Class 19 CS 439 26 March 2013 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Alternatives to locking 3. Advice 4. File systems (summary of concurrency unit is at the end of the notes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time review locking; discuss MCS locks; also discussed performance, etc. CLARIFICATION: cores can access caches of other cores; that is what those lines in the figure represent. 2. Alternatives to locking --Futexes (won't really cover) --RCU (read-copy-update); won't really cover --Event-driven programming --Transactions --Non-blocking synchronization A. futexes (for performance) --motivation: locks must interact with scheduler, and syscalls on locks need to go into the kernel, which is expensive. --so can we optimize the process of acquiring the lock so that we go into kernel only if we can't get lock? --enter futexes ["Fuss, Futexes and Furwocks: Fast Userlevel Locking in Linux", H. Franke, R. Russell, and M. Kirkwood, Ottawa Linux Symposium, 2002.] --idea ask kernel to sleep only if memory location hasn't changed (if it has changed, the lock is contended, and we'll need kernel help to adjudicate) --void futex (int *uaddr, FUTEX_WAIT, int val, ....) --Go to sleep only if *uaddr == val --Extra arguments allow timeouts, etc. --void futex (int *uaddr, FUTEX_WAKE, int val, ...) --Wake up at most val threads sleeping on uaddr --uaddr is translated down to offset in VM object --So works on memory mapped file at different virtual addresses in different processes --idea: --to "acquire", atomically decrement or set --to "release", atomically increment or reset. if the value is 1, great; if the value is *less than* 1, it means someone else asked for the mutex; ask for the kernel's help waking the waiters B. RCU (read-copy-update) [see: "Read-Copy Update", McKenney et al., Proc Ottowa Linux Symposium, 2001. ] --Some data is read way more often than written --Like routing tables: consulted for each packet that is forwarded --Or Data maps in system with 100+ disks: Updated when disk fails, maybe every $10^{10}$ operations --Optimize for the common case of reading w/o lock e.g., global variable: routing_table *rt; Call lookup (rt, route); with no locking --Update by making copy, swapping pointer --routing_table *nrt = copy_routing_table (rt); --Update nrt [threads still in the table keep working] --Set global rt = nrt when done updating --All lookup calls see consistent old or new table --the hard part: when can we free the memory of the old routing table? --answer: when we are guaranteed that no one is using it --but how can we determine that? --loosely speaking, wait until each thread has context switched at least once --at that point, each thread will have been in _quiescent state_ at least once, and meanwhile in a _quiescent state_ the thread's temporary variables are dead C. event-driven programming event-driven versus threading threading --------- for (;;) { fd = accept_client (); thread_create (service_client, &fd); } void service_client(void* arg) { int* fd_ptr = (int*)arg; int fd = *fd_ptr; while (client_request_not_read_in) { read(fd, ....); /* [+] */ } do_work_for_client(); while (response_to_client_not_fully_written_out) { write(fd, ...); } thread_exit(); } event-driven ------------- /* functions "register": "notify me if an event happens. here is * a function pointer to call.... */ for (;;) { rc = select(n, &read_events, &write_events, NULL, &tv); /* go through read_events; handle any that need to be * handled */ /* go through write_events; handle each */ /* above, "handling" means dereferencing the function * pointers. */ } --also manages "concurrency". --why? (because the processor really only can do one thing at a time.) --good match if there is lots of I/O --what happens if we try to program in event-driven style and we are a CPU-bound process? --there aren't natural yield points, so the other tasks may never get to run --or the CPU-bound tasks have to insert artificial yields(). In vanilla event-driven programming, there is no explicit yield() call. A function that wants to stop running but wants to be run again has to queue up a request to be re-run. That request unfortunately has to manually take the important stack variables and place them in an entry in the event queue (a list of function pointers). In a very real sense, this is what the thread scheduler does automatically (the thread scheduler, if you look at it at a high-level, takes various threads' stacks and switches them around, and also loads the CPU's registers with a thread's registers. this is not super-different from scheduling a function for later and specifying the arguments, where the argument *are* the important stack variables that the function will need, in order for the function to execute). --this is one reason why you want threads: easy to write code where each thread just does some CPU-intensive thing, and the thread scheduler worries about interleaving the operations (otherwise, the interleaving is more manual and consists of the steps mentioned above). D. transactions --using them in the kernel requires hardware support see Intel's latest chips should have such extensions --using them in application space does not --when deadlock is detected, transaction manager aborts transaction E. non-blocking synchronization --wait-free algorithms --lock-free algorithms --the skinny on these is that: --using atomic instructions such as compare-and-swap (CMPXCHG on the x86) you can implement many common data structures (stacks, queues, even hash tables) --in fact, can implement *any* algorithm in wait-free fashion, given the