Project 3

Scribe: Jahan Aghalarpour,
Server: Brian
Date: May 3

We're thinking of calling it "Virtual Village Tour." It's going to be a fun and interactive website filled with tons of information about the village area. The user would be able to choose different locations in the village to tour by clicking on a designated point on the map. The map would be our home page. After clicking on a point, a loading scene showing a taxi driving from the previously visited location to the newly clicked one would be displayed. At this point is where our flash movie would start.

Through the use of a digital camera, we'll have pictures of different sites in the village to use as a background layer for our flash movies where there would be a little animated tour guide character talking about that region through a bubble caption. Within each region's respective flash movie, we're thinking of having transition scenes between the important sites which the tour guide would describe. These transition scenes would have pictures of different buildings, street signs, and restaurants that one would actually see on the way in a real tour.

In addition, we're planning on having available to the user an option of viewing a log of their previous visits with the choice of buying any souvenirs they wish to keep in their collection.

Ultimately we hope to implement this project in Flash 5, Java, Photoshop, and DreamWeaver. If you have any suggestions for us, it would be greatly appreciated.