\bibitem{CousotCousot-RW-10-06-06} P.~Cousot \& R.~Cousot. \newblock The Scientific Work of Reinhard Wilhelm. \newblock \emph{Special event to honour the 60th birthday of Prof.\ Reinhard Wilhelm}, Universit\"at Saarbr\"ucken, Germany, June 10th, 2006. @conference{CousotCousot-RW-10-06-06, author = {P{.} Cousot and R{.} Cousot}, title = {The Scientific Work of {R}einhard {W}ilhelm}, note = {\emph{Special event to honour the 60th birthday of Prof.\ Reinhard Wilhelm}, Universit\"at Saarbr\"ucken, Germany, June 10th, 2006}, month = {10 June}, year = 2006, }