right hardware --the problem is that such algorithms wind up using lots of memory or involving many retries so are inefficient --but since they don't lock, they are provably lock-free! * How free are the above approaches from the disadvantages listed above? --RCU has some complexity required to handle garbage collection, and it's not always applicable --event-driven code removes the possibility of races and deadlock, but that's because it doesn't involve true concurrency, so if you want your app to take advantage of multiple CPUs, you can't use plain vanilla event-driven programming --non-blocking synchronization often leads to complexity and inefficiency (but not deadlock or broken modularity!) --transactions are nice but not supported everywhere and not very efficient if there is lots of contention 3. Advice A. My advice on best approaches (higher-level advice than thread coding advice from before) --application programming: --cooperative user-level multithreading --kernel-level threads with *simple* synchronization --this is where the thread coding advice given above applies --event-driven coding --transactions, if your package provides them, and you are willing to deal with performance trade-offs (namely that performance is poor under contention because lots of wasted work) --kernel hacking: no silver bullet here. want to avoid locks as much as possible. sometimes they are unavoidable, in which case fancy things need to happen. --UT professor Emmett Witchel proposes using transactions inside the kernel (TxLinux) B. Reflections and conclusions from concurrency unit --Threads and concurrency primitives have solved a hard problem: how to take advantage of hardware resources with a sequential abstraction (the thread) and how to safely coordinate access to shared resources (concurrency primitives). --But of course concurrency primitives have the disadvantages that we've discussed --old debate about whether threads are a good idea: John Ousterhout: "Why Threads are a bad idea (for most purposes)", 1996 talk. Robert van Renesse "Goal-Oriented Programming, or Composition Using Events, or Threads Considered harmful". Eighth ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, September 1998. --and lots of "events vs threads" papers (use Google) --the debate comes down to this: --compared to code written in event-driven style, shared memory multiprogramming code is easier to read: it's easier to know the code's purpose. however, it's harder to make that code correct, and it's harder to know, when reading the code, whether it's correct. --who is right? sort of like vi vs. emacs debates. threads, events, and the other alternatives all have advantages and disadvantages. one thing is for sure: make sure that you understand those advantages and disadvantages before picking a model to work with. --Some people think that threads, i.e., concurrent applications, shouldn't be used at all (because of the many bugs and difficult cases that come up, as we'll discuss). However, that position is becoming increasingly less tenable, given multicore computing. --The fundamental reason is this: if you have a computation-intensive job that wants to take advantage of all of the hardware resources of a machine, you either need to (a) structure the job as different processes; or (b) use kernel-level threading. There is no other way, given mainstream OS abstractions, to take advantage of a machine's parallelism. (a) winds up being inconvenient (in order to share data, the processes either have to separately set up shared memory regions, or else pass messages). So people use (b). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- midterm topics --everything since last midterm --and application-level use of concurrency primitives (locking, Mike Dahlin's commandments, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. file systems A. intro B. files C. implementing files 1. contiguous 2. linked files 3. FAT 4. indexed files D. Directories E. FS performance F. mmap A. Intro --more papers on FSs than on any other single topic --probably also the hardest part of operating systems --what does a FS do? --provide persistence (don't go away ... ever) --somehow associate bytes on the disk with names (files) --somehow associates names with each other (directories) --where are FSes implemented? --can implement them on disk, over network, in memory, in NVRAM (non-volatile RAM), on tape, with paper (!!!!) --we are going to focus on the disk and generalize later. we'll see what it means to implement a FS over the network --a few quick notes about disks in the context of FS design --disk is the first thing we've seen that (a) doesn't go away; and (b) we can modify (BIOS ROM, hardware configuration, etc. don't go away, but we weren't able to modify these things). two implications here: (i) we're going to have to put all of our important state on the disk (ii) we have to live with what we put on the disk! scribble randomly on memory --> reboot and hope it doesn't happen again. scribbe randomly on the disk --> now what? (answer: in many cases, we're hosed.) --mismatch: CPU and memory are *also* working with "important state", but they are vastly faster than disks --disk is enormous: 100-1000x more data than memory --how to organize all of this information? --answer is by categorizing things (taxonomies). a FS is a kind of taxonomy ("/homes" has home directories, "/homes/bob/classes/cs372h" has bob's cs372h material, etc.) B. Files * Intro --what is a file? --answer from user's view: a bunch of named bytes on the disk --answer from FS's view: collection of disk blocks --big