Class 20 CS 202 13 April 2022 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Directories 3. Performance --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time - files - for today, remember, the system refers to a file with a number 2. Directories --Problem: "Spend all day generating data, come back the next morning, want to use it." F. Corbato, on why files/dirs invented. --Approach 0: Have users remember where on disk their files are --like remembering your social security or bank account # --yuck. (people want human-friendly names.) --So use directories to map names to file blocks, somehow --But what is in directory? --A short history of directories --Approach 1: Single directory for entire system --Put directory at known location on disk --Directory contains pairs --If one user uses a name, no one else can --Many ancient personal computers work this way --Approach 2: Single directory for each user --Still clumsy, and "ls" on 10,000 files is a real pain --(But some oldtimers still work this way) --Approach 3: Hierarchical name spaces. --Allow directory to map names to files ***or other dirs*** --File system forms a tree (or graph, if links allowed) --Large name spaces tend to be hierarchical --examples: IP addresses, domain names, scoping in programming languages, etc. --more generally, the concept of hierarchy is everywhere in computer systems --Hierarchial Unix --used since CTSS (1960s), and Unix picked it up and used it nicely --structure like: "/" bin dvdrom dev sbin tmp usr ls, grep tcpdump --directories stored on disk just like regular files --here's the data in a directory file; this data can be in the *data blocks* of the directory or else in the inode of the directory. [] .... --i-node for directory contains a special flag bit --only special users can write directory files --key point: i-number might reference another directory --this neatly turns the FS into a hierarchical tree, with almost no work --bootstrapping: where do you start looking? --root dir always inode #2 (0 and 1 reserved) --and, voila, we have a namespace! --special names: "/", ".", ".." --given those names, we need only two operations to navigate the entire name space: --"cd name": (change context to directory "name") --"ls": (list all names in current directory) --example: /a/foo.c /b/c/essay.txt what does the file system look like? [ i0 ... i7 || [block ] [ block ] [block ] .....] [Draw picture] --links: --hard link: multiple dir entries point to same inode; inode contains refcount "ln a b": creates a synonym ("b") for file ("a") --how do we avoid cycles in the graph? (answer: can't hard link to directories; can prove this eliminates cycles in the graph). --soft link: synonym for a *name* "ln -s /d/a b": --creates a new inode, not just a new directory entry --new inode has "sym link" bit set --contents of that new file: "/d/a" 3. Performance Case study: FFS --Unix FS was simple, elegant and ... slow --blocks too small --inode array all at the beginning of the disk --inode had: --too many layers of mapping indirection --transfer rate low (they were getting one block at a time) --free blocks were stored in a linked list on the disk --poor clustering of related objects --consecutive file blocks not close together --Inodes far from data blocks --Inodes for a given directory not close together --result: poor enumeration performance, meaning things like: "ls" and "grep foo *.c" were slowwwww --other problems: --14 character names were the limit --can't atomically update file in crash-proof way --FFS (fast file system) fixes these problems to a degree. [Reference: "M. K. McKusick, W. N. Joy, S. J. Leffler, and R. S. Fabry. A Fast File System for UNIX. ACM Trans. on Computer Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, Aug. 1984, pp. 181-197.] what can we do to above? [ask for suggestions] * make block size bigger (4 KB, 8KB, or 16 KB) * cluster related objects "cylinder groups" (one or more consecutive cylinders) [superblock | bookkeeping info | inodes | bitmap | data blocks (512 bytes each) ] [note: it's 512 above, not 4KB, because the file system doesn't exactly _insist_ that data blocks are larger. there can be _fragments_. this is a way to group larger writes together but to not waste space if file size isn't a multiple of 4KB.] --try to put inodes and data blocks in the same cylinder group --try to put all inodes of files in the same directory in the same cylinder group --new directories placed in cylinder group with greater than average number of free inodes --as files are allocated, use a heuristic: spill to next cylinder group after 40 KB of file (which would be the point at which an indirect block would be required, assuming 4096-byte blocks) and at every megabyte thereafter. * bitmaps (to track free blocks) --Easier to find contiguous blocks --Can keep the entire thing in memory --500 GB disk / 4KB disk blocks = 125,000,000 entries = 15MB. not outrageous these days. * reserve space --but don't tell users. (df makes full disk look 110% full) * atomic "rename" * symbolic links * total performance --20-40% of disk bandwidth for large files --10-20x of original Unix file system! --still not the best we can do (meta-data writes happen synchronously, which really hurts performance. but making asynchronous requires a story for crash recovery.) Others: --Most obvious: big file cache --kernel maintains a *buffer cache* in memory --internally, all uses of ReadDisk(blockNum, readbuf) replaced with: ReadDiskCache(blockNum, readbuf) { ptr = buffercache.get(blockNum); if (ptr) { copy BLKSIZE bytes from ptr to readbuf } else { newBuf = malloc(BLKSIZE); ReadDisk(blockNum, newBuf); buffercache.insert(blockNum, newBuf); copy BLKSIZE bytes from newBuf to readbuf } --no rotation delay if you're reading the whole track. --so try to read the whole track --more generally, try to work with big chunks (lots of disk blocks) --write in big chunks --read ahead in big chunks (64 KB) --why not just read/write 1 MB at a time? --(for writes: may not get data to disk often enough) --(for reads: may waste read bandwidth)