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Initializing the variables

  , and store the variables X, y and Z. They must be initialized with suitable starting values. Both and must be strictly positive definite. Typically is set to zero and and to multiples of the identity matrix. If the block diagonal matrices and have more than one block, they must necessarily be stored as sparse matrices. If they contain a single block, it is recommended that they be provided in full format, as the solutions will most likely be full. The script initvars.m may be used to initialize to zero and , to times the identity matrix, where is a scalar set by the user. The proper choice of is highly problem dependent. The default value is 100, but it may be necessary to set to a larger value. On the other hand, is often satisfactory, and results in a smaller number of iterations.

Madhu Nayakkankuppam
Fri Mar 28 00:48:56 EST 1997