\bibitem{Cousot-AVIS0-panel} P{.} Cousot. \newblock Forthcoming Requirements on Software Verification. \newblock In \emph{Invited Panel on ``The Future of Software Verification''}, Moderator: Ramesh Bharadwaj, Panelists: Tom Ball, Patrick Cousot, Connie Heitmeyer, Tom Reps. \newblock \emph{Third International Workshop on Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'04)}, Barcelona, Spain, 3rd-4th April 2004. @conference{Cousot-AVIS04-panel, author = {P{.} Cousot}, title = {Forthcoming Requirements on Software Verification}, booktitle = {In \emph{Invited Panel on ``The Future of Software Verification''}, Moderator: Ramesh Bharadwaj, Panelists: Tom Ball, Patrick Cousot, Connie Heitmeye, Tom Reps. Third International Workshop on Automated Verification of Infinite-State Systems (AVIS'04)}, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, month = {3rd-4th April}, year = 2004, }
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Monday, 07-May-2012 17:51:02 EDT