Notes for Nov 25 class

Better surface of revolution

Rather than the naive approach I covered last week for creating a surface of revolution, this week I showed how to control two variables as a function of v: the z coordinate and the radius r.

If you want to test this, here is some code you can use. This is the example I showed in class. Note that I first convert both the spline for z and the spline for r from Bezier to Cubic coefficients. Then I pass an array containing those two sets of coefficients to a generic method to build a u,v mesh, together with a definition of a function CG.uvToLathe(), which will convert each (u,v) to a vertex. The end result will be a vertex buffer, which I assign to variable lathe for rendering:

let lathe = CG.createMeshVertices(8, 16, CG.uvToLathe,
             [ CG.bezierToCubic([-1.0,-1.0,-0.7,-0.3,-0.1 , 0.1, 0.3 , 0.7 , 1.0 ,1.0]),
	       CG.bezierToCubic([ 0.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.1, 1.25, 1.4, 1.45, 1.55, 1.7 ,0.0]) ]);
Note that in my definition of a Bezier spline in the example above, the last value in each group of four values is always the same as the first value in the next group of four values. Therefore I don't repeat that value. So for N spline segments I need only 3N+1 values. In particular, the values in blue above are shared between two Bezier spline segments.

When converted to a cubic spline, the total number of values will expand out to 4N, since there will be no shared coefficients between cubic spline segments.

Two link IK

We showed an example of two-link IK. If you want to test your IK, here is some code you can use:

After you have computed the elbow joint between
a shoulder and a wrist, you will want to actually
place a limb that goes from shoulder to elbow,
and another limb that goes from elbow to wrist.

In order to transform a shape so that it ends up going betwee point A and point B, you will want to do the following three things:

  1. Translate the shape so that it is located at the midpoint (A+B)/2;

  2. Rotate your shape so that its z axis lies along the line from A to B;

  3. Scale the shape in x and y so that it has the desired thickness, and scale in z so that it fits in the distance from A to B.

Only the second step above is tricky to implement. The basic steps are as follows:
Given a target direction W in which to re-aim the Z axis:

   W = normalize(W)

   U0 = [0,1,0] ✕ W
   U1 = [1,0,0] ✕ W

   V0 = Z ✕ V0
   V1 = Z ✕ V1

   t = U1•U1 / (U0•U0 + U1•U1)

   U = normalize( U0(1-t) + U1t )
   V = normalize( V0(1-t) + V1t )

                      Ux  Vx  Wx  0
   rotation matrix =  Uy  Vy  Wy  0
                      Uz  Vz  Wz  0
		      0   0   0   1

Computing mesh normals automatically

For most types of mesh shapes you don't need to manually compute surface normals. Instead, while you are evaluating your function f(u,v) that converts uv to xyz, you can also be computing a surface normal, as well as a surface tangent (which is useful for bump mapping).

One way to do this is to define a small offset ε, which can be something like 1/1000.

For each (u,v), instead of just evaluating f(u,v), do four evaluations:

   P = f(u-ε,v-ε),
   Q = f(u+ε,v-ε),
   R = f(u-ε,v+ε),
   S = f(u+ε,v+ε).
You can now compute the tangent as normalize((Q-P)+(S-R)), and the binormal as normalize((R-P)+(S-Q)), Tne surface normal vector is then just the cross product of the tangent and the binormal.

Final project ideas

At the end of class we divided you into seven project groups. The attached file shows what you each suggested for your final project.

Next Monday there will be a person from SVA joining your group to help with design. We will spend a large portion of this coming class going through the projects and helping each other to refine the ideas and make sure that what you are proposing is technically feasible:

Graduate Computer Graphics Fall 2019 Final Project Proposals
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!