Preparation for the final
Here is a list of the items you'll want to
study up on for the final, which will be on Monday, May 10,
in rm 109, from 2pm to 3:50pm.
Everything on the final will be something
we covered in class.
Topics to study up on for the final:
- Brush up on the material
you studied for the midterm.
- Brush up on splines:
Understand what the Hermite and Bezier matrices do.
If I give you values and slopes at the start
and end of an interval, be prepared to figure
out how to compute the coefficients of a cubic curve
at3 + bt2 + ct + d.
- Brush up on surface shading:
Understand the different parts of the phong shading model.
Make sure you know what makes light reflect
diffusely and what makes light reflect specularly.
- Brush up on lighting:
Understand the difference in behavior between a light at infinity,
and a light at a finite distance in the scene.
Understand how to model extended light sources.
Know how to render fog.
- Brush up on texture mapping:
Understand how to map an image onto a sphere, a cylinder, etc.
(eg: if you are given the x,y,z coordinates on a cylinder, you
should be able to compute the u,v coordinates on a texture
image that maps onto that cylinder.
- Brush up on procedural textures:
Understand what the noise function does,
and why I say that because it maps each point (x,y,z) in space to a value,
it acts like a solid material that you can ``carve out'' of a shape.
Think about how you'd make procedural stripe textures or polka dot textures.