New York University

Computer Science Department

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences


Course Title: Adaptive Software Engineering                                                                                       Course Number: g22.3033-007

Instructor: Jean-Claude Franchitti                                                                                                        Session: 5


Session 5: Team Assignment – Application Modeling Review


This is an integrated team assignment intended as a review of the application modeling techniques covered in the course.

Team Setup

You are to work on this assignment with your team.


As part of this team assignment you will review how to establish the high-level requirements for a software product, take a set of requirements and translate them into Use Cases, review the use UML diagrams (class, sequence, and collaboration)  with a UML design tool, enhance your familiarity with the use of UML in code design, and conduct a high-level Design Review. You may either of Rational Rose or Poseidon to submit your answers to the assignment activities.

Assignment Activities

1. Activity #1

Purpose of this exercise:  Establish the high-level requirements for a software product

Problem:  You are to determine the user requirements for a web phone-mail product.  The primary purpose of this product is to give phone-mail users (e.g., faculty and staff) the ability to access the functionality of the phone-mail system from a web page. In general, the product should enable users of the phone-mail system to do their usual phone-mail activities via a web page.  You will need to determine what are those activities, in the form of product requirements.

 Customer:  You will need to assume the role of an hypothetical customer to identify the important user-level requirements.  You will also need to assume the roles of engineer and user in order to develop the full requirement specification.

See the requirements supplement  for an outline of what you need to do.

1.       Determine requirements for the web phone-mail interface. This should include any requirements that you think are necessary or very desirable in order to meet the customer needs.  If you have a question about what the customer needs (or anything else), ask the instructor.  The initial requirements should include 10 functional requirements and 10 nonfunctional requirements.

2.       Evaluate these requirements. Do your requirements satisfy the eight criteria: Understandable, Verifiable, Independent of implementation, Consistent, Complete, Unambiguous, Realistic, Necessary?  Explain your answers.  Weed out any requirements that you do not think are good user requirements.

3.       Prioritize the requirements as to whether they are (1) absolutely necessary, (2) desirable, or (3) optional.

4.       Assume there is a development team of 5 programmers and this product is to be delivered in 6 months.  What are the primary risks associated with implementing a product that meets your requirements?

5.       System requirements.  Pick one of your user requirements, and translate it into a list of system requirements.  These should be specific enough that the engineering team can design the software that will meet these requirements.

What to hand in:  You should submit your responses to the above 5 questions in one document.

How To Submit

Turn in a model file called “tass4_5-act1” with the appropriate extension.

2. Activity #2

Purpose of this exercise:  Take a set of requirements and translate them into Use Cases.  To improve your understanding of the process, this process will be performed as a  "Design Studio". 

Background:  You may find it useful to refer to your answers to activity #1 above. You should use the requirements gathered for that same application, the web voice-mail interface.  However, in this activity you need to develop use cases (instead of requirements lists) to express those requirements.

Problem:  Working with your assigned group, perform the following: 

  1. Determine the actors, i.e. any outside entities (people, systems, etc.) that interact with the web voice-mail system.  Note the following:
    • Actors are not necessarily people!  They can be physical devices, other software systems, etc.  Identify two or more different human actors (note that they need to have different roles!) as well as three or more non-human actors.
    • Actors are external to the system.
    • Include only actors that are on-stage (primary or secondary).  Don’t include offstage actors.


  1. Identification of Use Cases:  Provide a name and a one-sentence description of four or more use cases that describe the functioning of the system.  Identify which actors are primary and which are secondary in each use case.  Use cases are behaviors of the system that meet some need of the primary actor.

      Note:  To determine the use cases and actors, it may be helpful to ask some of the following questions:

o            Who uses the system?

o            Who installs the system?

o            Who starts up the system?

o            Who maintains the system?

o            What other systems interface with this system?

o            Who provides information to the system?

o            Who extracts information from the system?

o            Does this system do anything automatically at preset times?


  1. Goal.  For each of the use cases, specify a purpose in the sense that the primary actor will be trying to achieve that goal.


  1. Use case diagrams.  Draw a use case diagram that includes these use cases and the actors you have specified.  Arrows are used indicate an initiator of activity.   They point from primary actors to the use case, and they point from the use case to its secondary actors.


  1. Use case relationships.  Consider the use cases and actors you have specified.  Indicate any generalizations of use cases or actors.  Identify include and extend relationships, where they exist, and specify these in the use case diagrams.  If no include or extend relationship exist, then so indicate.


  1. Pre- and Post-conditions:  Identify any requirements as to what the system state must be at the start and at the end of each use case.


  1. Scenarios. Pick two of the use cases that you think are most frequently used.  Make sure that neither of these is included in the other. Identify a basic sequence of steps (main success scenario) that would be followed in normal operation, and, separately, the various alternative sequences of steps (alternative paths) that can occur.  Your main success scenario should have 8 or more steps.


What to hand in:  Each student should submit his own version of this exercise.  This can be done on paper or electronically (e.g. in a word document).  Specify the names of the students who participated with you in the exercise.

How To Submit:

Turn in a model file called “tass4_5-act2” with the appropriate extension.

3. Activity #3

Purpose of this exercise:  Become familiar with the use of UML in code design


Problem:  You need to  implement a "Book Order Application" to be used to process book purchases.

