Lecture #9 Programming Languages MISHRA 95


Programming Languages: PL

B. Mishra
New York University.

Lecture # 9

---Slide 1---
Data Abstraction
Encapsulation and Inheritance

---Slide 2---
Data Abstraction and Encapsulation of
Programmer Defined Data Types

Abstract Data Types


---Slide 3---
Stack Example in Ada

   package STACK_PACKAGE is
     procedure PUSH(C: in Character);

     procedure POP;

     function TOP return Character;

     function EMPTY return Boolean;

     function FULL return Boolean;

     procedure INIT;

   package body STACK_PACKAGE is
     MAX_LEN: constant Integer := 1000;

     TOP: Integer := -1
     ELEMENTS: array (0..MAX_LEN -1) of Character;

---Slide 4---

     procedure PUSH(C: in Character) is
       begin if TOP < MAX_LEN then
             TOP := TOP + 1; ELEMENTS(TOP) := C;
       end if; end PUSH;

     procedure POP is
       begin if TOP > -1 then
             TOP := TOP - 1;
       end if; end POP;

     function TOP return Character is
       begin return ELEMENTS(TOP); end;

     function EMPTY return Boolean is
       begin return TOP = -1; end;

     function FULL return Boolean is
       begin return TOP = MAX_LEN - 1; end;

     procedure INIT is begin null; end;

---Slide 5---
STACK in C++

   #define MAX_LEN 1000

   struct STACK {
     char ELEMENTS[MAX_LEN];

     int TOP = -1;
     enum {EMPTY = -1; FULL = MAX_LEN -1};

     void PUSH(char C){TOP++; ELEMENTS[TOP] = C;}

     void POP(){TOP--;}

     char TOP(){return (ELEMENT[TOP]);}

     boolean EMPTY(){return (boolean)(TOP == EMPTY);}

     boolean FULL(){return (boolean)(TOP == FULL);}

     void INIT(){}

---Slide 6---
Abstraction Facilities

Set of Modules:

Each module performs a limited set of operations on a limited amount of data.

---Slide 7---
Modules & Classes

---Slide 8---
Example in C++

   const int max_len = 255;

   class string {
     char *s;
     int len;                          \\ PRIVATE

   public:                             \\ PUBLIC form here
     string(){s = new char[max_len]; len = max_len - 1;}
     string(char *p){len = strlen(p); s = new char[len+1];
                     strcpy(s,p);}     \\ CONSTRUCTORS

     ~string() {delete s;}             \\ DESTRUCTOR

     void operator = (string&);
     void operator += (string&);
     string operator + (string&);

     void assign(char* st){strcpy(s,st); len=strlen(st);}
     void print(){cout << s << "\nLength" << len << "\n";}

---Slide 9---
string continued

     void string::operator = (string& a)
     {strcpy(s,a.s); len = a.len;}

     void string::operator += (string& a)
     {strcpy(s+len,a.s); len += a.len;}

     string string::operator + (string& a)
       string temp(len+a.len);
       strcpy(temp.s+len, a.s);


---Slide 10---
string Usage

       string one("Bud_Why_Err"),
              two("Why ask Why"),
              both, four;

       both = one;
       both += two;
       both = both + both;
       four.assign("This Bud's for you");
       both = four + two;

---Slide 11---
Implementation Issues
Indirect Encapsulation

---Slide 12---
Implementation Issues
Direct Encapsulation

---Slide 13---
Direct vs. Indirect Encapsulation in Ada


   package A is
     type MyStack is private;
     procedure NewStack(S: out MyStack);
     type MyStackRep;   -- Hidden

     type MyStack is access MyStack Rep;


   package A is
     type MyStack is private;
     procedure NewStack(S: out MyStack);
     type MyStack is record   -- also hidden
       TOP: integer;
       A: array (1..100) of integer;
     end record;

---Slide 14---

A generic abstract data type definition
allows certain attribute of the type to be specified separately so that one base type definition may be given, with the attributes as parameters, and then several specialized types derived from the same base type may be created.

Generic Facility in Ada

---Slide 15---
Use of generic in Ada

   package QUEUE_PACKAGE is
     procedure APPEND(C: in Character);

     procedure REMOVE(C: out Character);

     function IS_EMPTY return Boolean;

     function IS_FULL return Boolean;

     procedure INIT_QUEUE;

     procedure DESTROY_QUEUE;

---Slide 16---

     type Elem is private;
     MAXELTS: in Natural;
   package QUEUE_PACKAGE is
     type Queue is limited private;

     procedure APPEND(Q: in out Queue; C: in Elem);
     procedure REMOVE(Q: in out Queue; C: out Elem);
     function IS_EMPTY(Q: in Queue) return Boolean;
     function IS_FULL(Q: in Queue) return Boolean;
     procedure INIT_QUEUE(Q: in out Queue);
     procedure DESTROY_QUEUE(Q: in out Queue);

     FULL_QUEUE, EMPTY_QUEUE: exceptions;
     type Queue is
         FIRSTELT, LASTELT: Integer range 0..MAXELTS - 1 := 0;
         CURSIZE : Integer range 0..MAXELTS := 0;
         ELEMENTS: array (0..MAXELTS - 1) of Elem;
       end record;

---Slide 17---
Generic Formal Parameters

can be: Object parameters, Type Parameters, or Subprogram parameters

---Slide 18---
Generic Subprogram Parameters

Three Forms:

---Slide 19---

Information passed implicitly among program components

---Slide 20---
Single & Multiple Inheritance

---Slide 21---
Example: C++

   class elem {
     elem(){v = 0}
     void ToElem(int b){v = b;}
     int FromElem(){ return v;}
     int v;}

   class ElemStack: elem {
     ElemStack() { size=0;}
     void push(elem i)
       {storage[++size] = i;}
     void pop()
       {return storage[size--];}
     void MyType() {printf("I am type ElemStack\n")}
     int size;
     elem storage[100];}

---Slide 22---
Derived Class and Method Inheritance

   class NewStack: ElemStack {
     int peek(){ return storage[size].FromElem()}

   . . . 

   { elem x;
     ElemStack y;
     int i;
     x.ToElem(i);   // Coercion to elem type

---Slide 23---
Mixin Inheritance

---Slide 24---
Abstraction Concepts
Specialization & Decomposition

If means B is a related class to A
what is the relationship between objects of A and B?


---Slide 25---
Abstraction Concepts
Instantiation & Individualization

---Slide 26---

Polymorphism means the ability of a single operator or a subprogram name to refer to any number of functions, depending on the data types of the arguments and results.

---Slide 27---
Polymorphism in ML

ML and Smalltalk allow for the most general form of polymorphism

       fun ident(x) = x;
 ----> val ident = fn: 'a->'a

       ident(3)        ---->   val it=3 : int
       ident("abc")    ---->   val it="abc" : string
       ident([1,2,3])  ---->   val it=[1,2,3] : int list

---Last Slide---
Functional Polymorphism

ML polymorphic functions with function arguments

       fun length(nil)=     0
           | length(a::y)=  1+length(y);

       fun printit(nil)=    print("\n")
           | printit(a::y)= (print(a); printit(y));

       fun process(f, l)=   f l;

       process(printit, [1,2,3]);
 ----> 123

       process(length, [1,2,3]);
 ----> 3

[End of Lecture #9]