\bibitem{Cousot-SSGRR-00} P{.} Cousot. \newblock Abstract interpretation: Achievements and perspectives. \newblock In {\em Proceedings of the SSGRR 2000 Computer \& eBusiness International Conference}, Compact disk paper 224 and electronic proceedings \url{http://www.ssgrr.it/en/ssgrr2000/proceedings.htm}, L'Aquila, Italy, July 31 -- August 6 2000. Scuola Superiore G{.} Reiss Romoli. @inproceedings{Cousot-SSGRR-00, author = {Cousot, P{.}}, title = {Abstract Interpretation: Achievements and Perspectives}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the SSGRR 2000 Computer \& eBusiness International Conference}, address = {Compact disk paper 224 and electronic proceedings \url{http://www.ssgrr.it/en/ssgrr2000/proceedings.htm}, L'Aquila, Italy}, publisher = {Scuola Superiore G{.} Reiss Romoli}, month = {July 31 -- August 6}, year = 2000, isbn = {88-85280-52-8}, }
Friday, 04-May-2012 10:54:10 EDT