##Continually ask the user for a product name. ##Next, see if that product name is included in ##the inventory list below. If it is, remove the ##product from the print the current list of ##products to the user. If the product is not on ##the list you should alert the user that we do ##not currently carry the product in question. ##You can end the program when the list of products ##is exhausted or when the user types the String "end". # list of products products = ["apple", "pear", "peach", "banana"] # ask user for product selection = input("What is your selection? ").lower() # enter while loop while selection != "end" and len(products) > 0: # check to see if we have item if selection in products: # remove it if it is products.remove(selection) else: print("Sorry, we don't have that item") # ask for another item selection = input("What is your selection? ").lower()