Notes for April 2-4


What we discussed on Tuesday April 2:

On Tuesday April 2 we discussed splines. First we talked about cubic splines in general, then three ways of allowing users to specify cubic splines: Hermite, Bezier and B-splines.

We showed how to transform from each of these to the canonical form at3 + bt2 + ct + d, where 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.

You won't be responsible for splines until next week's assignment. I will be posting more detailed course notes for this material together with next week's course notes.

What we discussed on Thursday April 4:

On Thursday April 4 we started off discussing how to create surface normals for general purpose polygon smooth shaded meshes. The general idea is to proceed in two steps:

  1. Construct un-normalized face normals for each polygon face, by adding up the cross products of all pairs of adjacent edges, going around the polygon counterclockwise.

  2. For each vertex, sum up the face normals for all faces adjacent to that vertex, and then normalize.
This method has the nice property that the normals it produces at each vertex are more aligned with the adjoining faces of greater area, which results in more realistic surface shading.

You won't be responsible for constructing mesh normals until next week's assignment.

We spent the bulk of the class modifying our shader code to allow multiple shapes to be rendered in the same scene, each with its own transformation matrix and surface material properties.

Also, at the suggestion of a student, we also packaged up lighting to be easier to specify and to animate.

The code we developed to do this is in

Homework, due before class Thursday April 11:

Your homework, due on Thursday April 11 before the start of class, is fairly easy and should be a lot of fun. Build from the code in shader7 to create your own original animated scene.

Try to use and m.restore() to create hierarchical movements, like we did when we created that walking person several weeks ago.

As usual, have a good time with it. Use your imagination. Be creative. Surprise me. :-)

At the end of the lecture we watched the seminal 1999 computer animation by Paul Debevec Fiat Lux.