This application is to be used to enable users (these are sales reps for the bookstore) to process orders for books.   You are responsible for making sure your application supports the following use case:


Use Case:  Process customer order

Actors:  Sales Rep (person),  Inventory Management System (software),  Billing Dept (person).

Precondition:  A customer has requested to order a book, and Sales rep starts Book Order Application

Main Success Scenario:

  1. User (Sales Rep)  is told to specify  Book Title.
  2. User enters Title.
  3. Application queries InventoryManager determining if Title is in catalog
  4. If Title is in catalog, Application queries InventoryManager to determine the ISBN, the price of the book, and the number of copies in stock.
  5. Application reports the book price and the number of copies in stock to the User
  6. Application requests the number of copies to be ordered.
  7. User enters the number of copies.
  8. Application requests the name and address to ship the books.
  9. User enters name and address.
  10. If all the needed books are in-stock, Application submits a shipping order for the books to the specified address.  This order will update the inventory.
  11. Application creates a book order, specifying the shipping name and address, the number of copies of the book that were backordered and the number that are being shipped, as well as the total cost of the books being shipped.  This information is displayed to the user.

Alternate Scenarios:

  • If Title is not in catalog in step 3, Application reports this fact to User, and terminates.
  • In step 7, if the number of copies is less than or equal to 0, the Application terminates.
  • In step 10, if some (but not all) of the required books are in-stock, Application submits a shipping order for just the copies of the book that are in-stock.  This order will update the inventory.
  • In step 10, if not all the required copies are in stock, Application submits a back order (to the Inventory Manager) for the number of additional copies that are needed.  This backorder will update the inventory.


The following UML Activity Diagram is provided to describe this use case:


The Inventory Management System has already been implemented.  You can obtain the Inventory Management Code (inventoryManager.cpp, inventoryManager.h) and the Book Inventory Database file (CatalogList.txt)  from the website.  The CatalogList.txt file will need to be put in the directory where your application is launched so that it can be read at startup time.

Note:  One problem you will encounter is to read an input line of text from the console (including blanks) when the user inputs a book title.  There is (commented-out) test code in inventoryManager.cpp that provides one way of reading this input line.  This can also be done with the iostream classes.


Your assignment is the following:

  1. Draw a UML Sequence Diagram to illustrate the above use case. The classes in this diagram should include "InventoryManager" (The inventory management class that has been provided for you), "SessionManager" (The class that reads and writes console messages), and "BookOrder", a class that contains the information associated with this order (the book title, the ISBN, the number to be shipped, the number back-ordered, the shipping name and address, and the total charge). Add any additional classes you think appropriate.
  2. Draw a UML Class Diagram that illustrates the classes and their associations.
  3. (optional) Implement the "SessionManager" class, the "BookOrder" class and other classes you are using, not including "InventoryManager"
  4. (optional) Write a short main (driver) program that just creates your SessionManager, then runs it until it completes.  Your driver routine should not do any of the work of the application.
  5. (optional) Compile and build a working executable using your driver,  SessionManager, BookOrder, and the provided InventoryManager, that performs the required tasks..

What to hand in:  Provide a UML sequence diagram, A UML class diagram, plus (optional) working code that implements your diagrams.   Submit this along with an (optional) script of a session where you have submitted a book order that can only be partially shipped. You may use either Windows or Linux for this exercise (as needed).  Submit your software, diagrams, and (optional) results in a model file called “tass4_5-act3” and (optional) code and session capture files with the appropriate extension

 4. Activity #4


Purpose of this exercise:  Learn how to conduct a high-level Design Review


Problem:  Consider the Online Flight Reservation system, the subject of activity #3.

You are to participate in a Design Review of the proposed system design.  Based on a Design Review,
you will evaluate the design, and will determine specific improvements that must be made to the design.  You will evaluate the design by participating in the presentation and discussion of the design, and by answering the following questions:


  1. Does the design meet the Requirements?  State specifically which (if any) requirements are not met, and propose corrective action.  Note if any of the Use Cases will not function as expected.
  2. Does the design include any unnecessary features?  Identify any capabilities that can be eliminated from the design while still meeting the requirements.
  3. Is the design adequately specified?  Note any areas where the design has not been sufficiently explained to perform an evaluation.  Note that this is a high-level design review, the design is not expected to specify all low-level details.
  4. Are there significant design flaws?  Identify any parts of the design that are not likely to function as required.  For each such flaw, propose changes that will address the problem.
  5. Is the proposed design well-organized, according to object-oriented principles?  Identify any organizational problems and specify how they should be improved.
  6. Is the proposed design likely to be implementable?  Note any areas of the design that will be difficult to implement in a timely fashion, and propose improvements that will resolve these difficulties.
  7. Usability:  Will the proposed design enable users to easily perform all needed functionality?  Identify any problem areas and propose improvements.

What to hand in:  Provide complete answers to the above questions.  Turn in a file called “tass4_5-act4” with the appropriate extension.


Grade Computation

Grade Breakdown:

  • Team Assignment participation: 5 points
  • Activity 1: 25 points (submitted)
  • Activity 2: 25 points (submitted)
  • Activity 3: 25 points (submitted)
  • Activity 4: 20 points (submitted)