uses dos,crt,supervga,idvga; const copyright=' 29/Sep/95 Copyright 1991-95 Finn Thoegersen'; SWversion = 2000; {1495 = 1.49e, 1500 = 1.50, 2000 = 2.00} menuchars:array[1..55] of char= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&()[]{}-_=+/?'; beta_ver=true; max_clk=17; clkname:array[0..max_clk] of string[20]=('','Internal','4 Ext Clks' ,'8 Ext Clks','16 Ext Clks','32 Ext Clks','64 Ext Clks' ,'32 Ext Clks (Sigma)','ICD20c61','ICD20c61A','S3 SDAC','TVP302x' ,'ICS2595','SC11412','CH8391/8','STG1703','MUSIC','IBM RGB52x'); var af_fil:file; af_buf:array[0..2048] of byte; af_pos:word; af_rec:_AT2; af_cmt:string; af_tst:_AT3; af_fail:boolean; af_filename:string[12]; {Displays the copyright & version info} function wrVersionNbr:string; var s:string; begin str(SWVersion div 1000,s); s:=s+'.'+chr((SWversion div 100) mod 10+48)+chr((SWversion div 10) mod 10+48); if (SWversion mod 10)>0 then s:=s+chr(SWversion mod 10+$60); if (beta_ver) then s:=s+' (BETA)'; wrVersionNbr:='WHATVGA v. '+s; end; function freq(frq:longint):string; var w:word; st:string[5]; begin w:=frq mod 1000; str(frq div 1000:3,st); freq:=st+'.'+chr((w div 100)+48)+chr(((w div 10) mod 10)+48)+chr((w mod 10)+48); end; {Appends a datablock to the AF buffer} procedure AddAFbuf(var b;bytes:word); begin move(b,af_buf[af_pos],bytes); inc(af_pos,bytes); end; {Writes an AF record to the AF file} procedure WrAFbuf(typ:byte); begin af_buf[0]:=typ; move(af_pos,af_buf[1],2); blockwrite(af_fil,af_buf,af_pos); close(af_fil); reset(af_fil,1); {Flushes file output} seek(af_fil,filesize(af_fil)); af_pos:=3; end; function Rtext(str:string;wid:integer):string; begin while str[length(str)]=' ' do dec(str[0]); Rtext:=copy(' ',1,wid-length(str))+str; end; function getComment(tx:string):string; var s,s1:string; begin writeln('Please enter '+tx+' (max 3 lines):'); s:='';s1:=''; readln(s1); s1:=strip(s1); if s1<>'' then begin s:=s1; readln(s1);s1:=strip(s1); if s1<>'' then begin s:=s+' '+s1; readln(s1);s1:=strip(s1); if s1<>'' then begin s:=s+' '+s1; writeln; end; end; end; getComment:=s; end; function getYN:boolean; const YN:array[0..1] of string[3]=('No','Yes'); var ret:integer; begin ret:=-1; repeat case getkey of ord('y'),ord('Y'):ret:=1; ord('n'),ord('N'):ret:=0; ch_esc:ret:=0; end; until ret>-1; getYn:=boolean(ret); writeln(YN[ret]); if ret=0 then af_fail:=true; end; procedure InitAFFile(cursel:word); var x:word; hdr:_AT0; mm:byte; begin x:=0; repeat inc(x); {Find first free file number} af_filename:='WHVGA'+istr(x)+'.TST'; assign(af_fil,af_filename); {$i-} reset(af_fil,1); {$i+} if ioresult=0 then close(af_fil) else x:=0; until x=0; rewrite(af_fil,1); af_pos:=3; af_fail:=false; hdr.SWvers := SWversion; hdr.vid_sys:= Vids; hdr.cur_vid:= cursel; getFtime(af_fil,hdr.curtime); AddAFbuf(hdr,sizeof(hdr)); af_cmt:=getComment('your Email address'); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); af_cmt:=getComment('your name & address'); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); af_cmt:=getComment('your video&monitor description'); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); af_cmt:=getComment('your system description'); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); af_cmt:=''; for mm:=_text to _p32d do {Build the Mode Name table} af_cmt:=af_cmt+copy(mmodenames[mm]+' ',1,4); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); for x:=1 to max_clk do AddAFbuf(clkname[x],length(clkname[x])+1); af_cmt:=''; AddAFbuf(af_cmt,1); WrAFbuf(AF_header); end; function getmenkey:integer; var x,c:word; begin c:=getkey; if (c>=ord('a')) and (c<=ord('z')) then c:=c-32; getmenkey:=0; for x:=1 to 55 do if chr(c)=menuchars[x] then getmenkey:=x; if c=Ch_Esc then getmenkey:=-1; end; procedure clearmemory; var x,y,maxbank:word; begin case memmode of _text,_txt2,_txt4: begin {mov es,[vseg] cld xor di,di mov ax,$720 mov cx,$4000 rep stosw} inline($8e/6/>vseg/$fc/$31/$ff/$B8/>$720/$B9/>$4000/$f3/$ab); end; _cga1,_cga2: fillchar(mem[SegB800:0],$8000,0); _pl2,_pl4:begin wrinx(GRC,0,0); wrinx(GRC,1,15); (* planar modes *) wrinx(GRC,8,255); modinx(GRC,5,3,0); maxbank:=pred( div 256); end; else maxbank:=pred( div 64); end; if memmode>_cga2 then for x:=0 to maxbank do begin setbank(x); {mov es,[vseg] cld xor di,di xor ax,ax mov cx,$8000 rep stosw} inline($8e/6/>vseg/$fc/$31/$ff/$31/$C0/$B9/>$8000/$f3/$ab); end; end; procedure setpix(x,y:word;col:longint); const msk:array[0..7] of byte=(128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1); plane :array[0..1] of byte=(5,10); plane4:array[0..3] of byte=(1,2,4,8); mscga4:array[0..3] of byte=($3f,$cf,$f3,$fc); shcga4:array[0..3] of byte=(6,4,2,0); var l:longint; m,z:word; begin case memmode of _cga1:begin z:=(y shr 1)*bytes+(x shr 3); if odd(y) then inc(z,8192); mem[SegB800:z]:=(mem[SegB800:z] and (255 xor msk[x and 7])) or ((col and 1) shl (7-(x and 7))); end; _cga2:begin z:=(y shr 1)*bytes+(x shr 2); if odd(y) then inc(z,8192); mem[SegB800:z]:=(mem[SegB800:z] and mscga4[x and 3]) or (col and 3) shl shcga4[x and 3]; end; _pl1:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 3); wrinx(GRC,3,0); wrinx(GRC,5,2); wrinx(SEQ,2,1); wrinx(GRC,8,msk[x and 7]); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; _pl1e:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 3); modinx(GRC,5,3,0); wrinx(SEQ,2,15); wrinx(GRC,0,col*3); wrinx(GRC,1,3); wrinx(GRC,8,msk[x and 7]); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=0; end; _pl2:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 4); wrinx(GRC,3,0); wrinx(GRC,5,2); wrinx(SEQ,2,plane[(x shr 3) and 1]); wrinx(GRC,8,msk[x and 7]); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; _pk2:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 2); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)] and mscga4[x and 3]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z or (col shl shcga4[x and 3]); end; _pl4:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 3); wrinx(GRC,3,0); wrinx(GRC,5,2); wrinx(GRC,8,msk[x and 7]); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; _pk4:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 1); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; if odd(x) then z:=z and $f0+col else z:=z and $f+(col shl 4); mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z; end; _pk4a:begin l:=y*bytes+(x shr 1); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; if odd(x) then z:=z and $f+(col shl 4) else z:=z and $f0+col; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z; end; _pk4b:begin case x and 6 of 2:inc(x,2); 4:dec(x,2); end; l:=y*bytes+(x shr 1); setbank(l shr 16); z:=mem[vseg:word(l)]; if odd(x) then z:=z and $f+(col shl 4) else z:=z and $f0+col; mem[vseg:word(l)]:=z; end; _p8:begin l:=y*bytes+x; setbank(l shr 16); mem[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; _p15,_p16: begin l:=y*bytes+(x shl 1); setbank(l shr 16); memw[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; _p24,_p24b: begin l:=y*bytes+(x*3); z:=word(l); m:=l shr 16; setbank(m); if z<$fffe then move(col,mem[vseg:z],3) else begin mem[vseg:z]:=lo(col); if z=$ffff then setbank(m+1); mem[vseg:z+1]:=lo(col shr 8); if z=$fffe then setbank(m+1); mem[vseg:z+2]:=col shr 16; end; end; _p32,_p32b,_p32c,_p32d: begin l:=y*bytes+(x shl 2); setbank(l shr 16); meml[vseg:word(l)]:=col; end; else ; end; end; function