Class 7 CS 202 25 September 2024 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Advice 3. Practice with concurrent programming 4. Implementations of spinlocks, mutexes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time Condition variables Monitors and standards * standards on lab 3 * reminder about collaboration/integrity policy Advice ....a word about POCs 2. Advice for concurrent programming A. Top-level piece of advice: SAFETY FIRST. --Locking at coarse grain is easiest to get right, so do that (one big lock for each big object or collection of them) --Don't worry about performance at first --In fact, don't even worry about liveness at first --In other words don't view deadlock as a disaster --Key invariant: make sure your program never does the wrong thing B. More detailed advice: design approach [We will use item #1 on handout as a case study.....] --Here's a four-step design approach: 1. Getting started: 1a. Identify units of concurrency. Make each a thread with a go() method or main loop. Write down the actions a thread takes at a high level. 1b. Identify shared chunks of state. Make each shared *thing* an object. Identify the methods on those objects, which should be the high-level actions made *by* threads *on* these objects. Plan to have these objects be monitors. 1c. Write down the high-level main loop of each thread. Advice: stay high level here. Don't worry about synchronization yet. Let the objects do the work for you. Separate threads from objects. The code associated with a thread should not access shared state directly (and so there should be no access to locks/condition variables in the "main" procedure for the thread). Shared state and synchronization should be encapsulated in shared objects. --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --separate loops for producer(), consumer(), and synchronization happens inside MyBuffer. Now, for each object: 2. Write down the synchronization constraints on the solution. Identify the type of each constraint: mutual exclusion or scheduling. For scheduling constraints, ask, "when does a thread wait"? --NOTE: usually, the mutual exclusion constraint is satisfied by the fact that we're programming with monitors. --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --Only one thread can manipulate the buffer at a time (mutual exclusion constraint) --Producer must wait for consumer to empty slots if all full (scheduling constraint) --Consumer must wait for producer to fill slots if all empty (scheduling constraint) 3. Create a lock or condition variable corresponding to each constraint --QUESTION: how does this apply to the example on the handout? --Answer: need a lock and two condition variables. (lock was sort of a given from the fact of a monitor). 4. Write the methods, using locks and condition variables for coordination C. More advice 1. Don't manipulate synchronization variables or shared state variables in the code associated with a thread; do it with the code associated with a shared object. --Threads tend to have "main" loops. These loops tend to access shared objects. *However*, the "thread" piece of it should not include locks or condition variables. Instead, locks and CVs should be encapsulated in the shared objects. --Why? (a) Locks are for synchronizing across multiple threads. Doesn't make sense for one thread to "own" a lock. (b) Encapsulation -- details of synchronization are internal details of a shared object. Caller should not know about these details. "Let the shared objects do the work." --Common confusion: trying to acquire and release locks inside the threads' code (i.e., not following this advice). Bad idea! Synchronization should happen within the shared objects. Mantra: "let the shared objects do the work". --Note: our first example of condition variables -- handout04, item 2b -- doesn't actually follow the advice, but that is in part so you can see all of the parts working together. 2. Different way to state what's above: --You want to decompose your problem into objects, as in object-oriented style of programming. --Thus: (1) Shared object encapsulates code, synchronization variables, and state variables (2) Shared objects are separate from threads 3. Practice with concurrent programming --sleeping barber question (HW4). use it as practice. side note: (definition of practice when it comes to technical work = trying it on your own WITHOUT looking at the solution.) --we guarantee to test concurrent programming in this course --today, we work a different example: --workers interact with a database --motivation: banking, airlines, etc. --readers never modify database --writers read and modify data --using only a single mutex lock would be overly restrictive. Instead, want --many readers at the same time --only one writer at a time --let's follow the concurrency advice ..... 1. Getting started a. what are units of concurrency? [readers/writers] b. what are shared chunks of state? [database] c. what does the main function look like? read() check in -- wait until no writers access DB check out -- wake up waiting writer, if appropriate write() check in -- wait until no readers or writers access DB check out -- wake up waiting readers or writers 2. and 3. Synchronization constraints and objects --reader can access DB when no writers (condition: okToRead) --writer can access DB when no other readers or writers (condition: okToWrite) --only one thread manipulates shared variables at a time. NOTE: **this does not mean only one thread in the DB at a time** (mutex) 4. write the methods --inspiration required: int AR = 0; // # active readers int AW = 0; // # active writers int WR = 0; // # waiting readers int WW = 0; // # waiting writers --see handout for the code --QUESTION: why not just hold the lock all the way through "Execute req"? (Answer: the whole point was to expose more concurrency, i.e., to move away from exclusive access.) --QUESTION: what if we had shared locks? The implementation of shared locks is given on the handout 4. Implementation of mutexes Going to continue to assume sequential consistency... How might we provide the lock()/unlock() abstraction? (a) Peterson's algorithm.... --...solves critical section in that it satisfies mutual exclusion, progress, bounded waiting --but expensive (busy waiting), requires number of threads to be fixed statically, and assumes sequential consistency --(see a textbook) (b) disable interrupts? --works only on a single CPU --cannot expose to user processes (c) spinlocks --see handout * buggy approach: what's wrong with this? * non-buggy approach: why does this work? --works in multi-CPU environment --but issue: a spinlock is no good for cases when time-to-acquire-lock expected to be long (for example, waiting for disk accesses to complete). this is because of busy waiting and the fact that waiting chews cycles that could have been spent on another task (in the kernel or in user space). --for more about spinlocks in Linux, see: --NOTE: the spinlocks that we presented (test-and-set, or test-and-test-and-set) can introduce performance issues when there is a lot of contention. These performance issues arise even if the programmer is using spinlocks correctly. The performance issues result from cross-talk among CPUs (which undermines caching and generates traffic on the memory bus). For a remediation of this issue, search the web for "MCS locks". --In everyday application-level programming, spinlocks will not be something you use. Mainly matters inside kernel. But you should know what these are for technical literacy, and to see where the mutual exclusion is truly enforced on modern hardware. (d) mutexes: spinlock + a queue --textbook describes one implementation --see handout for another