Project 16

Scribe: Leonid Litvin,
Server: None
Date: May 8

We are not doing Bush anymore, he is boring. We are just doing a site for cowboys. We are currently working on a a second-ever (after yahoo) human-written web directory, ours will cater to cowboys and cowboy sites. I personally am in change of finding the content, classifying it, reviewing it and putting it up on our page. We also have a wonderful graphic artist (Anthony) whose Photoshop skills have been and will be used in the future to create all kinds of captions and banners and other stuff. We have a person (Jaime) who draws very well who has already completed a drawing of our main cowboy action figure and is working on animating in in Flash. We also have a great cgi/HTML person (Dustin) who will be in charge of layout. The other two people will be asisstants to all of the above plus they will have their own projects that they will create to post on yeehaa. One other person, Robert has dropped the class.

On the projects: In addition to all of the above, we all have our own additional projects that we all want to get done and pur on our page. As soon as I am done with a sufficient number of links, I will begin working on a Cowboy MOO-vie database. I also want to create a couple of small cowboy Flash games. Almost everybody else in the group will also be working with Flash to do something similar, fun and entertaining. There will be a myriad of these projects among our very talented group of people. When we are done, we will have the ultimate web portal for cowboys.

Previous notes:

The project is a "Full-featured Website." - a parody of for the BUSH Administration. A highly entertaining, cowboy themed search engine/ information portal. We intend to link to actual cowboy sites as well as create our own. We will make the site a truly cowboy-like experience. It may have a Flash intro, we will initiate cowboy sounds, we may sell fake cowboy merchandise or do many other things.

We may make fun of Bush and/or Texas.

We will employ Photoshop/Flash/Java/HTML/CGI and anything else that we can.