Lecture #2 Programming Languages MISHRA


Programming Languages: PL I

B. Mishra
New York University.

Lecture # 2

---Slide 1---
What Constitutes a Programming Language?

---Slide 2---
Church-Turing Thesis

Any function that can be described finitely and computed in finite time is Turing-computable.

Every computable function is Turing-computable.

---Slide 3---
Unsolvable Problems!

---Slide 4---
Turing Machine

---Slide 5---
Turing Machine

---Slide 6---
von Neumann Architecture

John von Neumann

(1940's, Burks, Goldstein & von Neumann)

---Slide 7---
Instruction Set Architecture

---Slide 8---
Modifiable Statements

---Slide 9---
Machine Language

---Slide 10---
Assembly Language

---Slide 11---

---Slide 12---
Description of a Programming Language

---Slide 13---

---Slide 14---
Syntax (contd)

---Slide 15---

---Slide 16---
Semantics Analysis

---Slide 17---
Types of Semantics

---Slide 18---
Principle of Orthogonality

---Slide 19---
Control Structures

---Slide 20---
Data Structures

---Slide 21---
Examples of Domain Constructions

---Slide 22---
Principle of Abstraction

---Slide 23---
Examples of Abstractions

---Slide 24---
Principle of Correspondence

---Last Slide---
Principle of Qualification

[End of Lecture #2]

Bud Mishra
Thursday September 19 1996