\bibitem{BertraneEtAl10-UML-FM} J.~Bertrane, P.~ Cousot, R.~ Cousot, J.~ Feret, L.~ Mauborgne, A.~ Miné, and X.~ Rival. \newblock Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Embedded Critical Software. \newblock In \emph{Third IEEE International workshop UML and Formal Methods}, 16 November 2010, Shanghai, China. @InProceedings{BertraneEtAl10-UML-FM, author = {J.~Bertrane and P.~ Cousot and R.~ Cousot and J.~ Feret and L.~ Mauborgne and A.~ Miné and X.~ Rival}, title = {Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation of Embedded Critical Software}, booktitle = {Third IEEE International workshop UML and Formal Methods}, address = {Shanghai, China}, publisher = {IEEE}, month = {16 November}, year = 2010, }
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