Class 22 CS 202 20 April 2022 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Crash recovery, continued 3. RPC, client/server systems 4. NFS (case study of RPC and client/server) --Intro and background --How it works --lab5 detour --Statelessness --Transparency --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time Crash recovery Ad hoc COW Journaling Redo logging Undo logging Concept for logging is that sub-operations are buffered in RAM. It's best (for performance) if the file system has maximum flexibility about when those buffered operations have to actually make it to the on-disk data structures. For each of undo logging and redo logging (and their combination, which we will look at in a moment), there are required _orderings_. The first requirement, which exists in all variants of logging, is "log a sub-operation first, apply the operation only after the sub-operation is logged." This is a consequence of Saltzer-Kaashoek's "Don't modify the only copy." By logging, you make clear what you intend to do, and only after that, do you do it. The "actually applying the update to the file system data structures" is known as *checkpointing*. The second requirement is that the TxEnd record can be written only after the TxBegin and all sub-operations have been logged. Then, with redo logging and undo logging, the differences are in: - what the sub-operation logs: - redo-only: what the operation is, how to actually apply it - undo-only: what the operation is, how to roll it back - when can the updates actually be applied to the file system data structures, with respect to TxEnd - redo-only logging: any update can happen only after TxEnd - undo-only logging: TxEnd must follow applying all updates - undo + redo: updates can happen at any point - what does the recovery procedure have to do. - redo-only logging: redo *only* committed transactions (and for performance of crash recovery, that would ideally be only committed transactions that have not yet been checkpointed) - undo-only logging: undo *only* uncommitted transactions - undo + redo: both 2. Redo Logging meets Undo Logging This is just a recap of the advantages and disadvantages. **Redo logging** * Advantage: A transaction can commit without all in-place updates (writes to actual disk locations) being completed. Updating the journal is sufficient. Why is this useful? In-place updates might be scattered all over the disk, so the ability to delay them can help improve performance. * Disadvantage: A transaction's dirty blocks need to be kept in the buffer-cache until the transaction commits and all of the associated journal entries have been flushed to disk. This might increase memory pressure. **Undo log** * Advantage: A dirty block can be written to disk as soon as the undo-log entry has been flushed to disk. This reduces memory pressure. * Disadvantage: A transaction cannot commit until all dirty blocks have been flushed to disk. This imposes additional constraints on the disk scheduler, might result in worse performance. Combining Redo and Undo Logging * Done by NTFS. * Goals: - Allow dirty buffers to be flushed as soon as their associated journal entries are written. This can reduce memory pressure when necessary. - Transactions commit as soon as logging is done, so the system has greater flexibility when scheduling disk writes. * How does this work? * Basic operations Step 1: filesystem computes what would change due to an operation. For instance, creating a new file involves changes to directory inodes, appending to a file involves changes to the file's inode and data blocks. Step 2: the file system computes where in the log it can write this transaction, and writes a transaction begin record there (TxnBegin in the handout). This record contains a transaction ID, which needs to be unique. The file system **does not** need to wait for this write to finish and can immediately proceed to the next step. Step 3: the file system writes both a redo log entry and an undo log entry for each of the changes it computed in step 1. These live together. The filesystem can begin making in-place changes (checkpointing changes) the moment this undo + redo log information has been written. Step 4: Wait until the TxnBegin record, and all the log records from step 3, have been written; then the system writes a transaction end record (TxnEnd in the handout). This record contains the same transaction ID as was written in Step 2, and the transaction is considered committed once it has been successfully written to disk. Step 5: Similar to the redo logging case, the filesystem asynchronously continues to checkpoint/perform in-place writes whenever it is convenient. * Crash recovery First, the "redo pass": the filesystem goes through the log finding all committed transactions, and using the redo entry within them to apply committed changes. Next, the "undo pass": Next it scans through the log (backwards) finding all uncommitted transactions, and uses the undo entries associated with these to undo any in-place updates. * Why? Designed for a time when the same Operating System ran on machines with very little memory (8-32MB), and also on "big-iron" servers with lots of memory (1GB+). This was an attempt to get the best of both worlds. 3. RPC, client/server systems --what is RPC? (compare to local function calls.) --client/server systems --potential of RPC: fantastic way to build distributed systems --RPC system takes care of all the distributed/network issues --how well does all of this work? --question to begin answering for yourself: does RPC look like a local function call, or no? 4. NFS: case study of client/server, and case study of network file system Networked file systems: --What's a network file system? --Looks like a file system (e.g., FFS) to applications --But data potentially stored on another machine --Reads and writes must go over the network --Also called distributed file systems --Advantages of network file systems --Easy to share if files available on multiple machines --Often easier to administer servers than clients --Access way more data than fits on your local disk --Network + remote buffer cache faster than local disk --Disadvantages --Network + remote disk slower than local disk --Network or server may fail even when client OK --Complexity, security issues NFS: seminal networked file system (NFS = Network File System) * Intro and background * How it works * Statelessness * Transparency * Security A. Intro and background --Reasons to study it --case