Homework 4
Assigned Mon Feb 29, due Thu Mar 10
Gradient and Newton Methods
- Write a Matlab function to implement the Gradient Method (equivalently,
Steepest Descent in the 2-norm). The first line should be
function [x,f,iters] = gradmeth(fun, x0, tol, maxit), as in the
template gradmeth.m.
The first input parameter fun is an "anonymous function", which means
that calls to fun inside gradmeth will actually be to some
function whose name is unknown until gradmeth is called.
This is the function that gradmeth is supposed to minimize;
its implementation must return both the function value f at a given point x and
its gradient g there. The second input parameter to gradmeth
is the starting point, the third is the
tolerance on the norm of the gradient and the fourth is the max number of
iterations to be allowed. You can use a while loop to implement
the main iteration, and code the backtracking line search (see p.464) in a separate
function, since we will also need it for Newton's method below. Use α=1/4, β=1/2.
Test my template on the simple quadratic function (and starting point) coded
in quad.m by calling the script example.m
and make sure you understand how all this works before replacing the dummy code
in the template by your own code.
- Suppose you run your code for 1000 iterations. Let p* denote the
minimum value of fun. By what factor
does the theory that we discussed in the lecture (see Section 9.3)
predict that the ratio (fun(x)-p*)/(fun(x0)-p*) will be reduced,
in terms of m and M, the smallest and largest eigenvalues
of the Hessian of fun? How does this compare with what the code
actually computes? You can compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian
by eig(A), and the minimal value p* from evaluating fun
at the exact minimizer -A\b. (Type "help \" at the Matlab
prompt if you are not familiar with the crucial "matrix left divide"
operator "\".)
- Write another function newtmeth that implements Newton's method in
the same way. Now the function to be minimized must return a third output
argument, the Hessian H. The Newton code must solve a system of
linear equations, which is most easily done using "\". You should never use inv
to solve a system of equations, because it may introduce unnecessary error and,
especially if the matrix is large and sparse (not this case), cost far too much.
Matlab checks to see if the matrix is symmetric, and if it is,
solves the linear system using Cholesky factorization; should the matrix turn out
not to be positive definite, so Cholesky breaks down, it would then switch to the
LU factorization, but that won't happen in the strictly convex case if you code the
Hessian matrix correctly. You could alternatively explicitly compute the Cholesky
factorization using chol and then solve the system of equations using
forward and backward substitution, but this isn't necessary. Newton's method
minimizes a quadratic function in one step, so, once your code appears
to be working, apply it to the problem in Exercise 9.30 (page 519).
(Ignore the instructions in part (a) and (b)). Although in principle
writing the code for computing g and H is straightforward,
in practice it is easy to get this wrong. Therefore, check your
derivative formulas against explicit finite difference quotients
(of the function for g, of the gradient for H) before proceeding.
The size of the difference should be in the range 1e-6 to 1e-8; if
you make it too small, rounding errors will make the finite difference
quotients meaningless. For the data defining the problem,
set n to 100, m to 50, and
the vectors ai as the columns of the matrix saved
in Adata.mat (type load Adata at the
prompt). (Note the two different meanings of m in this homework!)
NEW: You can define f to be inf (and g, H to be anything, a good
choice is nan*ones(n,1), nan*ones(n,n)) if x is not in dom f.
Then, the line search will reject points that are not in dom f.
- Using x0=0, how many iterations of Newton's method are required to
minimize this function to approximately the limits of the machine precision
(say what you mean by this). How does this compare with the theory that
we discussed in the lecture (see section 9.5.3)?
You can estimate m and M by computing them using eig at x0
and at the minimizer, and perhaps at some other points, and you know p*
after successfully minimizing the function. NEW: Likewise you can estimate L by
looking at differences of the norm of the Hessian at various points in the domain.
- Using semilogy, plot the norm of the gradient
against the iteration count (add an output argument to newtmeth
that returns all the computed gradient norms so you don't
need to plot inside newtmeth). Use legend, title,
xlabel, ylabel to label the plot nicely.
Do you observe quadratic convergence?
Turn in Matlab code listings as well as answers to the questions above.
Make sure that your codes have plenty of comments explaining what they do.
If anything is not clear, don't hesitate to contact me by email or by
dropping by my office.