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LOCK -- Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix

Opcode  Instruction  Clocks  Description

F0      LOCK         0       Assert LOCK# signal for the next instruction


The LOCK prefix causes the LOCK# signal of the 80386 to be asserted during execution of the instruction that follows it. In a multiprocessor environment, this signal can be used to ensure that the 80386 has exclusive use of any shared memory while LOCK# is asserted. The read-modify-write sequence typically used to implement test-and-set on the 80386 is the BTS instruction.

The LOCK prefix functions only with the following instructions:

BT, BTS, BTR, BTC                   mem, reg/imm
XCHG                                reg, mem
XCHG                                mem, reg
ADD, OR, ADC, SBB, AND, SUB, XOR    mem, reg/imm
NOT, NEG, INC, DEC                  mem
An undefined opcode trap will be generated if a LOCK prefix is used with any instruction not listed above.

XCHG always asserts LOCK# regardless of the presence or absence of the LOCK prefix.

The integrity of the LOCK is not affected by the alignment of the memory field. Memory locking is observed for arbitrarily misaligned fields.

Locked access is not assured if another 80386 processor is executing an instruction concurrently that has one of the following characteristics:

Flags Affected


Protected Mode Exceptions

#UD if LOCK is used with an instruction not listed in the "Description" section above; other exceptions can be generated by the subsequent (locked) instruction

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 6 if LOCK is used with an instruction not listed in the "Description" section above; exceptions can still be generated by the subsequent (locked) instruction

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

#UD if LOCK is used with an instruction not listed in the "Description" section above; exceptions can still be generated by the subsequent (locked) instruction

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