Notes for Wednesday February 17 class -- ray tracing and phong shading
Shooting a ray at a pixel
Rendering an image by ray tracing
consists of shooting a mathematical ray from
an eye point through each pixel of the image
into the 3D scene,
as shown in the figure.
To render the pixel, we need to find
out what object, if any, the ray hits first.
For each pixel, we need to form a different ray.
A ray consists of an origin point V
and a unit length direction vector W.
A point P along the ray is
defined by P = V + t * W,
where t, the distance along the ray, is
a non-negative number.
Given a pixel with (x,y) coordinates,
and a distance fl from the eye to the image plane,
V is given by [0,0,fl],
and W is given by normalize([x,y,-f]).
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Ray tracing to a sphere
As shown in the image below,
we intersect a ray with a sphere
by considering two equations:
- P = V + t * W (a point along a ray)
- x*x + y*y + z*z = r*r (a point on a radius r sphere at the origin)
(Continued below the figure)
We can do this much more easily if we
use dot product, which is a built-in function in GLSL:
dot(A, B) = Ax * Bx + Ay * By + Az * Bz
Given a sphere with center C and radius r,
we ray trace to it as follows:
Move the sphere to the origin
by shifting coordinates.
Essentially, this means subtracting
the sphere center from ray origin V:
V = V - C
Now we combine the definition of a point along a ray:
[x,y,z] = V + t * W
with the definition of a point on a sphere of radius r at the origin:
x*x + y*y + z*z = r*r
If we look at the individual x,y,z coordinates of points along the ray:
[x,y,z] = [Vx + t * Wx, Vy + t * Wy, Vz + t * Wz]
Then we can substitute the terms in the ray equation into the sphere equation:
(Vx + t * Wx) * (Vx + t * Wx) +
(Vy + t * Wy) * (Vy + t * Wy) +
(Vz + t * Wz) * (Vz + t * Wz) = r * r
( Wx * Wx + Wy * Wy + Wz * Wz ) * t^2
+ 2 * ( Vx * Wx + Vy * Wy + Vz * Wz) * t
+ ( Vx * Vx + Vy * Vy + Vz * Vz - r * r ) = 0
Now we can compute t by considering the quadratic formula:
t = ( -B +- sqrt(B^2 - 4AC) ) / 2A
= ( -B/2 +- sqrt((B/2)^2 - AC) ) / A
We can use the definition of dot product to
find our A,B and C terms to plug into the quadratic formula.
A = W • W = 1
B/2 = V • W
C = V • V - r^2
And that gives us the answer:
t = -V • W - sqrt((V • W)^2 - V • V)
Now we can move the origin back to where is belongs:
V = V + C
and use t to compute the point of intersection of the ray with the sphere:
P = V + t * W
We can also compute the normal vector
perpendicular to the sphere surface, which
we will need in order to shade the sphere:
N = normalize(P - C)
Implementing a ray tracer in a fragment shader
In class we showed how to implement a simple ray tracer,
using the math that we developed
to ray trace to a sphere.
Our ray tracer renders the sphere,
and also applies
simple lighting.
Scattering light from a surface
Surfaces are rarely completely flat.
If you look through a microscope,
most surfaces like like tiny mountain ranges,
with hills and valleys and pitting,
often caused by the normal
wear and tear of things rubbing against other objects.
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Plastics have two types of reflectance
Some light bounces off the
clear acrylic surface.
This light is not affected by the
plastic color, since it never
interacts with the dye particles
inside the plastic.
For this reason,
specular highlights on plastic are white.
Some light enters into the clear plastic acrylic,
where it encounters dye particles.
The colored light that re-emerges has been highly
scattered after bouncing off of many
dye particles, and therefore creates
a diffuse reflection.
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Metals have only one type of reflectance
Both the specular and diffuse components of
metal are created by light interacting with
the surface.
You can think of the surface of metal as
consisting of tiny mountain ranges.
Some light bounces off the tops of the
mountains (where the metal surface has worn down,
flattening the mountaintops).
These reflections look relatively specular and mirror-like.
Other light enters down into the crags of the
mountains, where it bounces around multiple times.
These reflections look diffuse.
Both types of reflections take on the color of the metal.
For example, both the specular and diffuse components
of gold will be yellow in color.
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Three components of the Phong model
Implementing Phong reflection
We implemented just a single light source in the fragment shader,
and added most of the Phong reflection model for
multiple light sources.
I only implemented the ambient and diffuse components
of Phong reflection.
I left instructions in the code to help you
implement the specular component,
which you will be doing as part of your homework.
In order to do that, you will first need to
construct the reflection vector R,
which represents the mirror image
about surface normal N of the
vector from the surface point to the direction LDir.
As we showed in class, given a light source direction LDir, R is computed by:
R = 2 (N • LDir) N - LDir
After you have computed R, you then need to
take the dot product of R and the direction to the eye E raised to
(where the value of specularPower is stored in Specular[i].w ),
and multiply by both the
specularColor (which is stored in Specular[i].rgb ),
and the light color LCol :
specularColor * max(0, R • E)specularPower * LCol
The direction E to the eye is just the direction tracing back along
our ray from V to W,
so E is just -W.
The resulting color is multiplied by the specular color and then
added to the
total surface color to create a highlight from this light source.
Due next Wednesday before the start of class
Create your own scene that
consists of ray tracing to spheres.
You can start with the code we implemented in class.
Complete the included code in
and follow the notes in the fragment shader code
to implement the specular component of Phong reflection.
Have fun with it.
Here are some things you might try:
See if you can figure out how to
ray trace to two or more spheres.
Maybe you can create an interesting character.
Try to create other sorts of natural
materials using the noise-based
procedural texture.
See if you can figure out how to
create multiple light sources.
Try anything else that inspires you.
Perhaps a sky gradient.
You can also take this opportunity to create
a cool new scene with multiple light sources
interesting animations.
A caution:
You always need to make sure that the light
direction vectors in LDir
are normalized to unit length.
As usual, see if you can create something fun and original.
Feel free to add other capabilities if you are feeling
ambitious. We definitely give extra credit for work
that goes above and beyond. :-)