Marshall Ball, Oded Goldreich, Tal Malkin. "Randomness Extraction from Somewhat Dependent Sources." [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Justin Holmgren, Yuval Ishai, Tianren Liu, Tal Malkin. "On the Complexity of Decomposable Randomized Encodings, Or: How Friendly Can a Garbling-Friendly PRF Be?" ITCS 2020. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Elette Boyle, Akshay Degwekar, Apoorvaa Deshpande, Alon Rosen, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Parshant Nalini Vasudevan. "Cryptography from Information Loss." ITCS 2020. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Tal Malkin. "Limits to Non-Malleablility." ITCS 2020. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Elette Boyle, Ran Cohen, Tal Malkin, Tal Moran. "Is Information-Theoretic Topology-Hiding Computation Possible?" TCC 2019. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Brent Carmer, Tal Malkin, Mike Rosulek, Nichole Schimanski. "Garbled Neural Networks are Practical." [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Siyao Guo, Daniel Wichs. "Non-Malleable Codes for Decision Trees." CRYPTO 2019. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Huijia Lin, Tal Malkin. "Non-Malleable Codes Against Bounded Polynomial Time Tampering." EUROCRYPT 2019. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Prashant Vasudevan, Alon Rosen, Manuel Sabin. "Proofs of Work from Wost-Case Assumptions." CRYPTO 2018. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Siyao Guo, Tal Malkin, Li-Yang Tan. "Non-Malleable Codes for Small-Depth Circuits." FOCS 2018. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Tal Malkin. "Non-Malleable Codes from Average-Case Hardness: AC0, Decision Trees, and Streaming Space-Bounded Tampering." EUROCRYPT 2018. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Elette Boyle, Tal Malkin, Tal Moran. "Exploring the Boundaries of Topology-Hiding Computation." EUROCRYPT 2018. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Alon Rosen, Manuel Sabin, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan."Average-Case Fine-Grained Hardness." STOC 2017. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Tal Malkin, Mike Rosulek. "Garbling Gadgets for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits." CCS 2016. [pdf]

Marshall Ball, Dana Dachman-Soled, Mukul Kulkarni, Tal Malkin. "Non-Malleable Codes for Bounded Depth, Bounded Fan-In Circuits." EUROCRYPT 2016. [pdf]