whitecol:longint; var col:longint; begin case memmode of _cga1,_pl1e, _pl1:col:=1; _cga2,_pk2 ,_pl2:col:=3; _pk4,_pl4,_PK4a,_pk4b: col:=15; _p8:col:=255; _p15:col:=$7fff; _p16:col:=$ffff; _p24,_p24b,_p32,_p32b: col:=$ffffff; _p32c,_p32d:col:=$ffffff00; else end; whitecol:=col; end; procedure wrtext(x,y:word;txt:string); {write TXT to pos (X,Y)} type pchar=array[char] of array[0..15] of byte; var p:^pchar; c:char; i,j,z,b,lns:integer; ad,bk:word; l,v,col:longint; begin lns:=15; {Assume full height chars} ad:=(*longint(1024)) div bytes; if y+14>ad then lns:=ad-y; {Check if we're past the bottom}; vio($1130); col:=whitecol; p:=ptr(,rp.bp); for z:=1 to length(txt) do begin c:=txt[z]; for j:=0 to lns do begin b:=p^[c][j]; for i:=0 to 7 do begin if (b and 128)<>0 then v:=col else v:=0; setpix(x+i,y+j,v); b:=b shl 1; end; end; inc(x,8); end; end; procedure plotchar(x,y,ch:word); begin mem[vseg:(y*pixels+x) shl 1]:=ch; end; procedure plotchat(x,y,ch,at:word); begin memw[vseg:(y*pixels+x) shl 1]:=at shl 8+ch; end; procedure plotstr(x,y:word;s:string); var z:word; begin for z:=1 to length(s) do plotchar(x+z-1,y,ord(s[z])); end; procedure drawtestpattern(nam:string); {Draw Test pattern.} var s:string; l:longint; x,y,yst:word; white:longint; procedure wline(stx,sty,ex,ey:integer;col:longint); var x,y,d,mx,my:longint; l:longint; begin if sty>ey then begin x:=stx;stx:=ex;ex:=x; x:=sty;sty:=ey;ey:=x; end; y:=0; mx:=abs(ex-stx); my:=ey-sty; d:=0; repeat if col=0 then l:=rgb(y,y,y) else l:=col; y:=(y+1) and 255; setpix(stx,sty,l); if abs(d+mx)stx then inc(stx) else dec(stx); end; until (stx=ex) and (sty=ey); end; begin if memmode<=_TXT4 then begin {Text modes} { ClearMemory; } for x:=0 to pixels-1 do begin plotchar(x,0,(x mod 10)+ord('0')); if (x mod 10)=0 then plotchar(x,1,((x div 10) mod 10)+ord('0')); plotchar(x,lins-1,ord('.')); end; for x:=0 to lins-1 do begin plotchar(0,x,(x mod 10)+ord('0')); if (x mod 10)=0 then plotstr(0,x,istr(x)); plotchar(pixels-1,x,ord('.')); end; plotstr(5,5,nam); for x:=0 to 255 do plotchat(x and 15+10,x shr 4+7,65,x); plotstr((pixels-30) div 2,lins,'This line shouldn''t be seen!!'); end else begin white:=whitecol; wline(50,30,pixels-50,30 ,0); wline(50,lins-30,pixels-50,lins-30 ,0); wline(50,30,50,lins-30 ,0); wline(pixels-50,30,pixels-50,lins-30 ,0); wline(50,30,pixels-50,lins-30 ,0); wline(pixels-50,30,50,lins-30 ,0); if lins>200 then yst:=50 else yst:=18; wrtext(10,yst,' with '+istr(' Kb.'); wrtext(10,yst+25,nam); for x:=1 to (pixels-10) div 100 do begin for y:=1 to 10 do setpix(x*100,y,white); wrtext(x*100+3,1,istr(x)); end; for x:=1 to (lins-10) div 100 do begin for y:=1 to 10 do setpix(y,x*100,white); wrtext(1,x*100+2,istr(x)); end; case colbits[memmode] of 2:for x:=0 to 63 do for y:=0 to 63 do setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 3); 4:for x:=0 to 127 do if lins<250 then for y:=0 to 63 do setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 2) else for y:=0 to 127 do setpix(30+x,yst+y+50,y shr 3); 8:for x:=0 to 127 do if lins<250 then for y:=0 to 63 do setpix(30+x,yst+50+y,((y shl 2) and 240) +(x shr 3)) else for y:=0 to 127 do setpix(30+x,yst+50+y,((y shl 1) and 240)+(x shr 3)); 15,16,24,32:if pixels<600 then begin for x:=0 to 63 do begin for y:=0 to 63 do begin setpix(30+x,100+y,rgb(x*4,y*4,0)); setpix(110+x,100+y,rgb(x*4,0,y*4)); setpix(190+x,100+y,rgb(0,x*4,y*4)); end; end; for x:=0 to 255 do for y:=170 to 179 do begin setpix(x,y ,rgb(x,0,0)); setpix(x,y+10,rgb(0,x,0)); setpix(x,y+20,rgb(0,0,x)); end; end else begin for x:=0 to 127 do for y:=0 to 127 do begin setpix( 30+x,120+y,rgb(x*2,y*2,0)); setpix(200+x,120+y,rgb(x*2,0,y*2)); setpix(370+x,120+y,rgb(0,x*2,y*2)); end; for x:=0 to 511 do for y:=260 to 269 do begin setpix(x,y ,rgb(x shr 1,0,0)); setpix(x,y+10,rgb(0,x shr 1,0)); setpix(x,y+20,rgb(0,0,x shr 1)); end; end; end; wline(0,0,10, 0 ,whitecol); wline(0,0, 0,10 ,whitecol); wline(0,0,10,10 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-11, 0,pixels-1, 0 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-1 , 0,pixels-1,10 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-11,10,pixels-1, 0 ,whitecol); wline(0,lins-11, 0,lins-1 ,whitecol); wline(0,lins-1 ,10,lins-1 ,whitecol); wline(0,lins-1 ,10,lins-11 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-11,lins-1 ,pixels-1,lins-1 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-1 ,lins-11,pixels-1,lins-1 ,whitecol); wline(pixels-11,lins-11,pixels-1,lins-1 ,whitecol); end; end; (* Writes the string s to 1. line of the mono. screen *) procedure wrmono(s:string); var x:word; begin for x:=1 to length(s) do mem[SegB000:x+x]:=ord(s[x]); end; (* Ensures that xlow<=x<=xhigh *) procedure chkrange(var x:integer;xlow,xhigh:integer); begin if xxhigh then x:=xhigh; end; var CurModeIndex:integer; {Index into the ModeTbl array for the current mode} function testvmode:boolean; const iltxt:array[boolean] of string[4]=('',' (i)'); var s:string; r13,sclins,scpixs,scbytes:word; x0,y0,x,dlay:integer; ch:word; stop,scrollable,nxt:boolean; begin testvmode:=true; s:='Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x'+istr(lins)+' '+mmodenames[memmode]; drawtestpattern(s); if auto_test then af_rec.flag:=AFF_testok; {Mode Supported} scrollable:=false; ch:=getkey; if (ch<>Ch_Esc) and not (chr(ch) in ['D','F','d','f']) then begin if memmode>=_pl4 then begin scrollable:=true; { Scroll test } sclins:=lins; scpixs:=pixels; scbytes:=bytes; r13:=rdinx(crtc,$13); if ((cv.flags and FLG_StdVGA)>0) and ((bytes*lins*planes*5 div 2)0) and ((bytes div r13) in [1,2,4,8,16]) and (memmode<>_cga1) and (memmode<>_cga2) then begin {Can we double the screen?} wrinx(crtc,$13,r13*2); bytes:=bytes*2; pixels:=pixels*2; end; case memmode of _text,_txt2,_txt4: lins:=32768 div bytes; _cga1,_cga2: lins:=16384 div bytes;*longint(256) div bytes; else*longint(1024) div (bytes*planes); end; case memmode of _cga1,_pl1, _pl4:pixels:=bytes*8; _cga2:pixels:=bytes*4; _pk4,_PK4a,_pk4b: pixels:=bytes*2; _p8:pixels:=bytes; _p15,_p16:pixels:=bytes shr 1; _p24,_P24b:pixels:=bytes div 3; _p32,_p32b,_p32c,_p32d: pixels:=bytes shr 2; end; Clearmemory; drawtestpattern(s); x0:=0; y0:=0; stop:=false; dlay:=100; {100ms} if auto_test then pushkey(ord('a')); repeat setvstart(x0,y0); case getkey of ord('>'):inc(x0); ord('<'):dec(x0); Ch_ArUp:y0:=y0-16; Ch_ArLeft:x0:=x0-16; Ch_ArRight:x0:=x0+16; Ch_ArDown:y0:=y0+16; Ch_PgUp:dec(y0); Ch_PgDn:inc(y0); ord('A'),ord('a'):begin x0:=0;y0:=0;x:=0; repeat delay(dlay); nxt:=false; case x of 0:if x0+16<=pixels-scpixs then inc(x0,16) else begin nxt:=true; x0:=pixels-scpixs; end; 1:if y0+16<=lins-sclins then inc(y0,16) else begin nxt:=true; y0:=lins-sclins; dlay:=50; {Speed up for return trip} end; 2:if x0>=16 then dec(x0,16) else begin nxt:=true; x0:=0; dlay:=25; {Speed up for return trip} end; 3:if y0>=16 then dec(y0,16) else begin nxt:=true; stop:=true; y0:=0; end; end; setvstart(x0,y0); if nxt then begin inc(x); delay(500); end; if peekkey=Ch_Esc then stop:=true; until stop; delay(500); end; ord('D'),ord('d'),ord('F'),ord('f'):begin stop:=true; repeatkey; end; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; ord('R'),ord('r'):begin stop:=true; repeatkey; end; end; chkrange(x0,0,pixels-scpixs+10000); chkrange(y0,0,lins-sclins); until stop; setvstart(0,0); {Reset start, some