I've provided a very simple Applet which conforms to the Java 1.1 spec, below, for the benefit of those of you who've never written a Java applet before. If you don't have a Java development kit already, you can fetch one at http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.1/.
All MySimpleApplet does right now is to let you drag the mouse around to move a big 'X' shape. It extends class GenericApplet, which just implements double buffering. You can compile it by typing: "javac MySimpleApplet.java" in a command line window, and you can run it by loading file MySimpleApplet.html in your Web browser.
Your assignment for this week:
If you're ambitious, try playing with the mouseDown and mouseDrag methods below to do something interactive. If you do, please note that these methods have the side effect of setting damage=true, so that the render method knows to redraw the picture. Your versions of mouseDown and mouseDrag should likewise set damage=true.
<html> <head> <title>MySimpleApplet</title> </head> <body> <applet code=MySimpleApplet.class width=400 height=400> </applet> </body> </html>
import java.awt.*; public class MySimpleApplet extends GenericApplet { int x = 100, y = 100; public void render(Graphics g) { if (damage) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, bounds().width, bounds().height); g.setColor(Color.black); g.drawLine(x - 20, y + 20, x + 20, y - 20); g.drawLine(x - 20, y - 20, x + 20, y + 20); } } public boolean mouseDown(Event e, int x, int y) { moveXY(x, y); return true; } public boolean mouseDrag(Event e, int x, int y) { moveXY(x, y); return true; } void moveXY(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; damage = true; } } class GenericApplet extends java.applet.Applet implements Runnable { public boolean damage = true; // you can force a render public void render(Graphics g) { } // you can define how to render private Image image = null; private Graphics buffer = null; private Thread t; private Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); public void start() { if (t == null) { t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } } public void stop() { if (t != null) { t.stop(); t = null; } } public void run() { try { while (true) { repaint(); t.sleep(30); } } catch(InterruptedException e){}; } public void update(Graphics g) { if (r.width != bounds().width || r.height != bounds().height) { image = createImage(bounds().width, bounds().height); buffer = image.getGraphics(); r = bounds(); damage = true; } render(buffer); damage = false; if (image != null) g.drawImage(image,0,0,this); } }