Class 18 CS 202 6 April 2022 On the board ------------ 1. Last time 2. Disks --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Last time - Context switches in WeensyOS - User-level threading, intro - Context switches among user-level threads end of today's notes has comparisons among threading models today: disks 2. Disks A. What is a disk? B. Geometry C. Performance D. Common #s E. How driver interfaces to disk F. Performance II G. Disk scheduling (performance III) H. Technology and systems trends Disks have historically been *the* bottleneck in many systems - This becomes less and less true every year: - SSDs [solid state drives] now common - PM [persistent memory] now available [Reference: "An Introduction to Disk Drive Modeling", by Chris Ruemmler and John Wilkes. IEEE Computer 1994, Vol. 27, Number 3, 1994. pp17-28.] What is a disk? --stack of magnetic platters --Rotate together on a central spindle @3,600-15,000 RPM --Drive speed drifts slowly over time --Can't predict rotational position after 100-200 revolutions ------------- | platter | ------------ | | | ------------ | platter | ------------ | | | ------------ | platter | ------------ | --Disk arm assembly --Arms rotate around pivot, all move together --Pivot offers some resistance to linear shocks --Arms contain disk heads--one for each recording surface --Heads read and write data to platters [interlude: why are we studying this? disks are still widely in use (particularly in large cloud infrastructures), and will be for some time. Very cheap. Great medium for backup. Better than SSDs for durability (SSDs have limited number of write cycles, and decay over time) Google, Facebook, etc. historically packed their data centers full of cheap, old disks. As a second point, it's technical literacy; many filesystems were designed with the disk in mind (sequential access significantly higher throughput than random access). You have to know how these things work as a computer scientist and as a programmer. ] --you saw the high-level picture in CS 201; the notes below include some detail. Geometry of a disk --track: circle on a platter. each platter is divided into concentric tracks. --sector: chunk of a track --cylinder: locus of all tracks of fixed radius on all platters --Heads are roughly lined up on a cylinder --Significant fractions of encoded stream for error correction --Generally only one head active at a time --Disks usually have one set of read-write circuitry --Must worry about cross-talk between channels --Hard to keep multiple heads exactly aligned --disk positioning system --Move head to specific track and keep it there --Resist physical shocks, imperfect tracks, etc. --a **seek** consists of up to four phases: --*speedup*: accelerate arm to max speed or half way point --*coast*: at max speed (for long seeks) --*slowdown*: stops arm near destination --*settle*: adjusts head to actual desired track [BTW, this thing can accelerate at up to several hundred g] Performance (important to understand this if you are building systems that need good performance) components of transfer: rotational delay, seek delay, transfer time. rotational delay: time for sector to rotate under disk head seek: speedup, coast, slowdown, settle transfer time: will discuss discuss seeks in a bit of detail now: --seeking track-to-track: comparatively fast (~1ms). mainly settle time --short seeks (200-400 cyl.) dominated by speedup --longer seeks dominated by coast --head switches comparable to short seeks --settle times takes longer for writes than reads. why? --because if read strays, the error will be caught, and the disk can retry --if the write strays, some other track just got clobbered. so write settles need to be done precisely --note: "average seek time" quoted can be many things --time to seek 1/3 of disk --1/3 of the time to seek the whole disk --(convince yourself those may not be the same) Common #s --capacity: high 100s of GB, now TBs common --platters: 8 --number of cylinders: tens of thousands or more --sectors per track: ~1000 --RPM: 10000 --transfer rate: 50-150 MB/s --mean time between failures: ~1-2 million hours (for disks in data centers, it's vastly less; for a provider like Google, even if they had very reliable disks, they'd still need an automated way to handle failures because failures would be common (imagine 10 million disks: *some* will be on the fritz at any given moment). so what they do is to buy defective and cheap disks, which are far cheaper. lets them save on hardware costs. they get away with it because they *anyway* needed software and systems -- replication and other fault-tolerance schemes -- to handle failures.) How