chipsets NEED this} pixels:=scpixs; lins:=sclins; bytes:=scbytes; end; SetTextMode; writeln('Values for mode '+hex4(curmode)+':'); writeln; writeln(' List: Calc: BlnkS: RetrS: RetrE: BlnkE: Frame:'); writeln('Pixels per scan line:',pixels:6,calcpixels:7,calchblks:7,calchrtrs:7 ,calchrtre:7,calchblke:7,calchtot:8); writeln('Lines in image: ',lins:6 ,calclines:7,calcvblks:7,calcvrtrs:7 ,calcvrtre:7,calcvblke:7,calcvtot:8,iltxt[ilace]); writeln('Bytes per scanline: ',bytes:6 ,calcbytes:7); writeln('Memory mode: ',strip(mmodenames[memmode]):6,strip(mmodenames[calcmmode]):7); if memmode<_herc then writeln('Character cell: ',charwid,'x',charhigh); if vclk>0 then begin writeln; write('Clocks: Pixel: '+freq(vclk)+' MHz, Line: '+freq(hclk) ,' KHz, Frame: '+freq(fclk)+' Hz'); if ilace then write(' (i)'); writeln; writeln('Required bandwidth: '+freq(BWlow)+' -'+freq(BWhigh)+' Mb/s'); end; if auto_test then begin pushkey(ch); writeln; write('Did the mode display properly (y/n): '); if getYN then inc(af_rec.flag,AFF_dispok); if scrollable then begin writeln; write('Did the mode scroll properly (y/n): '); if getYN then inc(af_rec.flag,AFF_scrollok) else inc(af_rec.flag,AFF_scroll); end; if (af_rec.flag and AFF_dispok)=0 then begin write('Disable the mode (y/n): '); if getYN then inc(af_rec.flag,AFF_canceled); end; af_cmt:=GetComment('any comments to the test'); af_rec.vseg :=vseg; af_rec.Cpixels :=calcpixels; af_rec.Clins :=calclines; af_rec.Cbytes :=calcbytes; af_rec.CMmode :=calcmmode; af_rec.ChWidth :=charwid; af_rec.ChHeight:=charhigh; af_rec.Cvseg :=calcvseg; af_rec.ExtPixf :=Extpixfact; af_rec.Extlinf :=Extlinfact; af_rec.vclk :=vclk; af_rec.hclk :=hclk; af_rec.fclk :=fclk; af_rec.ilace :=ilace; pushkey(ch_cr); end; ch:=getkey; end; if (ch=ord('D')) or (ch=ord('d')) then ch:=dumpVGAregs; case ch of Ch_Esc:testvmode:=false; ord('f'),ord('F'): dumpVGAregfile; ord('r'),ord('R'): modetbl[CurModeIndex].flags:= modetbl[CurModeIndex].flags and (not MFL_enabled); end; end; function InitMode(md:integer):boolean; begin CurModeIndex:=md; memmode:=modetbl[md].memmode; pixels :=modetbl[md].xres; lins :=modetbl[md].yres; bytes :=modetbl[md].bytes; InitMode:=setmode(modetbl[md].md,true); end; procedure testcursor; {Test HardWare Cursor} var m,x:word; md:integer; procedure setXY(x0,y0:word); begin SetHWcurpos(x0,y0); SetHWcurcol(((x0*longint(256) div pixels)*256 +(y0*longint(256) div lins))*256+$ff,0); end; procedure tmode(m:word); const CurMap:CursorType= {Snipers sight} ($00f81f00,$00800130,$00800130,$00800100 ,$00f00f00,$008c3100,$00824100,$00818100 ,$80800101,$40800102,$20800104,$21800184 ,$11800188,$11800188,$11800188,$ffffffff ,$ffffffff,$11800188,$11800188,$11800188 ,$21800184,$20800104,$40800102,$80800101 ,$00818100,$00824100,$008C3100,$00f00f00 ,$00800100,$00800100,$00800100,$00f81f00); var x,x0,y0:integer; fgcol,bkcol:longint; stop:boolean; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x' +istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors'); SetHWcurmap(CurMap); if auto_test then pushkey(ord('A')); stop:=false; x0:=100;y0:=150; {Place it in the palette} repeat if y0<0 then y0:=0; if x0+32>pixels then x0:=pixels-32; if y0+32>lins then y0:=lins-32; SetXY(x0,y0); case getkey of Ch_ArUp:dec(y0,17); Ch_ArLeft:dec(x0,17); Ch_ArRight:inc(x0,17); Ch_ArDown:inc(y0,17); ord('a'),ord('A'): begin x0:=0; repeat SetXY(x0,150); delay(200); inc(x0,17); until x0>pixels-32; x0:=0; repeat SetXY(200,x0); delay(200); inc(x0,17); until x0>lins-32; stop:=true; end; Ch_Cr,Ch_Esc:stop:=true; end; until stop; HWcuronoff(false); if auto_test then begin repeat until keypressed; SetTextMode; write('Did the Hardware Cursor work properly (y/n) ?'); af_tst.Flag :=ord(getYN)*AFF_testok; af_cmt:=getComment('any comments to the test'); af_tst.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_tst.Mmode:=modetbl[m].memmode; AddAFbuf(af_tst,sizeof(af_tst)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); WrAFbuf(AF_Tcursor); end; end; end; begin textmode($103); {43/50 line text mode} writeln('Hardware Cursor test.'); writeln; if auto_test then begin delay(1000); pushkey(ord('*')); end else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; end; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) then tmode(m); end; procedure testblit; {Test BitBLT functions} var m,x:word; md:integer; procedure tmode(m:word); var x,y,x0,y0,siz:integer; stop:boolean; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x' +istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors'); if lins>=400 then siz:=8 else siz:=4; x0:=pixels div 2-8*siz; y0:=lins div 2-8*siz; case colbits[memmode] of 4:for x:=0 to 15 do fillrect(x0,y0+x*siz,16*siz,siz,x); 8:for x:=0 to 255 do fillrect(x0+(x and 15)*siz,y0+(x div 16)*siz,siz,siz,x); 15,16,24,32:for x:=0 to 63 do begin fillrect(x0+(x and 15)*siz,y0+(x div 16)*siz,siz,siz,rgb(x*4,0,0)); fillrect(x0+(x and 15)*siz,y0+siz*4+(x div 16)*siz,siz,siz,rgb(0,x*4,0)); fillrect(x0+(x and 15)*siz,y0+siz*8+(x div 16)*siz,siz,siz,rgb(0,0,x*4)); fillrect(x0+(x and 15)*siz,y0+siz*12+(x div 16)*siz,siz,siz,rgb(x*4,x*4,x*4)); end; end; copyrect(x0,y0,x0-siz*15,y0-5 ,siz*16-1,siz*16+1); copyrect(x0,y0,x0+5 ,y0-siz*15,siz*16-1,siz*16+1); copyrect(x0,y0,x0+siz*15,y0+5 ,siz*16-1,siz*16+1); copyrect(x0,y0,x0-5 ,y0+siz*15,siz*16-1,siz*16+1); if memmode<=_pl4 then {special 16c test pattern} begin for y:=1 to 8 do begin y0:=y*10+250; fillrect(100,y0,y,8,y); x0:=101+y; for x:=1 to 15 do begin fillrect(x0,y0,x,8,y); x0:=x0+x+1; end; fillrect(x0,y0,9-y,8,y); y0:=y0+10; end; { if readkey='' then; } for x:=0 to 19 do begin x0:=96+x*8; for y:=0 to 8 do setpix(x0,259+10*y,15); end; end; if auto_test then begin repeat until keypressed; SetTextMode; write('Did the BitBLT test work properly (y/n) ?'); af_tst.Flag :=ord(getYN)*AFF_testok; af_cmt:=getComment('any comments to the test'); af_tst.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_tst.Mmode:=modetbl[m].memmode; AddAFbuf(af_tst,sizeof(af_tst)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); WrAFbuf(AF_Tbitblt); end else if getkey=0 then; end; settextmode; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Hardware BitBLT test.'); writeln; if auto_test then begin delay(1000); pushkey(ord('*')); end else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; end; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) then tmode(m); end; procedure testline; {Test Line Draw functions} var x,m:word; md:integer; procedure tmode(m:word); var x,x0,y0,linl:integer; stop:boolean; col:longint; zz:array[-10..10] of integer; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x' +istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors'); x0:=pixels div 2; y0:=lins div 2; linl:=lins div 3; for x:=-10 to 9 do begin case colbits[memmode] of 4:col:=(x+11) and 15; 8:col:=x*12+128; 15,16,24,32:col:=rgb(128-x*10,x+128,128+x*5); end; line(x0,y0,x0+x*(linl div 10),y0-linl,col); line(x0,y0,x0+linl ,y0+x*(linl div 10),col); line(x0,y0,x0-x*(linl div 10),y0+linl,col); line(x0,y0,x0-linl ,y0-x*(linl div 10),col); end; if auto_test then begin repeat until keypressed; SetTextMode; write('Did the Line Draw test work properly (y/n): ?'); af_tst.Flag :=ord(getYN)*AFF_testok; af_cmt:=getComment('any comments to the test'); af_tst.