File format:
Your file must be in plain text format. There is no need to copy the questions, just number your answers with a blank line in between. Include the following header at the top of your file:
Homework #: Student Name: EID: CS login: Email address: Unique Number:
File naming:
Name your file in the following format: hw<num>_<section>_<uteid>.txt So for someone with the UT EID smithan4 in section 52992 turning in Homework 1, the file name would be hw1_52992_smithan4.txt
Once your file is in the correct format (with the
correct header!) and is named properly, turn it in from a CS public
machine using the following command:
turnin --submit <ta> cs439w-hwX <your_filename>
where <your_filename> is replaced with the filename described above, cs439w-hwX reflects the current number (homework 1 is cs439w-hw1, homework 2 is cs439w-hw2, etc.), and <ta> is the login for your section: nyaghma (for Thursdays; Navid), sebs (for Tuesdays; Sebastian), or parth (for Wednesdays; Parth).