; 2 BOOLEAN INIT; 3 float P, X; 4 volatile float RANDOM_INPUT; 5 __ASTREE_volatile_input((RANDOM_INPUT [-10.0,10.0])); 6 7 void filtre2 () { 8 static float E[2], S[2]; 9 if (INIT) { 10 S[0] = X; 11 P = X; 12 E[0] = X; 13 } else { 14 P = (((((0.4677826 * X) - (E[0] * 0.7700725)) + (E[1] * 0.4344376)) + (S[0] * 1.5419)) - (S[1] * 0.6740477)); 15 } 16 E[1] = E[0]; 17 E[0] = X; 18 S[1] = S[0]; 19 S[0] = P; 20 } 21 22 void main () { 23 X = RANDOM_INPUT; 24 INIT = TRUE; 25 while (TRUE) { 26 X = RANDOM_INPUT; 27 filtre2 (); 28 INIT = FALSE; 29 } 30 } *** static analysis by Astree (1 -- WITH 2nd order filter domain): astree filtre.c --dump-invariants --exec-fn main |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)|(P in)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:19 X in [-10, 10], P in [-13.3881, 13.3881], RANDOM_INPUT in [-10, 10]> > % *** static analysis by Astree (2 -- WITHOUT 2nd order filter domain): astree filtre.c --exec-fn main --no-filtre2 --dump-invariants |& egrep "(launched)|(WARN)|(P in)" /* Analyzer launched at 2006/ 7/12 06:48:21 filtre.c:14.6-114::[call#main@22:loop@25>=4:call#filtre2@27:]: WARN: double->float conversion range [-inf, inf] not included in [-3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38] X in [-10, 10], P in [-3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38], % ************************************************** * Astree can analyze low level memory operations * ************************************************** *** example 1 (pointer casts): cat -n memcpy.c 1 /* memcpy.c (polymorphic memcpy) */ 2 3 /* byte per byte copy of src into dst */ 4 void memcpy(char* dst, const char* src, unsigned size) 5 { 6 int i; 7 for (i=0;i& /dev/null % *** visualization of the results: visu --text-size 14 --text-font CMTT filtre.inv >& /dev/null & [1] 13075 % *** (scaling up with GTK+ (library to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs) originally for X Window)!) ********************************************* *** The end, thank you for your attention *** ********************************************* Publications/2006-Dagstuhl-06281/Cousot-Dagstuhl-06281_demonstration % ^Dexit Script done on Wed Jul 12 08:48:32 2006