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_tst.Mmode:=modetbl[m].memmode; AddAFbuf(af_tst,sizeof(af_tst)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); WrAFbuf(AF_Tline); end else if getkey=0 then; end; settextmode; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Hardware Line Draw test.'); writeln; if auto_test then begin delay(1000); pushkey(ord('*')); end else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; end; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) then tmode(m); end; procedure testRWbank; {Test R/W bank functions} var x,m:word; md:integer; procedure CopyLin(x0,y0,x1,y1,pix:word); var pxs,px,x,y:word; src,dst:longint; begin x:=usebits[memmode] div planes; src:=y0*bytes+(x0*x) div 8; dst:=y1*bytes+(x1*x) div 8; pxs:=(pix*x) div 8; if planes>1 then begin wrinx(GRC,3,0); wrinx(GRC,5,1); end; repeat px:=pxs; x:=$8000-(src and $7FFF); if px>x then px:=x; x:=$8000-(dst and $7FFF); if px>x then px:=x; setbank(dst shr 16); setrbank(src shr 16); move(mem[vseg:src],mem[vseg:dst],px); inc(src,px); inc(dst,px); dec(pxs,px); until pxs=0; end; procedure tmode(m:word); var x,wid:integer; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x' +istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors'); wid:=(pixels div 2)-40; for x:=0 to lins-1 do CopyLin(30,x,wid+50,lins-x,wid); if auto_test then begin repeat until keypressed; SetTextMode; write('Did the Read/Write bank test work properly (y/n) ?'); af_tst.Flag :=ord(getYN)*AFF_testok; af_cmt:=getComment('any comments to the test'); af_tst.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_tst.Mmode:=modetbl[m].memmode; AddAFbuf(af_tst,sizeof(af_tst)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); WrAFbuf(AF_TRWbank); end else if getkey=0 then; end; settextmode; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Seperate Read/Write bank test.'); if auto_test then begin delay(1000); pushkey(ord('*')); end else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; end; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) then tmode(m); end; procedure testZoom; {Test Pan & Zoom functions} var x,m:word; md:integer; procedure tmode(m:word); var Xf,Yf,wXs,wXe,wYs,wYe,srcX,srcY:integer; dirty,stop:boolean; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex4(curmode)+'h: '+istr(pixels)+'x' +istr(lins)+' '+istr(modecols[memmode])+' colors'); Xf:=0;Yf:=0;srcX:=0;srcY:=0; wXs:=100;wXe:=150;wYs:=50;wYe:=75; ZoomOnOff(true); stop:=false;dirty:=true; repeat if dirty then begin if Xf<0 then Xf:=0; if Xf>3 then Xf:=3; if Yf<0 then Yf:=0; if Yf>3 then Yf:=3; SetZoomFactor(Xf,Yf); if wXs>wXe then wXe:=wXs; if wYs>wYe then wYe:=wYs; SetZoomWindow(wXs,wYs,wXe,wYe); if srcX<0 then srcX:=0; if srcX>=pixels then srcX:=pixels-1; if srcY<0 then srcY:=0; if srcY>=lins then srcY:=lins-1; setZoomAdr(srcX,srcY); end; dirty:=true; case getkey of ord('-'):dec(Yf); ord('+'):inc(Yf); ord('/'):dec(Xf); ord('*'):inc(Xf); Ch_ArUp:dec(srcY); Ch_ArLeft:dec(srcX); Ch_ArRight:inc(srcX); Ch_ArDown:inc(srcY); Ch_F1:dec(wXs); Ch_F2:inc(wXs); Ch_F3:dec(wXe); Ch_F4:inc(wXe); Ch_F5:dec(wYs); Ch_F6:inc(wYs); Ch_F7:dec(wYe); Ch_F8:inc(wYe); Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; else dirty:=false; end; until stop; ZoomOnOff(false); if auto_test then begin repeat until keypressed; SetTextMode; write('Did the Pan & Zoom test work properly (y/n) ?'); af_tst.Flag :=ord(getYN)*AFF_testok; af_cmt:=getComment('any comments to the test'); af_tst.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_tst.Mmode:=modetbl[m].memmode; AddAFbuf(af_tst,sizeof(af_tst)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); WrAFbuf(AF_Tzoom); end else if getkey=0 then; end; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Pan & Zoom test.'); if auto_test then begin delay(1000); pushkey(ord('*')); end else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; end; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) then tmode(m); end; procedure testbits; {Test register bits} var m,pt,ix,msk:word; md,x:integer; s:string; function tmode(m:word):boolean; const mask:array[0..7] of byte=(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128); var stop:boolean; x:word; begin tmode:=true; if InitMode(m) then begin case memmode of _text,_txt2,_txt4: lins:=32768 div bytes; _cga1,_cga2: lins:=16384 div bytes;*longint(256) div bytes; else*longint(1024) div (bytes*planes); end; Clearmemory; clrinx(crtc,$11,$80); drawtestpattern(s); stop:=false; repeat wrtext(10,180,'Reg '+hex4(pt)+'h index '+hex2(ix)+'h bit '+chr(msk+48)); x:=rdinx(pt,ix); wrinx(pt,ix,x xor mask[msk]); wrtext(220,180,'= '+chr(48+(rdinx(pt,ix) shr msk) and 1)); delay(500); wrinx(pt,ix,x); wrtext(220,180,'= '+chr(48+(rdinx(pt,ix) shr msk) and 1)); delay(500); if keypressed then case getkey of ord('-'):if msk>0 then dec(msk) else begin msk:=7; dec(ix); end; ord('+'):begin inc(msk); if msk>7 then begin msk:=0; inc(ix); end; end; ord('*'):begin inc(ix); msk:=0; end; Ch_Esc:stop:=true; end; until stop; SetTextmode; end; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Test register bits.'); writeln; write('Base register (hex): '); readln(s); pt:=dehex(s); write('Start Index (hex 0-FFh): '); readln(s); ix:=dehex(s); write('Start Bit (0-7): '); readln(s); msk:=ord(s[1]) and 7; writeln; writeln('Testing register bits, starting with '+hex4(pt)+'h index '+hex2(ix)+'h bit '+chr(msk+48)+'.'); writeln; writeln(' + Steps up to the next bit (and possibly next index)'); writeln(' - Steps back to the last bit'); writeln(' * Steps to the next index, bit 0'); writeln(' Esc Terminates the test'); writeln; writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do begin writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); end; writeln; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if (x=m) then if not tmode(m) then x:=-1; {stop} end; procedure testregs; {Test register Read/Writable} var m,pt,ix,msk:word; md,x:integer; s,IM:string; function tmode(md:word):boolean; const bit:array[0..7] of byte=(1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128); var x,y,z,i:word; msk:array[0..2047] of char; v0:array[0..255] of byte; imsk:array[0..7] of char; procedure writelog; var x:word; begin wrlog('Register test for index '+hex4(pt)+'h Index mask: ' +imsk[0]+imsk[1]+imsk[2]+imsk[3]+imsk[4]+imsk[5]+imsk[6]+imsk[7]); writeln(' 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567'); for x:=0 to 2047 do begin if (x and 63)=0 then s:=' '+hex2(x shr 3)+':'; if (x and 7)=0 then s:=s+' '; s:=s+msk[x]; if (x and 63)=63 then wrlog(s); end; closelog; end; begin tmode:=true; if setMode(md,true) then begin clrinx(crtc,$11,$80); drawtestpattern(s); fillchar(imsk,8,'W'); y:=inp(pt);z:=0; for x:=0 to 7 do {Check if each bit of the index register is RW} begin outp(pt,y and not bit[x and 7]); if (inp(pt) and bit[x and 7])>0 then imsk[x]:='1'; outp(pt,y or bit[x and 7]); if (inp(pt) and bit[x and 7])=0 then imsk[x]:='0'; outp(pt,y); if IM[x+1]=' ' then im[x+1]:=imsk[x]; end; z:=0;y:=0; for x:=1 to 8 do begin if (im[x]='0') or (im[x]='1') then z:=z or bit[x-1]*8; if (im[x]='1') then y:=y or bit[x-1]*8; end; fillchar(msk,sizeof(msk),'W'); {Set all bits off} for x:=0 to 2047 do if ((x xor y) and z)>0 then msk[x]:='.'; for y:=0 to 255 do v0[y]:=rdinx(pt,y); for x:=1 to 10 do for y:=0 to 255 do {Find any bits that changes if read again} begin z:=v0[y] xor