driver interfaces to disk --Sectors --Disk interface presents linear array of **sectors** --traditionally 512 bytes, written atomically (even if power failure; disk saves enough momentum to complete); moving to 4KB --larger atomic units have to be synthesized by OS (will discuss later) --goes for multiple contiguous sectors or even a whole collection of unrelated sectors --OS will find ways to make such writes *appear* atomic, though, of course, the disk itself can't write more than a sector atomically --analogy to critical sections in code: --> a thread holds a lock for a while, doing a bunch of things. to the other threads, whatever that thread does is atomic: they can observe the state before lock acquistion and after lock release, but not in the middle, even though, of course, the lock-holding thread is really doing a bunch of operations that are not atomic from the processor's perspective --disk maps logical sector # to physical sectors --Zoning: puts more sectors on longer tracks --Track skewing: sector 0 position varies by track, but let the disk worry about it. Why? (for speed when doing sequential access) --Sparing: flawed sectors remapped elsewhere --all of this is invisible to OS. stated more precisely, the OS does not know the logical to physical sector mapping. the OS specifies a platter, track, sector, but who knows where it really is? --In any case, larger logical sector # difference means larger seek --Highly non-linear relationship (*and* depends on zone) --OS has no info on rotational positions --Can empirically build table to estimate times --Turns out that sometimes the logical-->physical sector mapping is what you'd expect. Let's work through a disk performance example Spindle Speed: 7200 RPM Avg Seek Time, read/write: 10.5ms / 12 ms Maximum seek time: 19ms Track-to-track seek time: 1ms Transfer rate (surface to buffer): 54-128 MB/s Transfer rate (buffer to host): 375 MB/s Two questions: (a) How long would it take to do 500 sector reads, spread out randomly over the disk (and serviced in FIFO order)? (b) How long would it take to do 500 requests, SEQUENTIALLY on the disk? (FIFO order once more) Let's begin with (a), looking at one request: (rotation delay + seek time + transfer_time)*500 rotation delay: 60s/1min * 1 min/7200 rotations = 8.33 ms on average, you have to wait for half a rotation: 4.15 ms seek time: 10.5 ms (given) transfer time: 512 bytes * 1 s/54 MB * 1MB/10^6 bytes = .0095 ms **per read**: 4.15 ms + 10.5 ms + .0095 ms = 14.66 ms 500 reads: 14.66 ms/request * 500 requests = 7.3 seconds. total throughput: data/time = 35KB/s This is terrible! Let's look at (b) rotation delay + seek time + 500*transfer_time rotation delay: 4.15 ms (same as above) seek time: 10.5 ms (same as above) transfer time: 500 * .0095 ms = 4.75 ms total: 4.15 ms + 10.5 ms + 4.75 ms = 19.5 ms total throughput: 13.1 MB/s This is much better! Takeaway: Sequential reads are MUCH MUCH MUCH faster than random reads and we should do everything that we can possibly do to perform sequential reads. When you learn about filesystems, you'll see that this was a very serious concern for filesystem designers (LFS!). --"The secret to making disks fast is to treat them like tape" (John Ousterhout). What are some things that help this situation? - Disk Cache used for read-ahead (disk keeps reading at last host request) - otherwise, sequential reads would incur whole revolution - policy decision: should read-ahead cross track boundaries? a head-switch cannot be stopped, so there is a cost to aggressive read ahead. - Write caching can be a big win! - (if battery backed): data in buffer can be written over many times before actually being put back to disk. also, many writes can be stored so they can be scheduled more optimally --if not battery backed, then policy decision between disk and host about whether to report data in cache as on disk or not Try to order requests to minimize seek times --OS (or disk) can only do this if it has multiple requests to order --Requires disk I/O concurrency --High-performance apps try to maximize I/O concurrency --or avoid I/O except to do write-logging (stick all your data structures in memory; write "backup" copies to disk sequentially; don't do random-access reads from the disk) Disk scheduling: not covering in class. Can read in text. Some notes below: --FCFS: process requests in the order they are received +: easy to implement +: good fairness -: cannot exploit request locality -: increases average latency, decreasing throughput --SPTF/SSTF/SSF/SJF: shortest positioning time first / shortest seek time first: pick request with shortest seek time +: exploits locality of