Convex and Nonsmooth Optimization

CSCI-GA.2945.001/ MATH-GA.2012.001 Selected Topics in Numerical Analysis

Mondays 5:10-7:00, Spring 2018, WWH *** 1302 ***

Instructor: Michael L. Overton

Course Description

Convex optimization problems have many important properties, including a powerful duality theory and the property that any local minimum is also a global minimum. Nonsmooth optimization refers to minimization of functions that are not necessarily convex, usually locally Lipschitz, and typically not differentiable at their minimizers. Topics in convex optimization that will be covered include duality, linear and semidefinite programming, CVX ("disciplined convex programming"), gradient and Newton methods, Nesterov's complexity bound, the alternating direction method of multipliers, the nuclear norm and matrix completion, the primal barrier method, primal-dual interior-point methods for linear and semidefinite programs. Topics in nonsmooth optimization that will be covered include subgradients and subdifferentials, Clarke regularity, and algorithms, including gradient sampling and BFGS, for nonsmooth, nonconvex optimization. Homework will be assigned, both mathematical and computational. Students may submit a final project on a pre-approved topic or take a written final exam.


Undergraduate linear algebra and multivariable calculus

Required Text Book for first part of course

Required Software Other Recommended Books and Resources: ***not*** required for course

Lecture Plan (tentative)

Attend class, submit all homeworks, and either write the final exam on May 14 (which will be primarily based on material covered in the homework assignments), or submit a singly-authored final project on a topic that is pre-approved by the instructor. Approval due date: Apr 16. Project due date: May 14. Final grade will be based approximately 60% on the homework and 40% on the final project or final exam.


Piazza Class Forum Registered students will be invited to join the Piazza class forum. Please participate! Auditors who wish to join should send email to the instructor.