rdinx(pt,y); for i:=0 to 7 do {Check each bit} if (z and bit [i])>0 then msk[y*8+i]:='A'; end; openlog(false); wrlog('After re-read test'); writelog; for x:=0 to 2047 do {Check that each bit is R/W} if msk[x]='W' then begin y:=x shr 3; wrinx(pt,y,v0[y] and not bit[x and 7]); if (rdinx(pt,y) and bit[x and 7])>0 then msk[x]:='1'; wrinx(pt,y,v0[y] or bit[x and 7]); if (rdinx(pt,y) and bit[x and 7])=0 then msk[x]:='0'; wrinx(pt,y,v0[y]); end; openlog(false); wrlog('After R/W test'); writelog; for x:=1 to 2047 do {Try to change one of the other bits} if msk[x]='W' then {and see if we changes with it} begin y:=x shr 3; wrinx(pt,y,v0[y] xor bit[x and 7]); for z:=0 to x-1 do if (msk[z]='W') and (((v0[z shr 3] xor rdinx(pt,z shr 3)) and bit[z and 7])>0) then msk[z]:='C'; wrinx(pt,y,v0[y]); for z:=0 to x-1 do if (msk[z]='W') and (((v0[z shr 3] xor rdinx(pt,z shr 3)) and bit[z and 7])>0) then msk[z]:='C'; end; openlog(true); writelog; if readkey='' then; end; end; begin SetTextMode; writeln('Test register bits.'); writeln; write('Base register (hex): '); readln(s); pt:=dehex(s); writeln; Write('Index mask (low bit first: 0/1/x/ ): '); readln(IM);IM:=copy(IM+' ',1,8); for m:=1 to 8 do if (IM[m]<>'x') and (IM[m]<>'0') and (IM[m]<>'1') then IM[m]:=' '; writeln('Testing indexed registers for base='+hex4(pt)+'h.'); writeln; if (nomodes=0) and tmode($12) then else begin writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do begin writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); end; writeln; x:=getmenkey; if (x>0) and (x<=nomodes) and tmode(modetbl[x].md) then; {stop} end; end; procedure testDACgamma; var i,j,x,colorsh, redi,redc,grni,grnc,blui,bluc, gamm,oldgam:integer; stop:boolean; red,grn,blu:array[0..255] of byte; begin SetTextMode; writeln('Mode for gamma test:'); for i:=1 to nomodes do if ((modetbl[i].flags and MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) and (modetbl[i].memmode>_P8) then writeln(' '+menuchars[i]+' '+hex4(modetbl[i].md)+'h ' +istr(modetbl[i].xres)+'x'+istr(modetbl[i].yres) +' '+mdtxt[modetbl[i].memmode]); write('Select mode: '); i:=getmenkey; if (i<=0) or (i>nomodes) or (modetbl[i].memmode<=_P8) then i:=0; if InitMode(i) then begin drawtestpattern('Test DAC gamma correction'); wrtext(30,120,'Press + to toggle the gamma correction off/red/green/blue'); wrtext(30,140,'One of the scales will be inverted, the other two unchanged.'); stop:=false; gamm:=0; oldgam:=-1; repeat if gamm<>oldgam then begin if gamm=0 then x:=setDACgamma(false) else begin x:=setDACgamma(true); if (x and GAM_8bit)=0 then colorsh:=4 else colorsh:=1; redi:=0;grni:=0; if memmode>=_P24 then begin redc:=1;grnc:=1; end else begin redc:=8;grnc:=8; if (memmode=_P16) then grnc:=4; if (x and GAM_Left8)>0 then redi:=3; if (x and GAM_Left8)>0 then redi:=1; grni:=redi; if (grni>0) and (memmode=_P16) then dec(grni); end; blui:=redi;bluc:=redc; for i:=0 to 255 do begin if gamm=1 then j:=255-i else j:=i; {Check for inversion} red[i]:=((j shr redi)*redc) div colorsh; if gamm=2 then j:=255-i else j:=i; grn[i]:=((j shr grni)*grnc) div colorsh; if gamm=3 then j:=255-i else j:=i; blu[i]:=((j shr blui)*bluc) div colorsh; end; SetRGBPal(0,0,0,0); {Keep (0,0,0) as black for background} for i:=1 to 255 do SetRGBPal(i,red[i],grn[i],blu[i]); end; oldgam:=gamm; end; if keypressed then case getkey of ord('+'):gamm:=(gamm+1) and 3; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; x:=setDACgamma(false); {Remove Gamma} setdac8(false); {Return to 6bit DAC mode} SetTextMode; end; end; procedure testdac8(m:word); {Test 8bit DAC mode} var stop,dac8,olddac:boolean; x,y,cmd:word; mm:byte; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test 6/8 bit DAC'); wrtext(30,230,'Press + to toggle the DAC mode'); wrtext(30,245,'6bit DAC mode should show the color scales breaking 3 times each'); wrtext(30,260,'8bit DAC mode should show unbroken color scales'); for y:=0 to 127 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $60)*2); cmd:=0; stop:=false; dac8:=false; olddac:=not dac8; repeat if dac8<>olddac then begin setdac8(dac8); for x:=0 to 63 do SetRGBPal(x,x*4,0,0); for x:=0 to 63 do SetRGBPal(x+$40,0,x*4,0); for x:=0 to 63 do SetRGBPal(x+$80,0,0,x*4); for x:=0 to 63 do SetRGBPal(x+$C0,x*4,x*4,x*4); olddac:=dac8; end; if keypressed then case getkey of ord('+'):dac8:=not dac8; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; setdac8(false); SetTextMode; end; end; procedure testdac15(m:word); {Test 8bit DAC mode} var stop,dac8,olddac:boolean; x,y,cmd:word; mm:byte; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test 15bit (32Kcolor) DAC mode'); wrtext(30,230,'Press + to toggle the DAC mode'); wrtext(30,248,'The image above is for normal (palette) mode and the one'); wrtext(30,266,'below is for 15bit mode. Both should have the Red stripe'); wrtext(30,284,'at the top, then green, blue and finally white.'); for y:=0 to 127 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $60)*2); memmode:=_p15; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+305,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+321,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+337,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+353,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_P8; stop:=false; dac8:=false; olddac:=not dac8; repeat if dac8<>olddac then begin if not dac8 then setDACstd else if setdac15 then; olddac:=dac8; end; if keypressed then case getkey of ord('+'):dac8:=not dac8; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; setdacstd; SetTextMode; end; end; procedure testdac16(m:word); {Test 8bit DAC mode} var stop,dac8,olddac:boolean; x,y,cmd:word; mm:byte; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test 16bit (64Kcolor) DAC mode'); wrtext(30,230,'Press + to toggle the DAC mode'); wrtext(30,248,'The image above is for normal (palette) mode and the one'); wrtext(30,266,'below is for 16bit mode. Both should have the Red stripe'); wrtext(30,284,'at the top, then green, blue and finally white.'); for y:=0 to 127 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $60)*2); memmode:=_p16; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+305,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+321,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+337,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+353,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_P8; stop:=false; dac8:=false; olddac:=not dac8; repeat if dac8<>olddac then if not dac8 then setDACstd else if setdac16 then; olddac:=dac8; case getkey of ord('+'):dac8:=not dac8; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; setdacstd; SetTextMode; end; end; procedure testdac24(m:word); {Test 8bit DAC mode} var stop,dac8,olddac:boolean; x,y,cmd:word; mm:byte; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test 24bit (16Mcolor) DAC mode'); wrtext(30,230,'Press + to toggle the DAC mode'); wrtext(30,248,'The image above is for normal (palette) mode and the one'); wrtext(30,266,'below is for 24bit mode. Both should have the Red stripe'); wrtext(30,284,'at the top, then green, blue and finally white.'); for y:=0 to 127 