job of a FS: map name and offset to disk blocks FS {file,offset} --> disk address --operations are create(file), delete(file), read(), write() --***goal: operations have as few disk accesses as possible and minimal space overhead --wait, why do we want minimal space overhead, given that the disk is huge? --answer: cache space never enough; the amount of data that can be retrieved in one fetch is never enough. hence, really don't want to waste. [[--note that we have seen translation/indirection before: page table: page table virtual address ----------> physical address per-file metadata: inode offset ------> disk block address how'd we get the inode? directory file name ----------> file # (file # *is* an inode in Unix) ]] * Implementing files --our task: meet the goal marked *** above. --for now, we're going to assume that the file's metadata is given to us. when we look at directories in a bit, we'll see where the metadata comes from; the above picture should also give a hint access patterns we could imagine supporting: (i) Sequential: --File data processed in sequential order --By far the most common mode --Example: editor writes out new file, compiler reads in file, etc (ii) Random access: --Address any block in file directly without passing through --Examples: large data set, demand paging, databases (iii) Keyed access --Search for block with particular values --Examples: associative data base, index --This thing is everywhere in the field of databases, search engines, but.... --...usually not provided by a FS in OS helpful observations: (i) All blocks in file tend to be used together, sequentially (ii) All files in directory tend to be used together (iii) All *names* in directory tend to be used together further design parameters: (i) Most files are small (ii) Much of the disk is allocated to large files (iii) Many of the I/O operations are made to large files (iv) Want good sequential and good random access candidate designs........ 1. contiguous allocation "extent based" --when creating a file, make user pre-specify its length, and allocate the space at once --file metadata contains location and size --example: IBM OS/360 [ a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 ] what if a file c needs two sectors?! +: simple +: fast access, both sequential and random -: fragmentation where have we seen something similar? (answer: segmentation in virtual memory) 2. linked files --keep a linked list of free blocks --metadata: pointer to file's first block --each block holds pointer to next one +: no more fragmentation +: sequential access easy (and probably mostly fast, assuming decent free space management, since the pointers will point close by) -: random access is a disaster -: pointers take up room in blocks; messes up alignment of data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks to David Mazieres and Mike Dahlin for portions of the above. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY AND REVIEW OF CONCURRENCY We've discussed different ways to handle concurrency. Here's a review and summary. Unfortunately, there is no one right approach to handling concurrency. The "right answer" changes as operating systems and hardware evolve, and depending on whether we're talking about what goes on inside the kernel, how to structure an application, etc. For example, in a world in which most machines had one CPU, it may make more sense to use event-driven programming in applications (note that this is a potentially controversial claim), and to rely on turning off interrupts in the kernel. But in a world with multiple CPUs, event-driven programming in an application fails to take advantage of the hardware's parallelism, and turning off interrupts in the kernel will not avoid concurrency problems. Why we want concurrency in the first place: better use of hardware resources. Increase total performance by running different tasks concurrently on different CPUs. But sometimes, serial execution of atomic operations is needed for correctness. So how do we solve these problems? --*threads are an abstraction that can take advantage of concurrency.* applies at multiple levels, as discussed in class. indeed, a kernel that runs on multiple CPUs (say, in handling system calls from two different processes running on two different CPUs) can be regarded as using threads-inside-the-kernel, or there can be explicit threads-inside-the-kernel. this is apart from kernel-level threading and user-level threading, which are abstractions that applications use --to get serial execution of atomic operations, we need hardware support at the lowest level. we may use the hardware support directly (as in the case of lock-free data structures), with a thin wrapper (as in the case of spinlocks), or wrapped in a much higher-level abstraction (as in the case of mutexes and monitors). --the hardware support that we're talking about is test&set, LOCK prefix, LD_L/ST_C (load-linked/store-conditional, on DEC Alpha), interrupt enable/disable 1. The most natural (but not the only thing) we can do with the hardware support is to build spinlocks. We saw a few kinds of spinlocks: --test_and_set (while (xchg) {} ) --test-and-test_and_set (example given in class from Linux) --MCS locks Spinlocks are *sometimes* useful inside the kernel and more rarely useful in application space. The reason is that wrapping larger pieces of functionality with spinlocks wastes CPU cycles on the waiting processor. There is a trade-off between the overhead of putting a thread to sleep and the cycles wasted by spinning. For very short critical sections, spinlocks are a win. For longer ones, put the thread of execution to sleep. 