study of RPC transparency --NFS was very successful. --Still in widespread use today (CIMS machines, for example) --Much research uses it. --Can view much networked file systems research as fixing problems with NFS --background and context --designed in mid 1980s --before this, Sun was selling Unix workstations --diskless (to save money) --"ND" network disk protocol (use one big central disk, and let the diskless workstations use it) --allowed disk to live somewhere else, but did not allow for shared file system (every workstation had a partitioned piece of the ND *not* a shared file system) More detail on context: NFS arose in the early-to-mid 1980s. Prior to NFS, each computer had its own private disk and file system. That worked for expensive central time-sharing systems when there weren't many workstations. But in the LAN environment, with workstations becoming cheaper, people wanted ways to share files within organizations. The goal was to allow a user to sit down at any workstation and access their files even though the files might live on a central server. --Advantages: --convenience (get your files anywhere) --cost (buy workstations without disks) --only sysadmin has to know where files live. shell, user program, etc. do _not_ have to know (way better than competitors at the time) B. How it works --What's the software/hardware structure? [DRAW PICTURE] --array of vnodes in both client and server --vnode like a primitive C++ or Java object, with methods --represents an open (or openable) file --Bunch of generic "vnode operations": --lookup, create, open, close, getattr, setattr, read, write, fsync, remove, link, rename, mkdir, rmdir, symlink, readdir, readlink, ... --Called through function pointers, so most system calls don't care what type of file system a file resides on --This function-pointer-as-abstraction pattern is common in systems (for instance on your FUSE-based lab). [DETOUR: LAB 5: THE SETUP. SEE LAB DIAGRAM. Pull from lab description, and fit into the vnode picture ] - a few other lab notes: - each inode is allocated its own disk block instead of being packed alongside other inodes in a single disk block. - there's a programming pattern that could confuse: pointer-to-pointer. think of it as a kind of return value. if a function takes a pointer-to-pointer, then the caller passes *the address of an address.* what does that mean? literally, it's the address of a variable, and that variable itself holds an address. --NFS implements vnode operations through RPC --Client request to server over network, awaits response --Each system call may require a series of RPCs --System mostly determined by NFS RPC **protocol** --How does it work? [TRACE RPC FOR OPEN AND WRITE: LOOKUP AND WRITE] --nice separation between interface and implementation --loopback server --replace NFS server altogether with something that *acts* like an NFS server to the client. --can make lots of things *look* like a file system just by implementing the NFS interface. extremely powerful technique --this gain mostly arises because of the power of RPC and modularity, rather than anything about NFS in particular --What does a file handle look like? [FS ID | inode # | generation #] Why not embed file name in file handle? (file names can change; would mess everything up. client needs to use an identifier that's invariant across such renames.) How does client know what file handle to send? (stored with the vnode) C. Statelessness --What the heck do they mean? The file server keeps files; that's certainly state!! --What they really mean is that every network protocol request contains all of the information needed to carry out that request, without relying on anything remembered from previous protocol requests. --convince yourself of this by looking at the calls --but are operations really idempotent? (hint: no, not all of them.) --what happens if two renames() are sent, and the reply to the first one is lost? client sends another one. then the second one returns an error code, even though the operation conceptually succeeded. --similar issue with "mkdir", "create", etc. --How are READ and WRITE stateless? (Answer: they contain the disk address (the inode at the server) as well as an offset.) --What are the advantages and disadvantages? +: simplifies implementation +: simplifies server failure recovery -: messes up traditional Unix semantics; see below --What happens if the server reboots while the client has a file open? --Nothing! --Client just uses the same file handle. (file handles are usable across server failures.) --NOTE: a crashed and rebooted server looks the same to clients as a slow server. Which is cool. --Are READ and WRITE idempotent? Yes, because they implicitly reference a disk location on the server. of course, the disk location might have a different meaning in between the "minting" of the FH (file handle) and its use. generation number (see below) solves that problem. --Why doesn't NFS have RPCs called OPEN() and CLOSE()? D. Transparency and non-traditional Unix semantics --Note: transparency is not just about preserving the syscall API (which they do). Transparency requires that the system calls *mean* the same things. Otherwise, existing programs may compile and run but experience different behavior. In other words, formerly correct programs may now be incorrect. (This happened with NFS because of its close-to-open consistency.) --what is generation number for? (*) What if client A deletes a file and it (or another client) creates a new one that uses the same i-node? --generation number prevents --Stale FH error --served file systems must support --So not fully transparent More detail: For *all* files that could ever be exposed by NFS, the server stores, in the i-node on disk, a generation number. Every time the server allocates a given i-node, it increments the i-node's generation number. When the server passes a FH to the client (say, in response to a LOOKUP RPC from the client), the server puts the given i-node's _current_ generation number in the FH. How: The way the generation number avoids problems that arise from the special case in (*) is as follows: for each request the client makes of the server, the server checks to see whether the generation number in the client's FH matches the on-disk generation number for the i-node in question. If so, the client has a current FH, and the special case has not arisen. If not, the client's generation number must be older, so we are in the special case, and the client