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $60)*2); memmode:=_p24; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+305,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+321,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+337,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+353,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_P8; stop:=false; dac8:=false; olddac:=not dac8; repeat if dac8<>olddac then begin if not dac8 then setDACstd else if setdac24 then; olddac:=dac8; end; if keypressed then case getkey of ord('+'):dac8:=not dac8; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; setdacstd; SetTextMode; end; end; procedure testdac32(m:word); {Test 8bit DAC mode} var stop,dac8,olddac:boolean; x,y,cmd:word; mm:byte; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test 32bit (16Mcolor - RGBa) DAC mode'); wrtext(30,230,'Press + to toggle the DAC mode'); wrtext(30,248,'The image above is for normal (palette) mode and the one'); wrtext(30,266,'below is for 32bit mode. Both should have the Red stripe'); wrtext(30,284,'at the top, then green, blue and finally white.'); for y:=0 to 127 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $60)*2); memmode:=_p32; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+305,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+321,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+337,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+353,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_P8; stop:=false; dac8:=false; olddac:=not dac8; repeat if dac8<>olddac then begin if not dac8 then setDACstd else if setdac32 then; olddac:=dac8; end; if keypressed then case getkey of ord('+'):dac8:=not dac8; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; setdacstd; SetTextMode; end; end; {Test the DAC Cmd register} procedure testdaccmd(m:word); var stop:boolean; x,y,cmd,pel:word; function bin(w:word):string; var s:string[10]; i:integer; begin s:=''; for i:=7 downto 0 do s:=s+chr(((w shr i) and 1) +48); bin:=s; end; procedure newcmd(cmd:word); var x,pel:word; begin if cv.chip=__cir54 then begin pel:=inp($3C6); outp($3C6,0); end; outp(setDACpage(dacHIcmd),cmd); clearDACpage; x:=inp(setDACpage(dacHIcmd)) xor cmd; clearDACpage; wrtext(10,10,'DAC Command: '+hex2(cmd)+'h, '+bin(cmd)+'b XOR: '+hex2(x)+'h, '+bin(x)+'b:'); for x:=0 to 63 do begin SetRGBPal(x,x*4,0,0); SetRGBPal(x+$40,0,x*4,0); SetRGBPal(x+$80,0,0,x*4); SetRGBPal(x+$C0,x*4,x*4,x*4); end; if cv.chip=__cir54 then outp($3C6,pel); end; begin if InitMode(m) then begin drawtestpattern('Test DAC Command register'); for y:=100 to 230 do for x:=30 to 170 do setpix(x,y,0); for y:=0 to 63 do for x:=0 to 255 do setpix(x+30,y+100,(x shr 2)+(y and $30)*4); memmode:=_p15; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+180,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+196,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+212,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+228,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_p16; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 255 do begin setpix(x+30,y+260,RGB(x,0,0)); setpix(x+30,y+276,RGB(0,x,0)); setpix(x+30,y+292,RGB(0,0,x)); setpix(x+30,y+308,RGB(x,x,x)); end; memmode:=_p24; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 127 do begin setpix(x+24,y+340,RGB(x*2,0,0)); setpix(x+24,y+356,RGB(0,x*2,0)); setpix(x+24,y+372,RGB(0,0,x*2)); setpix(x+24,y+388,RGB(x*2,x*2,x*2)); end; memmode:=_p32; for y:=0 to 15 do for x:=0 to 127 do begin setpix(x+24,y+420,RGB(x*2,0,0)); setpix(x+24,y+436,RGB(0,x*2,0)); setpix(x+24,y+452,RGB(0,0,x*2)); setpix(x+24,y+468,RGB(x*2,x*2,x*2)); end; memmode:=_P8; wrtext(5,180,'15'); wrtext(5,260,'16'); wrtext(5,340,'24'); wrtext(5,420,'32'); wrtext(50,30,'Press F1..F8 to toggle the DAC mode bits 0..7'); stop:=false; if cv.chip=__cir54 then begin pel:=inp($3C6); outp($3C6,0); end; cmd:=inp(SetDACpage(dacHIcmd)); clearDACpage; if cv.chip=__cir54 then outp($3C6,pel); repeat newcmd(cmd); case getkey of Ch_F1:cmd:=cmd xor 1; Ch_F2:cmd:=cmd xor 2; Ch_F3:cmd:=cmd xor 4; Ch_F4:cmd:=cmd xor 8; Ch_F5:cmd:=cmd xor 16; Ch_F6:cmd:=cmd xor 32; Ch_F7:cmd:=cmd xor 64; Ch_F8:cmd:=cmd xor 128; ord('A'),ord('a'):for x:=0 to 255 do begin newcmd(x); delay(1000); end; Ch_Esc,Ch_Cr:stop:=true; end; until stop; clearDACpage; setdacstd; SetTextMode; end; end; {Analyse the DAC Cmd register} procedure testdaccmdAnal(m:word); const msk:array[0..3] of byte=($55,$AA,$5A,$A5); var stop:boolean; mask,x,y,z,i,mk,cmd,chg:word; res0:array[0..39] of byte; res:array[byte] of byte; t:text; s:string; function DacBit(cmd:integer):integer; begin dac2comm; outp($3C6,cmd); dac2pel; dac2comm; DacBit:=inp($3C6); dac2pel; end; begin if InitMode(m) then begin for x:=0 to 3 do begin dac2pel; outp($3C6,msk[x]); dac2pel; for y:=0 to 9 do res0[x*10+y]:=inp($3C6); dac2pel; end; dac2pel; outp($3C6,$FF); setdacstd; SetTextMode; x:=DacBit(0); mk:=0; for x:=0 to 7 do begin y:=1 shl x; z:=DacBit(y); mk:=mk+(z and y); end; clearDACpage; setdacstd; {Write the data several times in case we lock up...} SetTextMode; if cv.chip=__cir54 then i:=$FD else i:=$FF; if cv.dactype=_dacTR8001 then i:=$FB; x:=0;y:=255;z:=255; for cmd:=0 to 255 do begin res[cmd]:=DacBit(cmd and i); x:=x or res[cmd]; y:=y and res[cmd]; z:=z and (res[cmd] xor not cmd); end; chg:=z and (x and not y); mask:=i; end; clearDACpage; setdacstd; SetTextMode; OpenLog(true); wrlog( ' DAC Command register read test:'); wrlog( 'Read: $55 $AA $5A $A5'); for i:=0 to 9 do wrlog(' '+chr(i+48)+' '+hex2(res0[i])+' '+hex2(res0[i+10]) +' '+hex2(res0[i+20])+' '+hex2(res0[i+30])); wrlog(''); wrlog('Dac Single Bit Mask: '+hex2(mk)); wrlog(''); wrlog('DAC mask: '+hex2(mask)+'h R/W: '+hex2(z)+'h Chg: '+hex2(chg) +' Set: '+hex2(y)+'h Clear: '+hex2(not x)+'h'); z:=z or chg; s:=''; for i:=0 to 255 do if ((res[i] xor i) and z)<>0 then s:=s+' '+hex2(i)+' = '+hex2(res[i])+' '; wrlog(s); closelog; if readkey='' then; end; {DAC test master menu} procedure testdac; var i,md:word; stop:boolean; begin md:=0; for i:=1 to nomodes do if ((modetbl[i].flags AND MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) AND (modetbl[i].memmode=_p8) and (modetbl[i].xres=640) and (modetbl[i].yres=480) then md:=i; stop:=false; repeat SetTextMode; writeln('DAC test options:'); writeln(' 2 - Test 24bit (16Mcolor) mode'); writeln(' 3 - Test 32bit (16Mcolor RGBa) mode'); writeln(' 5 - Test 15bit (32Kcolor) mode'); writeln(' 6 - Test 16bit (64Kcolor) mode'); writeln(' 8 - Test 6/8bit mode'); writeln(' A - DAC Cmd register Analysis'); writeln(' C - Test Command register'); writeln(' G - Test Gamma Correction'); writeln(' M - Select base mode'); writeln(' 0 - Return to main menu'); case getkey of ord('2'):testdac24(md); ord('3'):testdac32(md); ord('5'):testdac15(md); ord('6'):testdac16(md); ord('8'):testdac8(md); ord('a'),ord('A'):testdaccmdAnal(md); ord('c'),ord('C'):testdaccmd(md); ord('g'),ord('G'):testDACgamma; ord('m'),ord('M'):begin writeln; for i:=1 to nomodes do if ((modetbl[i].flags and MFL_enGr)=MFL_enGr) and (modetbl[i].memmode=_P8) then writeln(' '+menuchars[i]+' '+hex4(modetbl[i].md)+'h ' +istr(modetbl[i].xres)+'x'+istr(modetbl[i].yres) +' '+mdtxt[modetbl[i].memmode]); write('Select mode: '); i:=getmenkey; if (i>0) and (i<=nomodes) and (modetbl[i].memmode=_P8) then md:=i; end; ord('0'),Ch_Esc:stop:=true; end; until stop; end; procedure testvgamodes; {Test extended modes} var m:word; md,x:integer; function tmode(m:word):boolean; begin tmode:=true; if auto_test then begin