Homework 4 grades

Name GradeComments
Koji Ashida 10
Paul Atzberger
Lance Ball
Gang Chen 10
Steve Chun 10
Vadin Elkin 10
Jonas Geduldig 10
John Golec 10
Jacob Hendrickson
Max Hrabrov 8 Performance not good, 2 days late
Tiffany Hsin 10
Hanan Jacob 5 Unfinished, No intersection generation, No applet
John Kachulis 10
Akihiro Kamijo 10
Dimitry Karlin
Nishant Kaushik 10
Kwangkeun Kim 10
Arvind Krishnappa 10
Daniel Kristjansson
Chan-Sook Lim 10
David Ma 8 Does not draw the intersection of polygons
Perrin Meyer
Ravi Mistry 7 Intersection bug, performance not good, 2 days late
Chris Mitchell 10
Tomer Moscovich 7 Intersection Polygon generation error, does not fill the polygon
Kavitha Neelapu 9 Bug in the intersection of polygon
Bill Olik 10
Nieba Paige
Igor Pechtchanski 8 Polygon intersection bug, 4 days late
Alessandro Sabatelli
Matthew Samuel 10
Joseph Shraibman 5 Unfinished, No intersection generation, No applet
Andrew Smith 10
Yilyoung Soung 10
Kiyoshi Sudo 10
Brian Sweeney
Fidela Sy 8 Does not draw the intersection of polygons
Daniel Thor 9 Performance not good
David Vogel 9 Performance not good
Jason Yung 9 4 days late