2. For larger pieces of functionality, higher-level synchronization primitives are useful: --mutexes --mutexes and condition variables (known as monitors) --shared reader / single writer locks (can implement as a monitor) --semaphores (but you should not use these as it is easy to make mistakes with them) --futexes (basically a semaphore or mutex used for synchronizing processes on Linux; the advantage is that if the futex is uncontended, the process never enters the kernel. The cost of a system call is only incurred when there is contention and a process needs to go to sleep (going to sleep and getting woken requires kernel help). Building all of the above correctly requires lower-level synchronization primitives. Usually, inside of these higher-level abstractions is a spinlock that is held for a brief time before the thread is put to sleep and after it is woken. [Disadvantages to both spinlocks and higher-level synchronization primitives: --performance (because of synchronization point and cache line bounces) --performance v. complexity trade-off --hard to get code safe, live, and well-performing --to increase performance, we need finer-grained locking, which increases complexity, which imperils: --safety (race conditions more likely) --liveness (for example, deadlock, starvation more likely) --deadlock (hard to ensure liveness) --starvation (hard to ensure progress for all threads) --priority inversion --broken modularity --careful coding required] In user-level code, manage these disadvantages by sacrificing performance for correctness. In kernel code, it's trickier. Any performance problems in the kernel will be passed to applications. Here, the situation is sort of a mess. People use a combination of partial lock orders, careful thought, static detection tools, code review, and prayer. 3. Can also use hardware support to build lock-free data structures (for example, using atomic compare-and-swap). --avoids possibility of deadlock --better performance --downside: further complexity 4. Can also use hardware support to enable the Read-Copy Update (RCU) technique. Technique used inside the Linux kernel. Very elegant. --here, *writers* need to synchronize (using spinlocks, other hardware support, etc.), but readers do not [Aside: another paradigm for handling concurrency: transactions --transactional memory (requires different hardware abstractions) --transactions exposed to applications and users of applications, like queriers of databases] Another approach to handling concurrency is to avoid it: 5. event-driven programming --also manages "concurrency". --why? (because the processor really only can do one thing at a time.) --good match if there is lots of I/O what happens if we try to program in event-driven style and we are a CPU-bound process? --there aren't natural yield points, so the other tasks may never get to run --or the CPU-bound tasks have to insert artificial yields(). In vanilla event-driven programming, there is no explicit yield() call. A function that wants to stop running but wants to be run again has to queue up a request to be re-run. That request unfortunately has to manually take the important stack variables and place them in an entry in the event queue. In a very real sense, this is what the thread scheduler does automatically (the thread scheduler, if you look at it at a high-level, takes various threads' stacks and switches them around, and also loads the CPU's registers with a thread's registers. this is not super-different from scheduling a function for later and specifying the arguments, where the argument *are* the important stack variables that the function will need, in order for the function to execute). --this is one reason why you want threads: easy to write code where each thread just does some CPU-intensive thing, and the thread scheduler worries about interleaving the operations (otherwise, the interleaving is more manual and consists of the steps mentioned above). 6. what does JOS do? Answer: JOS's approach to concurrency is probably not something to take as a lesson. It uses a "big kernel lock" and ensures that the kernel code is only executing on one processor at a time (note that a user-level process can execute on the other CPU). A JOS system has to worry about interrupts; for this it takes a simple approach. On the CPU on which it is executing, JOS turns interrupts off for the entire time that it is executing in the kernel. JOS runs environments in user-mode with interrupts enabled, so at any point a timer interrupt may take the CPU away from an environment and switch to a different environment. This can happen on either CPU. Ultimately, threads, synchronization primitives, etc. solve a really hard problem: how to have multiple stuff going on at the same time but to allow the programmer to keep it organized, sane, and correct. To do this, we introduced abstractions like threads, functions like swtch(), relied on hardware primitives like XCHG, and built higher-level objects like mutexes, monitors, and condition variables. All of this is, at the end of the day, presenting a relatively sane model to the programmer, built on top of something that was otherwise really hard to reason about. On the other hand, these abstractions aren't perfect, as the litany of disadvantages should make clear, so the solution is to be very careful when writing code that has multiple units of execution that share memory (aka shared memory multi-programming aka threading aka processes that share memory). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------