Notes for Monday Nov 30 and Wednesday Dec 2 classes -- Texture mapping and starting on final projects

Monday class

On Monday we finished the implementation of texture mapping. Our implementation is in

In order to work with textures on your own computer, you need your computer to act as a Web server. To do that you need to explicitly run a Web server on your computer.

If you go into the hw13 folder, you will see an executable file called startserver. If you run that from the command line in a terminal window, then you will start a Python server, which will run as a background process in that terminal window.

In your Web browser you can then type the URL localhost:80, and your browser will load the texture maps and run properly.

When you run anything on the NYU server, you won't need to start a server, because the NYU server is already a Web server. Once your work is up on your NYU page, people can just go to the URL to run it, like the work you posted in previous weeks.

Toward the end of class we started to talk about the final project, and I asked students to suggest a tentative idea for their final project for us to discuss in Wednesday's class.

At the end of the class we watched The Centrifuge Brain Project.


Wednesday class

On Wednesday we looked at and discussed everyone's initial final project proposal.

Everybody needs to give a preliminary presentation of their final project next week. 15 of you will present on Monday, and 15 will present on Wednesday. Plan on at most a 5 minute presentation.

In that presentation you should describe your general idea, and also demonstrate basic feasibility of all of the technical components of what you propose to do (eg: texture mapping, shape modeling, response to user input, etc). Feel free to use hand drawn sketches if you'd like, to help explain your ideas.

Monday Dec 7
(in the following order):

Mark Bacon
Kiara Chen
Edward Cheung
Chen Da
Frank Fan
Carter Fodge
Roman Haberli
Rohit Gopal
Abrar Hasnat
Rahat Hossan
Andy Huang
Anika Hussen
Humza Khan
Ledion Lecaj
Emma Saros

Wednesday Dec 9
(in the following order):

Chloe Li
Brandon Borden
Ziyan Lin
Patrick Mccullough
Didem Murtezaoglu
Ashley Nussbaum
Ben Pasteelnick
Jacqueline Pham
Bruce Ping
Ian Tang
Matt Vinca
Lily Wang
Ray Wang
Francis Zhan
Chongkun Zhao
Wayne Zhu


Responding to Keyboard events:

At Mark's request I also added event handlers for keyboard events, which are included in

To do something in response to the user pressing and releasing keys on the keyboard, you need to create your own versions of the following two methods in index.html:

canvas1.onKeyPress = key => {
   console.log('pressed key', key);

canvas1.onKeyRelease = key => {
   console.log('released key', key);