gets a "stale FH" error when it tries to READ() or WRITE(). Why: Without the generation number, the special case in (*) would cause a client to read and write data it had no business reading or writing (since the given i-node now belongs to some other file). --non-traditional Unix semantics (i) we mentioned one example above: error returns on successful operations. now we'll go through some other examples of changed semantics (ii) most famous one: close-to-open consistency, writes-on-close() --can get behaviors that are strange. will detail at the end of this. * Server must flush to disk before returning (why? because if they didn't, and there were a server crash, the client wouldn't know to retry -- the client would be unaware that the write never took effect). So before returning "success", the server has to make sure: --Inode with new block # and new length safe on disk. --Indirect block safe on disk. --So writes have to be synchronous So why isn't performance bad? caching at client. not all RPCs actually go to server [see below] [NFSv3 handles this a bit better. WRITES() go to server but don't necessarily cause disk accesses at server.] * what kind of caching do they have? --Read-caching of data. Why does this help? (re-reading files) --Write-caching of data. Why does this help? (see above) --Caching of file attributes. Why does this help? A command like "ls -l" gets all of the file attributes, at which point a successive open can work against the cached copy of the file or the remote copy, depending on how recently the file was updated --Caching of name->fh mappings. Why does this help? (cache prefix like /home/jo) * but once you have a cache, you have to worry about coherence and semantics. what kind of coherence does it actually give? (Answer: close-to-open) A: write(), then close(), B: open(), read(). B sees A's data. Otherwise, B has an "old" picture because data not sent by A until close(). At a high level, how do they implement it? --writing client forces dirty blocks during a close() --reading client checks with server during open() and asks, "is this data current?" (can reduce traffic from this last one by caching file attributes) * Why do they give this guarantee instead of a stronger guarantee? (Performance. They are trading off the semantics for performance.) * Upshot: ** can get errors on close() [which legacy apps would not have expected] instead of write(). means the app has to change. if server ran out of space, the app finds out about it at a different point than if the file system were local. formerly correct applications now not correct, if they didn't check the return value of close()! ** another issue: the following pattern does not work well: "some_proc > out" on one client ; "tail -f out" on another issue is that the second client may not find out about the updates done by the first client (iii) server failure --previously, open("some_file", RD_ONLY) failed only if file didn't exist --now, if server has failed, open() can fail or apps hang [fundamental trade-off if server is remote] (iv) deletion or permissions change of open files (a) What if client A deletes a file that client B has "open"? --Unix: my reads still work (file exists until all clients close() it) --NFS: my reads fail --Why? --To get Unix-like behavior using NFS, server would have to keep track of all kinds of stuff. That state would have to persist across reboots. --But they wanted stateless server --So NFS just does the wrong thing: RPCs fail if another client deletes a file you have open. --(Hack if the *same* client does the delete: the NFS client asks the NFS server to do a rename to .nfsXXX. That's another place that stale file handles come from.) (b) "chmod -r 0700" [make the file inaccessible except to its owner] while file is open() similar issue to the one above, in (a) (in Unix, nothing happens. in NFS, future reads fail, since NFS checks permissions on every RPC.) (v) execute-only implies read, unlike in Unix (in Unix, the operating system draws a distinction between demand-paging in the executable, to execute it, versus returning bytes in a file to a requesting program. a user might have permission to do one, or the other, or both. in NFS, the NFS server cannot care about this distinction because the NFS client needs the data blocks in the file, period. thus, if a file is marked execute-only on the NFS server, the NFS client will still be able to read it if the NFS client really wants (once the NFS client has the data blocks, it has the data blocks). (put differently, under NFS, once a client has the file, it has the file. compare to Unix, where Unix really can execute a file for a user but not let the user read it.) Areas of RPC non-transparency (a more general point than NFS) * Partial failure, network failure * Latency * Efficiency/semantics tradeoff * Security. You can rarely deal with it transparently (see below) * Pointers. Write-sharing. Portable object references is hard under RPC * Concurrency (if multiple clients) Solution 1: expose RPC to application Solution 2: work harder on transparent RPC E. Security --Only security is via IP address --Another case of non-transparency: --On local system: UNIX enforces read/write protections Can't read my files w/o my password --On NFS: --Server believes whatever UID appears in NFS request --Anyone on the Internet can put whatever they like in the request --Or you (on your workstation) can su to root, then su to me --2nd su requires no password --Then NFS will let you read/write my files --In other words, to steal data, just adopt the uid of the person whose files you're trying to read....or just spoof packets. --So why aren't NFS servers ridiculously vulnerable? --Hard to guess correct file handles. --(Which rules out one class of attacks but not spoofed UIDs) --Observe: the vulnerabilities are fixable --Other file systems do it --Require clients to authenticate themselves cryptographically. --But very hard to reconcile with statelessness. F. Concluding note --None of the above issues prevent NFS from being useful. --People fix their programs to handle new semantics. --Or install firewalls for security. --And get most advantages of transparent client/server. References --"RFC 1094": NFS v2 --"RFC 1813": NFS v3 Other distributed file systems (disconnected operation, etc.) --disconnected operation: where have we seen this? (answer: git) --long literature on this (Coda, Bayou, Andrew File System, etc., etc.) [thanks to Robert Morris for some of the NFS content.]