Name | Grade | Comments
Koji Ashida | 10
Paul Atzberger | 10
Lance Ball
Gang Chen | 9 | Mouse drag not natural.
Steve Chun | 7 | Sphere mesh not right, Mouse drag not natural.
Vadin Elkin | 10
Jonas Geduldig | 10
John Golec | 9 | Rotate not like a tracing ball behaviour.
Jacob Hendrickson | 9 | Rotate not like a tracing ball behaviour.
Max Hrabrov | 8 | Trace ball simulation not natural, Sphere mesh not quite right.
Tiffany Hsin | 9 | Sphere mesh not quite right.
Hanan Jacob | 8 | Mouse drag not natural, respond too slow.
John Kachulis | 9 | 9 days late (with extenuating circumstances)
Akihiro Kamijo | 10
Dimitry Karlin | 8 | Mouse drag not natural, Sphere mesh not quite correct.
Nishant Kaushik | 10
Kwangkeun Kim | 10
Arvind Krishnappa | 9 | Only rotate around axis, not a tracing ball behaviour.
Daniel Kristjansson
Chan-Sook Lim | 10
David Ma | 9 | Sphere does not respond to Keyboard.
Perrin Meyer |
Ravi Mistry | 8 | Trace ball simulation not naturally, Sphere mesh not quite right.
Chris Mitchell | 10
Tomer Moscovich | 7 | Sphere mesh not correct, not respond to keyboard.
Kavitha Neelapu | 7 | Cube can only rotate around X-Y, Sphere not respond to Keyborad.
Bill Olik | 10
Nieba Paige
Igor Pechtchanski | 6 | Mouse drag not natural, response too slow, no key event,
4 days late.
Alessandro Sabatelli |
Matthew Samuel | 9 | Sphere mesh not quite right
Joseph Shraibman |
Andrew Smith | 9 | Sphere mesh not quite right.
Yilyoung Soung | 9 | Mouse does not drag naturally
Kiyoshi Sudo | 10
Brian Sweeney
Fidela Sy | 8.5 | Sphere does not respond to Keyboard.
Daniel Thor | 9.5 | Longitude Segment should be half what you draw.
David Vogel | 9 | Should use mesh in sphere model.
Jason Yung | 9 | No Sphere Mesh of 2,3.