fillchar(af_rec,sizeof(af_rec),0); af_cmt:=''; end; if InitMode(m) then tmode:=testvmode; if auto_test then begin af_rec.mode :=modetbl[m].md; af_rec.Mmode :=memmode; af_rec.pixels:=pixels; af_rec.lins :=lins; af_rec.bytes :=bytes; af_rec.crtc :=crtc; AddAFBuf(af_rec,sizeof(af_rec)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); inc(af_pos,FormatRgs(af_buf[af_pos])); WrAFbuf(AF_modeinfo); end; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Test extended VGA modes.'); writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to nomodes do {Not the Std VGA modes} if ((modetbl[m].flags and MFL_enVGA)=MFL_enabled) then writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(modetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(modetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(modetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[modetbl[m].memmode]); writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); if auto_test then pushkey(ord('*')); writeln; x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to nomodes do if ((x=0) or (x=m)) and ((modetbl[m].flags and MFL_enGrVGA)=MFL_enGr) then if not tmode(m) then x:=-1; {stop} end; procedure teststdvgamodes; {Test standard VGA modes} var m:word; md,x:integer; function tmode(m:word):boolean; begin if auto_test then begin fillchar(af_rec,sizeof(af_rec),0); af_cmt:=''; end; if InitMode(m) then tmode:=testvmode; if auto_test then begin af_rec.mode :=stdmodetbl[m].md; af_rec.Mmode :=memmode; af_rec.pixels:=pixels; af_rec.lins :=lins; af_rec.bytes :=bytes; af_rec.crtc :=crtc; AddAFBuf(af_rec,sizeof(af_rec)); AddAFbuf(af_cmt,length(af_cmt)+1); inc(af_pos,FormatRgs(af_buf[af_pos])); WrAFbuf(AF_modeinfo); end; end; begin textmode($103); writeln('Standard VGA mode test.'); writeln; writeln('Modes:'); writeln; for m:=1 to novgamodes do begin writeln(' '+menuchars[m]+' '+hex4(stdmodetbl[m].md)+'h '+istr(stdmodetbl[m].xres) +'x'+istr(stdmodetbl[m].yres)+' '+mdtxt[stdmodetbl[m].memmode]); end; writeln; writeln(' * All modes'); writeln; if auto_test then pushkey(ord('*')); x:=getmenkey; for m:=1 to novgamodes do if (x=0) or (x=m) then if not tmode(m) then x:=-1; end; procedure searchformodes; {Run through all possible modes and try to id any new ones} type regblk=record base:word; nbr:word; x:array[0..255] of byte; end; var md,m,hig,wid,x,y,oldbytes,wordadr:word; c:char; ofil:text; attregs:array[0..31] of byte; seqregs,grcregs,crtcregs,xxregs:regblk; stdregs:array[$3C0..$3DF] of byte; l:longint; s:string; stop:boolean; procedure dumprg(base:word;var rg:regblk); var six,ix:word; begin rg.base:=base; six:=inp(base); outp(base,0); ix:=inp(base) xor 255; outp(base,255); ix:=ix and inp(base); if ix>127 then rg.nbr:=255 else if ix>63 then rg.nbr:=127 else if ix>31 then rg.nbr:=63 else if ix>15 then rg.nbr:=31 else if ix>7 then rg.nbr:=15 else rg.nbr:=7; for ix:=0 to rg.nbr do rg.x[ix]:=rdinx(base,ix); outp(base,six); end; begin md:=$14; stop:=false; while (md<$80) and not stop do begin textmode(3); gotoxy(10,10); write('Testing mode: '+hex2(md)); delay(500); if setmode(md,true) then begin pixels :=calcpixels; lins :=calclines; bytes :=calcbytes; vseg :=calcvseg; memmode:=calcmmode; repeat oldbytes:=bytes; if setmode(md,true) and testvmode then begin { drawtestpattern('Mode: '+hex2(md)+' ('+istr(pixels)+'x'+istr(lins)+' ' +mmodenames[memmode]+') '+istr(bytes)+' bytes.'); } end; (* case getkey of Ch_PgUp:bytes:=bytes shl 1; Ch_PgDn:bytes:=bytes shr 1; Ch_ArUp:inc(bytes); Ch_ArDown:dec(bytes); Ch_Esc:stop:=true; end; *) until bytes=oldbytes; end; inc(md); end; textmode(3); end; var stop:boolean; function ljust(s:string;lnn:word):string; begin ljust:=copy(s+' ',1,lnn); end; function rjust(s:string;lnn:word):string; begin if length(s)0) then begin fillchar(rhdr,sizeof(rhdr),0); rhdr.base :=biosseg; rhdr.size :=mem[biosseg:2]; rhdr.int10:=chkptr($40); rhdr.int6D:=chkptr($1B4); rhdr.m4A8 :=chkptr($4A8); rhdr.fnt14 :=fntadr(2); rhdr.fnt8l :=fntadr(3); rhdr.fnt8h :=fntadr(4); rhdr.fnt14x9:=fntadr(5); rhdr.fnt16 :=fntadr(6); rhdr.fnt16x9:=fntadr(7); AddAFbuf(rhdr,sizeof(rhdr)); WrAFbuf(AF_BIOSdmp); y:=0;z:=0; for x:=0 to (rhdr.size*512-1) do begin v:=mem[biosseg:x]; af_buf[z]:=v-y; y:=v; inc(z); if z>=2000 then begin blockwrite(af_fil,af_buf,z); z:=0; end; end; blockwrite(af_fil,af_buf,z); end; end; procedure ReCalc(rfil:string); var f:file; t:text; at0:_AT0; at2:_AT2; buf:array[0..2000] of byte; hdr:record typ:byte; lnn:word; end; fpos:longint; ix,x,y,z,w:word; s:string[5]; function popb:word; begin popb:=buf[ix]; inc(ix); end; function popw:word; var w:word; begin move(buf[ix],w,2); inc(ix,2); popw:=w; end; procedure stinx(base,ix,vl:word); begin case base of $3C0:rgs.attregs[ix]:=vl; $3C4:begin rgs.seqregs.x[ix]:=vl; if ix>rgs.seqregs.nbr then rgs.seqregs.nbr:=ix; end; $3CE:begin rgs.grcregs.x[ix]:=vl; if ix>rgs.grcregs.nbr then rgs.grcregs.nbr:=ix; end; $3B4, $3D4:begin rgs.crtcregs.x[ix]:=vl; if ix>rgs.crtcregs.nbr then rgs.crtcregs.nbr:=ix; end; else rgs.xxregs.base:=base; rgs.xxregs.x[ix]:=vl; if ix>rgs.xxregs.nbr then rgs.xxregs.nbr:=ix; end; end; begin if pos('.',rfil)=0 then rfil:=rfil+'.tst'; assign(f,rfil); {$i-} reset(f,1); {$i+} if ioresult=0 then begin rfil[0]:=chr(pred(pos('.',rfil))); assign(t,rfil+'.tt'); rewrite(t); fpos:=0;vids:=0; repeat blockread(f,hdr,3); case hdr.typ of 0:blockread(f,at0,sizeof(_AT0)); 1:begin inc(vids); blockread(f,vid[vids],sizeof(vid[1])); if vids=at0.cur_vid then SelectVideo(vids); end; 2:begin blockread(f,at2,sizeof(at2)); blockread(f,buf,hdr.lnn-sizeof(at2)-3); ix:=buf[0]+1; repeat w:=popw; case w of 1:begin w:=popw; x:=popb;y:=popb; for x:=x to y do stinx(w,x,popb); end; 2..$FE:begin x:=popw; for x:=x to x+w-1 do begin y:=popb; if (x>=$3C0) and (x<$3DF) then rgs.stdregs[x]:=y; if (x>=$3B0) and (x<$3BF) then rgs.stdregs[x+$20]:=y; end; end; $ff:begin w:=popw; x:=popb; case w of 0:rgs.tridold0d:=x; 1:rgs.tridold0e:=x; end; end; else x:=popb; if (w>=$3C0) and (w<$3DF) then rgs.stdregs[w]:=x; if (w>=$3B0) and (w<$3BF) then rgs.stdregs[w+$20]:=x; end; until w=0; if (at2.flag and 1)>0 then begin CalcRegisters; if (at2.mmode=rgs.mmode) and (at2.pixels=rgs.pixels) and (at2.lins=rgs.lins) and (at2.bytes=rgs.bytes) then s:=' Ok' else s:=''; writeln(t,hex4(at2.mode),at2.pixels:5,at2.lins:5,at2.bytes:5 ,' '+mmodenames[at2.mmode]+' vs. ' ,rgs.pixels:5,rgs.lins:5,rgs.bytes:5 ,' '+mmodenames[rgs.mmode]+s); end; end; end; inc(fpos,hdr.lnn); seek(f,fpos); until hdr.typ>2; close(t); close(f); end; end; procedure testdacbits; var dac0,dac1,dac2,dac3:byte; pt,ix,i,old:integer; s:string; begin settextmode; write('Base register (hex): '); readln(s); pt:=dehex(s); write('Index (hex 0-FFh): '); readln(s); ix:=dehex(s); dac0:=inp($3C8); dac1:=inp($3C9); dac2:=inp($3C6); dac3:=inp($3C7); old:=rdinx(pt,Ix); writeln('Original: '+hex2(dac0)+' '+hex2(dac1)+' '+hex2(dac2)+' '+hex2(dac3)); for i:=0 to 7 do begin wrinx(pt,Ix,old xor (1 shl i)); dac0:=inp($3C8); dac1:=inp($3C9); dac2:=inp($3C6); dac3:=inp($3C7); wrinx(pt,Ix,old); writeln(' Bit ',i,': '+hex2(dac0)+' '+hex2(dac1)+' '+hex2(dac2)+' '+hex2(dac3)); end; if readkey='' then; end; var chp:byte; md,x,y,b:integer; s,fea:string; iteration,err,sel,clks:word; t:text; ok:boolean; devs:array[1..10] of string[80]; rcfil:string; ignlist:string; {Chips we