Class 23 CS 202 25 April 2022 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Stack smashing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time Crash recovery NFS 2. Stack smashing --history ETHICS. --('buffer overflow' is one way to conduct a stack smashing attack.) --demo [NOTE: fork/exec separation is what allows us to write tcpserve: after the fork() but before exec() of buggy-server, child rearranges its file descriptors to be the socket itself. Also, this sample code gives you a chance to see sockets in action.] --remote host runs server. as user "cs202 TA" --my laptop runs honest client --my laptop runs dishonest client --note: if this server had been running as root, we'd have been able to get a root shell --or, if the user/syscall interface doesn't check its arguments properly, can buffer overflow that interface to take over the kernel. --arms race: --defenders create W ^ X policy (see below) so that memory cannot be both writable and executable. response: return-oriented programming (ROP) [DRAW PICTURE] smash the stack with a bunch of return addresses. each return address points to the needed instruction followed by "ret" (requires the attacker to have previously identified these instructions in the code, so the assumption is that the attacker has access to the source code or binary). not too hard in CISC code like on x86, where there are lots of sequences of code embedded in the binary, even sequences that the programmer didn't mean (because instructions are not fixed length). result: the control flow bounces around all of these byte sequences in memory, executing exactly what the attacker wanted, but not executing off of the stack. defending against ROP is hard (though if people use only safe languages, that is, languages that do bounds checking and other pointer checks, such attacks will be much, much harder) --ROP requires access to the source or binary, so maybe we can just make sure that binaries don't fall into the hands of attackers? --Well, no that doesn't work either. The technique of *Blind* Return-Oriented Programming (BROP), shows how to conduct attacks even when the binary isn't available and even on 64-bit machines. References: --other attacks: --overwriting function pointers --smashing the heap --what is W ^ X? map the stack pages as non-executable, if the hardware allows it. --Hardware these days allows it. We didn't use this bit in lab 4, but there's an NX bit in the page table entries. You generally want to set that bit. --The bummer with W ^ X used to be this: some languages not only don't need it but also are actively harmed by W ^ X. The core of the issue is that a program written in a safe language (Perl, Python, Java, etc.) does not need W ^ X whereas lots of C programs do. Meanwhile some machines *always* enforce W ^ X, even for programs that do not need it. Such enforcement constrains certain languages, namely those that need to do runtime code generation. --what about the defense of address space layout randomization (ASLR)? This provides some help but obviously doesn't help our vulnerable server because our server tells the client where the buffer is. --And on 32-bit systems, the randomness can be defeated through brute force. There's only 20 bits of randomness conceivable (the VPN bits), and ASLR implementations left the top four alone, to avoid fragmenting VM. --On 64-bit systems, this defense can be defeated, if the server simply reforks children instead of restarting. See the BROP paper (referenced above) --what about the defense of canary values near the return address? StackGuard (in gcc), PaX, etc. --This can also be defeated; see again the BROP references. --Another defense: don't use C! CPUs are so fast that a language with bounds checking probably isn't going to pay a huge performance penalty relative to one without bounds checks --Question: can we instead confine processes and users so that when they're broken into, the damage is limited?