Hi xmedia-ers,

Our collaborators in Ken Perlin's class at NYU are starting to 
design the remote UIs for controlling Flora Electronica.

Please look at the information Ken has posted for his students:

You should also look at the student designs as they begin to post 
them over the next week. The more feedback and direction we give 
them, the easier it will be to make all pieces work together. 
Designs will be linked from NYU student sites at:

Software group: you are the ones in charge of communication and 
coordination with the NYU designers, so please monitor the above 
sites closely. They have access to our swiki, so this is a good 
place to share ideas/designs.

I've also created a skype account that can be used to chat with 
our remote collaborators (UN: xmedia.gt, PW: xmedia123) - Ken, 
perhaps you can set up one for your class?

The NYU spring break is one week before ours (i.e. this coming 
week), so they will have some designs ready one week later on 
Monday 3/19 for their 7pm class. This is our spring break, and 
few of us should join over skype to provide input and answer 
questions. I will be there. Yanfeng, as software TA can you join 
as well? And can a representative from the software group and the 
plant group each be available too? Please let me know.

Should be fun getting the parts to work together!

-- Ali