ignore} PCIenable:boolean; function mmode(s:string):integer; var x:byte; begin mmode:=__None; for x:=_text to _p32d do {Remember to update} if s=strip(mmodenames[x]) then mmode:=x; end; function FindChp(s:string):integer; var chp:integer; begin FindChp:=__None; s:=strip(upstr(s)); for chp:=__none to max_chip do if upstr(header[chp])=s then FindChp:=chp; end; procedure initcfg; {Reset the configuration} begin force_mm:=0; force_chip:=__none; force_version:=0; auto_test:=false; clocktest:=true; {allow clock testing} debug:=false; PCIenable:=true; ignlist:=''; fillchar(dotest,sizeof(dotest),ord(true)); {allow test for all chips} noumodes:=0; end; begin {$ifdef ver70} test8086:=1; {force 286, 386 mode buggy} {$endif} initcfg; clrscr; assign(t,'whatvga.cfg'); {$i-} reset(t); {Check if the file exists} {$i+} if ioresult=0 then begin cv.chip:=__None; writeln('Configuration file found!'); while not eof(t) do begin readln(t,s); if cv.chip=__None then {Initial section} begin x:=pos('=',s); if x>0 then begin fea:=upstr(strip(copy(s,1,x-1))); {keyword} s:=strip(copy(s,x+1,255)); {value} if (upstr(s)='YES') or (upstr(s)='ON') or (upstr(s)='Y') or (upstr(s)='1') then ok:=true else ok:=false; if fea='AUTOTEST' then auto_test:=ok; if fea='CLOCKTEST' then clocktest:=ok; if fea='DEBUG' then debug:=ok; if fea='PCITEST' then PCIenable:=ok; if fea='MEMORY' then val(s,force_mm,err); if fea='IGNORE' then begin chp:=FindChp(upstr(s)); if chp<>__None then begin dotest[chp]:=false; ignlist:=ignlist+' '+header[chp]; end; end; if fea='CHIPSET' then begin chp:=FindChp(upstr(s)); fillchar(dotest,sizeof(dotest),ord(false)); {Disable all tests} if chp<>__None then begin dotest[chp]:=true; force_chip:=chp; end; end; end; end else if s[1]='-' then begin delete(s,1,1); md:=dehex(clipstr(s)); inc(noumodes); usermodes[noumodes].md :=md; usermodes[noumodes].memmode:=__None; {Disable} usermodes[noumodes].flags :=cv.chip; end else if s[1]='+' then begin delete(s,1,1); md:=dehex(clipstr(s)); val(clipstr(s),x,err); val(clipstr(s),y,err); chp:=mmode(clipstr(s)); val(clipstr(s),b,err); inc(noumodes); usermodes[noumodes].md :=md; usermodes[noumodes].xres :=x; usermodes[noumodes].yres :=y; usermodes[noumodes].bytes :=b; usermodes[noumodes].memmode:=chp; usermodes[noumodes].flags :=cv.chip; end; if s[1]='[' then cv.chip:=FindChp(copy(s,2,pos(']',s)-2)); end; close(t); end; rcfil:=''; for x:=1 to paramcount do begin s:=upstr(paramstr(x))+' '; case s[1] of '-':begin chp:=FindChp(copy(s,2,255)); if chp<>__None then begin dotest[chp]:=false; ignlist:=ignlist+' '+header[chp]; end; end; '+':begin chp:=FindChp(copy(s,2,255)); fillchar(dotest,sizeof(dotest),ord(false)); if chp<>__None then begin dotest[chp]:=true; force_chip:=chp; end; end; '=':val(strip(copy(s,2,255)),force_mm,err); '/':case upcase(s[2]) of 'A':auto_test:=true; 'C':clocktest:=false; 'I':initcfg; 'D':debug:=true; 'T':rcfil:=strip(copy(s,3,255)); 'V':begin val(strip(copy(s,3,255)),y,err); if err=0 then force_version:=y; end; 'P':PCIenable:=false; end; end; end; if rcfil<>'' then begin ReCalc(rcfil); halt(0); end; if (force_mm<>0) or (force_chip<>__none) or (force_version<>0) or (ignlist<>'') then begin if force_mm<>0 then writeln('Memory forced to: '+istr(force_mm)+'K'); if force_chip<>__none then writeln('Chip forced to: '+header[force_chip]); if force_version<>0 then writeln('Chips version forced to: ',force_version); if ignlist<>'' then writeln('Chips to ignore:'+ignlist); writeln; writeln('Press a key to continue...'); if readkey='' then; clrscr; end; if PCIenable then findPCI; findvideo; settextmode; for x:=1 to vids do begin SelectVideo(x); fea:=''; if (cv.features and ft_cursor)>0 then fea:=' C'; if (cv.features and ft_blit )>0 then fea:=fea+' B'; if (cv.features and ft_line )>0 then fea:=fea+' L'; if (cv.features and ft_rwbank)>0 then fea:=fea+' R'; devs[x]:=' '+istr(x)+' '+ljust(chipnam[cv.chip],9) +rjust(istr(,8)+ljust(fea,8)+' '+vid[x].name; end; iteration:=0; repeat stop:=false; if vids<>1 then begin SetTextMode; writeln(wrVersionNbr+copyright); writeln; writeln('Multiple Video Interfaces or Adapters found!!'); writeln('Please select the one to test:'); writeln(' Chip: Memory: Feat: Name:'); for x:=1 to vids do writeln(devs[x]); writeln; writeln(' 0 Stop'); writeln; sel:=getkey-ord('0'); if sel=0 then stop:=true; end else sel:=1; if (sel>0) and (sel<=vids) then SelectVideo(sel); while not stop do begin SetTextMode; writeln(wrVersionNbr+copyright); writeln; write('Video system: ',chipnam[cv.chip],' with '+istr(' Kbytes'); if cv.SubVers<>0 then write(' Version: '+hex4(cv.SubVers)); writeln; if<>'' then writeln('Name: '; writeln('Dac: '+cv.dacname); writeln('Clock: '+clkname[cv.clktype]); case cv.clktype of clk_ext2:clks:=4; clk_ext3:clks:=8; clk_ext4:clks:=16; clk_ext5:clks:=32; clk_ext6:clks:=64; else clks:=4; end; if clks>0 then begin for x:=0 to clks-1 do begin if (x and 7)=0 then begin if x>0 then writeln; write(' '); end; write(cv.clks[x]/1000:8:3); end; writeln; end; if cv.features<>0 then begin write('Special features:'); if (cv.features and ft_cursor)<>0 then write(' Cursor'); if (cv.features and ft_blit)<>0 then write(' BitBlt'); if (cv.features and ft_line)<>0 then write(' Line'); if (cv.features and ft_rwbank)<>0 then write(' RW-bank'); writeln; end; writeln; if (cv.flags and FLG_StdVGA)>0 then writeln(' 1 Test Standard VGA modes'); writeln(' 2 Test Extended modes'); if (cv.chip<>__vesa) and (cv.chip<>__XBE) then writeln(' 3 Search for video modes'); if (cv.features and ft_cursor)<>0 then writeln(' 5 HardWare Cursor test'); if (cv.features and ft_blit)<>0 then writeln(' 6 HardWare BitBLT test'); if (cv.features and ft_line)<>0 then writeln(' 7 Line Draw test'); if (cv.features and ft_rwbank)<>0 then writeln(' 8 R/W bank test'); writeln; writeln(' B Individual bit functionality'); writeln(' D DAC test submenu'); writeln(' R Read/Writable registers'); writeln; writeln(' 0 Stop'); writeln; if auto_test then begin inc(iteration); pushkey(Ch_Cr); {No Operation, just step on} case iteration of 1:begin InitAFfile(sel); for x:=1 to vids do begin AddAFbuf(vid[x],sizeof(vid[1])); WrAFbuf(AF_videosys); end; if (cv.chip<>__vesa) and (cv.chip<>__XBE) then pushkey(ord('1')); end; 2:pushkey(ord('2')); 3:if (cv.features and ft_cursor)<>0 then pushkey(ord('5')); 4:if (cv.features and ft_blit)<>0 then pushkey(ord('6')); 5:if (cv.features and ft_line)<>0 then pushkey(ord('7')); 6:if (cv.features and ft_rwbank)<>0 then pushkey(ord('8')); 7:pushkey(ch_esc); end; end; case getkey of ord('1'):teststdvgamodes; ord('2'):testvgamodes; ord('3'):searchformodes; ord('5'):testcursor; ord('6'):testblit; ord('7'):testline; ord('8'):testrwbank; ord('9'):testzoom; ord('a'),ord('A'):auto_test:=true; ord('b'),ord('B'):testbits; ord('d'),ord('D'):testdac; ord('r'),ord('R'):testregs; ord('t'),ord('T'):testdacbits; ord('0'):stop:=true; Ch_Esc:begin stop:=true; sel:=0; end; end; end; if vids<=1 then sel:=0; until sel=0; SetTextMode; vio(3); {Standard mode 3 80x25 text} if auto_test then begin wrAFff; close(af_fil); writeln; writeln('The test results are in the file: ',af_filename); writeln; writeln('For e-mail, modem etc the test file should be compressed'); writeln('(ZIP, ARJ...) savings of >40% are not uncommon.'); writeln; writeln('For Email transport, remember that the test file is BINARY.'); end; end.