
  1. Ada/Ed is available on ACF5, Sun workstations and for PC's.

  2. Do ``man adaed'' on NYU computers for the man page.

  3. Put the following statement in your ``.login'' file:
            setenv ADAED /usr/local

  4. Put your ada program in a file that has the extension .ada, for example ``file1.ada,'' ``file2.ada,'' etc. The compiler will compile your files into a library whose name you must specify, e.g., ``testlib.''

  5. To compile and execute your program type the following:
            %adacomp -n -l testlib file1    --use -n flag to creat a new library
            %adacomp -l testlib file2
            %adacomp -l testlib ...
            %adabind testlib                --binding a given binary library to
                                            --form an executable program
            %adaexec testlib                --run the ada program

    Note that you need not specify the .ada extension of your files. The name following -l will be the file where compiled program is placed. In your Ada program you must put the following statements:

    with text_io;
    procedure foo is
       use text_io;
       package int_io is new integer_io(integer);
       use int_io;
            ...                             --the rest of your program
    where foo is your outermost (main) procedure.