requests +: higher throughput -: starvation -: don't always know which request will be fastest improvement: aged SPTF --give older requests priority --adjust "effective" seek time with weighting [no pun intended] factor: T_{eff} = T_{pos} - W*T_{wait} --Elevator scheduling: like SPTF, but next seek must be in same direction; switch direction only if no further requests +: exploits locality +: bounded waiting -: cylinders in middle get better service -: doesn't fully exploit locality modification: only sweep in one direction (treating all address as being circular): very commonly used in Unix. technology and systems trends --unfortunately, while seeks and rotational delay are getting a little faster, they have not kept up with the huge growth elsewhere in computers. --transfer bandwidth has grown about 10x per decade --the thing that is growing fast is disk density (byte_stored/$). that's because density is less about the mechanical limitations --to improve density, need to get the head close to the surface. --[aside: what happens if the head contacts the surface? called "head crash": scrapes off the magnetic material ... and, with it, the data.] --Disk accesses a huge system bottleneck and getting worse. So what to do? --Bandwidth increase lets system (pre-)fetch large chunks for about the same cost as small chunk. --So trade latency for bandwidth if you can get lots of related stuff at roughly the same time. How to do that? --By clustering the related stuff together on the disk. can grab huge chunks of data without incurring a big cost since we already paid for the seek + rotation. --The saving grace for big systems is that memory size is increasing faster than typical workload size --result: more and more of workload fits in file cache, which in turn means that the profile of traffic to the disk has changed: now mostly writes and new data. --which means logging and journaling become viable (more on this over next few classes) --And in cloud workloads, you can attach many HDDs to a much smaller number of CPUs. --HDDs vs SSDs: see ---- Comparisons among threading models (pertains to class 17, l17.txt) --Cooperative (user-level) versus preemptive (user-level or kernel-level): --Cooperative makes it easier to avoid errors from concurrency --Cooperative is harder to program because now the threads have to be good about yielding, and you might have forgotten to yield inside a CPU-bound task. NOTE: Cooperative threading is only user-level; we don't have a notion in this class of cooperative kernel-level threads. --User-level (cooperative or preemptive) threading versus kernel-level (preemptive): Downsides of user-level threading: --Can we imagine having two user-level threads truly executing at once, that is on two different processors? (Answer: no. why?) --What if the OS handles page faults for the process? (then a page fault in one thread blocks all threads). --(not a huge issue in practice) --Similarly, if a thread needs to go to disk, then that (depending on the syscall) can block *all* threads (for example, in POSIX, the run-time cannot make a non-blocking read() call to the disk [though modern OSes have their own non-blocking disk I/O interfaces]). So what do we do about this? --extend the API; or --live with it; or --use elaborate hacks with memory mapped files (e.g., files are all memory mapped, and runtime asks to handle its own page faults, if the OS allows it) Further comparison between user-level threading and kernel-level threading: (i). high-level choice: user-level or kernel-level (but can have N:M threading, in which N user-level threads are multiplexed over M kernel threads, so the choice is a bit fuzzier) (ii). if user-level, there's another choice: non-preemptive (also known as cooperative) or preemptive [be able to answer: why are kernel-level threads always preemptive?] --*Only* the presence of multiple kernel-level threads can give: --true multiprocessing (i.e., different threads running on different processors) --asynchronous disk I/O using Posix interface [because read() blocks and causes the *kernel* scheduler to be invoked] --but many modern operating systems provide interfaces for asynchronous disk I/O, at least as an extension --Windows --Linux has AIO extensions --thus, even user-level threads can get asynchronous disk I/O, by having the run-time translate calls that *appear* blocking to the thread [e.g., thread_read()] into a series of instructions that: register for interest in an I/O event, put the thread to sleep, and swtch() to another thread --[moral of the story: if you find yourself needing async disk I/O from user-level threads, use one of the non-Posix interfaces!]